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Everything posted by raedor

  1. raedor

    Mod/addon site links~! :d

    no they arent! havent u seen the screenshot of the mi-28 havoc?
  2. raedor

    Anti missile systems?

    have u ever heard about g8-mod and its tornado? download it here: g8 mod page MFG or A.M.I. Tornado. both are really good addons. and if it is possible for a plane, it is possible for a craft, too. i think they made it with eventhandler "incomingmissile". i think it was the first plane with anti missile system. am i right?
  3. raedor

    Mod/addon site links~! :d

    mapfact please, not map fact.
  4. raedor

    Tanks v.s cars (help)

    no, u have to write a little script... like<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tank = _this _tank setDir 0 #loop _tank setVelocity [10, 0, 0] ? var: exit ~0.01 goTo "loop" and the tank will drive with 10 meters per second in the north until var = true
  5. raedor

    Tanks v.s cars (help)

    use setVelocity and setDir...
  6. raedor

    Help!!!!!!!!!!!! with

    the first d in cfg vehicles: class nm1 : SoldierWB displayName="RifleMan"; maybe it has to be like this: class nm1 : SoldierWB {}; displayName="RifleMan";
  7. raedor

    Red Hammer Studios

    now it's still called twix, but the new design, baah!
  8. before u ask the next time: here u can get the official command reference. it's only for 1.85, but most of ofp script commands are in it.
  9. disableUserInput true/false (dont forget disableUserInput false at the end of ur script!) 0 fadeSound 0
  10. raedor

    Red Hammer Studios

    YES! now it's done and we can work on our addons & missions like before! i think the solution we've found is a good (maybe the best?) compromise. and now we have some more members who can speak german! Â Â
  11. raedor

    Red Hammer Studios

    i think Red Elite Studios is the best name. 'cos we have to change the name. it is our deal with sga...
  12. WITHOUT o.pbo in ofp\res\addons or ofp\addons: i get with </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format ["%1", thislist]<span id='postcolor'> in a script a full list of all units on my side. WITH o.pbo in ofp\res\addons or ofp\addons: i get with </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format ["%1", thislist]<span id='postcolor'> objNull (scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef). why? is it possible to get a list of all units on map without a trigger?
  13. raedor


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ 20 May 2003,22:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">raedor - what you are talking about i suppose is thislist representing the array, being passed with the exec statement when calling the script. If there's no "THIS" then there's no "LIST" referring to "THIS" = "THISLIST". [0,1,2,3,4,5] exec "script.sqs" thislist inside the script = [0,1,2,3,4,5] btw - there could be a way to create an array of all possible groups being placed onto a map. It's a piece of lumberjack work (Austrian phrase), but it could work. Think about that OFP is limited to 63 groups/12men/per side This makes 3024 units (civi/resistance/east/west). Now you would have to create an array consisting of all the groupnames: refering to them by using the default group-id's like: Alpha Black,Alpha Green, etc. I'm not sure if you can capture a group as a referback by goin for their group-id's, but this could be a way to get all groups into an array, even if you wouldn't know wether they will be present or not. To resize the array you could do some count stuff e.g: _x = 0 _max = count my_array #loop ?(count units my_array select x == 0): my_array = my_array - [my_array select x] _x = _x + 1 ?(_x < _max): goto "loop" exit Sorry, but i can't aprove that right now cause i'm at work - i'll give it a go later ~S~ CD<span id='postcolor'> hey, wow, an idea like this is exactly what i'm searching for! i will test it... lumberjack work (Austrian phrase) -- what does it mean in german? holzhacker-arbeit?
  14. raedor


    and how can u make a trigger in an addon? everyone who wants to use it has to add a trigger manually...
  15. raedor


    @DV Chris Death: u're not totally wrong, but not right. u can use thislist in a script. i can send a mission to u. shall i? but my main question is: is it possible to get a list of all units on an island without a trigger?
  16. raedor


    in non-resistance ofp u've been able to use thislist to get a list of all units on your side.
  17. raedor


    i'm trying to get a whole list of all units on map. u said u've got "the whole list". every unit on map or what? with this in a script i only get a soldier on my side (or myself).
  18. raedor


    if u add to every enemy unit an eventHandler "Fired" and u write in the first line of the script which is opened by eventHandler ? (_this select 0) distance player < 100: underFire = true u have what u need. or u can do it with knowsabout. or u add an eventhandler "hit" to the player. p.s.: there already IS a command nearestBuilding: nearestBuilding obj Operand types: Â Â obj: Object Type of returned value: Â Â Object Description: Â Â Nearest building to given object. Example: Â Â nearestBuilding player
  19. raedor


    no, i dont think that a "point and click" interface is a good idea... only if it would be possible to make scripts like now. u wont have so much possibilities to script with a "point and click" interface, but it may be easier for beginners...
  20. raedor


    it would be great if in ofp2 are new scripting commands like </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitName getStatus == standing/lying e.g.: if (getStatus player == standing) then {player playMove "CombatToPutDown"} else {player playMove "PutDownLyingToLying"}<span id='postcolor'> or if it would be possible to set trigger options like </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">triggerName setAxis [axis, number] e.g.: trigger1 setAxis [a,50] or triggerName setActivation [side, class] e.g.: trigger1 setActivation ["west","tank"]<span id='postcolor'>
  21. raedor

    Gebaeudeaddon2  !

    we've released some new screenies... look at our homepage.
  22. raedor

    Mapfact.net - ofp maps

    we'll release them with our campaign. but when that will be? -- i don't know. this year, i think with some scripts you'll get turning around things like this dish.
  23. raedor

    Mapfact.net - ofp maps

    there are some new buildings by mapfact! here you can see them: mapfact
  24. raedor

    Mapfact.net - ofp maps

    hi guys! i'm member of mapfact team. these screenshots are NO fakes! the textures were taken from the game. we're thinking about an english site at the moment ...