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About rudyvarner

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  1. Ok, here is my situation. I have created a CoOp mission utilizing BAS' Little Birds with AI Pilots, where 4 groups of 4 start out in the cargo. 2 Groups are Playable and the other 2 are all AI. Â Everything works fine in Preview and Single Player. When I test it out as MP, any player (excluding me) starts out on the ground and gets left behind by the choppers. Â I have used the moveincargo command and tried many wait type scripts. Â Any way to force a player besides myself into the cargo of a vehicle or have a good script that makes AI Pilots wait for other players (non-AI) to board?
  2. rudyvarner

    Humvee with a machine gun!

    Especially when you fire at a target behind you and get in your drivers face and hit a tree!
  3. rudyvarner

    First Development Tool in February!

    All I can say is kudos to BIS. Finally someone read the posts and figured out that the community was turning itself upside down over the object editing issue. Now we can get on to another subject of interest, such as ideas for you modelers out there, since we know what format to make files. Rudedog
  4. rudyvarner


    I'd like to see some of those vehicles, especially the LAV ported to OFP. Obvisouly they are using the same engine and the models exist. Might get to see them in an addon pack.
  5. rudyvarner

    Launcher at the sides of the tanks

    Actually most Main Battle tanks and some APC's have Anti-Personnel Charges that they can fire. Get's rid of those pesky people trying to attach satchels and sticky bombs. Though I have yet to see anyone quick enough to do this.