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Everything posted by ran

  1. ran

    The Middle East part 2

    Hitler is admired because he "did something" about the Jews. Being truthful shouldn't be confused with being racist. Hmm. Anyone who admires Hitler for what he did to the Jews, I would consider a racist. not racist, but xenophobic and anti-semitic Isn't anti-semitism a form of racism? does the notion of jew apply any kind of race ? not
  2. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    you don't see combat choppers in the night, you hear them. Gunships when on hunt generally fly all lights shut, you only hear the engines noise and still you can't determine the direction from which the sound comes I agree there, the only times i actually shot to kill were for my own defence and in (rare) offensive (assault) operations
  3. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Although I'm sure that one's fake there is one that's the real thing. It's graphic footage from an Apache that kills three unarmed Iraqis, including killing a wounded one. ("He's wounded, hit him again" - apache pilot) Here's an article from ABC news that first showed the video I can only say: see for yourself. The picture is pretty clear and there are no weapons at all in sight. Note when the men are running that they are not carrying anything. And notice the wounded, crawling on the ground, barely moving that was shot and killed. It's a FLIR video, so you don't see normal colors on it, but it is still very graphic. Because of that I won't post a direct link to it. You can find it by looking up the article above on abcnews. I didn't get the video to work there though. Another way is to search on Google Groups for the following words: 30mm apache video iraq abcnews You'll find one usenet post on the subject and a link. Now, be warned the video shows real people getting ripped apart by a 30 mm cannon. It's very nasty footage. the spectacle of scattered burning flesh on a FLIR ..... well .... in my opinion, all the pilots should face every once in a while what they're doing and what their actions result in. I've had the occasion to see what weapons do including large caliber auto-cannons (in less spectacular ways naturaly)to human beings. This is not the kind of video i like to be released to the public, or at least not without a clear sight of what remains. FLIR pictures look like video games, people have to face the reality of war to understand it. Concerning the pilot's behavior, ii can't judge since i wasn't in the cockpit with my eyes on the IR monitor, but the 3 men didn't seem to pose any threat, even if they were armed. Not being in a defensive or offensive situation/operation, i don't understand why these men have been fired upon as they posed no threat an as far as i know weren't specific targets. my last word : you don't maintain law and order with combat helicopters
  4. ran

    Germany to drop conscription by 2008

    i'm not up to date about the subject but what happened to the french VBCI, didn't the BW show interest in it ?
  5. ran

    The Middle East part 2

    Hitler is admired because he "did something" about the Jews. Being truthful shouldn't be confused with being racist. Hmm. Anyone who admires Hitler for what he did to the Jews, I would consider a racist. not racist, but xenophobic and anti-semitic
  6. ran

    For those of you

    And if you're stupid, you can eliminate yourself from the gene pool with great fanfare . that's another advantage of the job, can help natural selection
  7. ran

    For those of you

    i'd prefer to be of the drunken ones fighting in a bar than the ones having to catch them i stand on my point : combat engineer you get to play around with explosive and all kind of fun gear
  8. ran

    For those of you

    Combat engineer is the way t go i say .. but i'm biased
  9. ran

    For those of you

    join the navy
  10. ran

    Germany to drop conscription by 2008

    *hugs Balschoiw* I personnally didn't notice anydrastical change on my paycheck (but that's most certainly due to the path my career took). The vehicles availability rate was upped when conscription was scraped and the vehicles are being taken care ONLY by real professionals (guess why ... hehehe), new ambitious weapon programs have been started(we're getting plenty of goodie , FELIN , VBCI, Vextra, Caesar, and so on and i'm just talking about army and weapon systems here, but we made a real jump in matter of comms. and battlefield intel) french army now receives correct equipment (we had still second line units with AMX13's in all versions back before 1990, all the obsolete equipment has been phased out in almost all our units). Training professionnals is a real pleasure since they show a certain hunger in matter of knowledge, won't hesitate to ask questions and actually give a fuck about what they're doing (since it might actually save their lives). And yes it's much more safe , you don't have wanabees or "i don't give a fuck" jelly portionswho have no fucking clue about what they're doing (in basic training, basic explosive devices course was extreme sport with new concscripts). I remember back in 1985 when i did my conscript service, we had obsolete WW2 era equipment and when the FAMAS had been issued to most of army my mech infantry unit still used the MAS49/56 (with a small number of Sig rifles issued though), we had M65 olive drab fatigues, french made US M1944 webbings .... most of this shit was Algeria war remains, our AMX13's (which had been replaced in the middle of my time in our unit by a small batch of AMX10P's) we based on a design dating back from the 50's with no NBC protection whatsoever all that money spent on shitty equipment was money in less for professionnal first line troops ..... it was awfull , i've had the occasion to see many things and really compared to what french army is now , i'm happy of what it became. Army is not a social administration, formating young people to life is the role of their parents and of the ministery of education
  11. ran

    Germany to drop conscription by 2008

    only after breaking their will (and some of their ribs) and getting them to repsect the sarge's authority and ANY authority
  12. ran

    Traget : karadzic

    agreed well, the odds of finding him are quite low, i agree, especially seeing of SFOR proceeds to quote the Reuter's title this net's gotta have pretty large meshs the population support to thes men is a real problems though and in my opinion, looking for 2 men deliberately hidding in a country such has bosnia is quite a tough job, it's not Iraq with its few villages, rocks and sand Bosnia as a whole can be considered as an assortment of mountains and hills, more or less hard of access, i would compare this region to the french mountains of Auvergne in some ways, not only nature offer good hideouts, but the part of the population which wouldn't mind helping Karadzic is not what i would call small and it wouldn't be a problem to find shelter in the inhabitant's house.
  13. ran

    Traget : karadzic

    BBC coverage
  14. ran

    Ww2 french airplane

    as SPQR said well , about the B1 , i find it a bit flat (i think it's because of the tracks)
  15. ran

    French headscarf ban recommended

    just a question : is there any mention of the islamic dress in quran ?
  16. ran

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    well , hermes was french and looked ace .....
  17. ran

    Ww2 french airplane

    huh ? lol 2 guns .... a 47mm and a 75mm, this thing could wreck ANY german tank on its way ... yes it was a bit slow but heck .... nothing back in that time had so much firepower
  18. ran

    Ww2 french airplane

    spad , c'est moi ou ton B1 il est un peu court sur pattes ? good job mate, i'd like to help but unfortunately i have no modding skills
  19. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    i wouldn't personnaly use a mortar round containing unknown material that's been burried abut 10 years ago ... tollite (TNT) is relatively stable but under condition it can severly degrade
  20. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    well . that's just mortar rounds ..... no WMDs of the apocalypse .... the liquid could simple be melted/rotten Tollite
  21. ran

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    out of all the launchers disponible on the market as we speak , Ariane 5 is IMO the most classy (i also liked Ariane 4 a lot) a shame the Hermes space shuttle project has been scraped, seeing Ariane 5 and Hermes launched at Kourou well , i'm sure it would have been something ....
  22. ran

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    looks quite nice ...... but so much money for these fireworks ...
  23. ran

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    heh ... but there was a sattelite batch inside 501 ..... 4 scientific research sattelites which have been changed into incandescent ashes , nice ain't it i think the cargo of this kind of vehicle is insured much like the cargo of the air postal
  24. ran

    Next time you think sci-fi, think again

    At least we dont blow up astronauts by cutting money we just blow up our rockets once in a while
  25. ran

    The Iraq Thread 2

    ...Selling missiles . heh ? selling missiles is no different that selling computers and fireworks you know ......