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Everything posted by ran
No, I think you're right, and there are responsability problems with minors if ever some shit happens so ...
That would be great I can host 1 person at a time and if told in advance host maybe two persons. The prob is that I live quite a few km's away from Paris (but with TGV ticket at 70€ it's not that far) I can also offer my services as guide depending on the period of the year and this would require a little participation .. for metro, bus, exhibition and museum enterance enterances tickets and fees and lunches (the ones taken in restaurants since as a good host, meals in my home will be free ) I have quite a few skills, notions and programs remaining from a past carreer in Paris if anybody's interested .... and i can work on a few visits on demand
i love the "bubble" camo on the FIA version
celebrating the 25th and 30th anniversaries of Philipe Geluck's Le Chat too just like your army did last year
You make good frites and have Phillipe Geluck too
we went through all that during the professionalisation of our army (a lot of regular professionnal units have been disbanded in the lot) but it's the only way to go I think
(Notice the GIAT weapons THL20/THL30 turret and NC621 gunpod)
notice the weapons used on this one
i'd form Air assault wings with MI35's, AT and air support wings with HAC and HAP Tigers, aeromobile infantry units using either super Cougar/Puma's or NH90's
No it's not, which is why you are required to use a shotgun. A dog very much resembles a fox (which in fact is a dog) and the reason for using a shotgun is that it gives almost instant death due to the impact. An assault rifle/submachine gun penetrates but doesn't deliver a serious enough blow to the body of the animal. A 9mm is not supposed to be used for hunting purposes other than killing a wounded dog or close range killing. well .. the FR-F2 was quite efficient at stray-dogs hunting A well placed shot will always result in almost instant death - even though the animal can run off due toe the shock and reflexes (it will be practically dead though) . However, most people are not that good shooters - especially with an animal on the move or running fast. There's a reason for such kalibers not being allowed on ordinary hunts A shotgun (stupid of me trying to tell you that Ran) is probably the most deadly weapon on short ranges. it is, but do you think we would have risked ourselves on short ranges against stray dogs on one of these "agreement hunts" ? and shotguns were quite rare . heh ... no CQB , FIBUA or any other short range engagement on the Bosnian heights and valleys -edit- : and who do you think were affected to this task when there wasn't anything of higher importance to do ? the best shooters naturally
No it's not, which is why you are required to use a shotgun. A dog very much resembles a fox (which in fact is a dog) and the reason for using a shotgun is that it gives almost instant death due to the impact. An assault rifle/submachine gun penetrates but doesn't deliver a serious enough blow to the body of the animal. A 9mm is not supposed to be used for hunting purposes other than killing a wounded dog or close range killing. well .. the FR-F2 was quite efficient at stray-dogs hunting
what they've done is just plain wrong, i've never said the contrary
a single well aimed 5.56 or 7.65 round is more than enough
you do with what you have
this could be a good explanation if the patterns used were the same, they're both in woodland camo, that's for sure, but compare the different shapes and patterns. compare also the pouches, both in their shape and details
Allocine (the source for all these goodies) has either been squashed or its servers are in the process of being updated or ... i don't know -edit- : should be solved soon ... i guess aahhh Allocine and its lousy flash ads eating YOUR and THEIR bandwith ..... people are raping their servers everyday by downloading loads of trailers and yet all they find is to make large ads to waste even more space and bandwith on their servers ......
Anyway, a bosnian friend of mine has highly recommended this one but i haven't gotten around to seeing it. I AM OLD AND SLOW AND I CANNOT TYPE ANYTHING THAT MAKES SENSE !
Now, my personnal little favourite : During the war in Bosnia, Ciki and Nino, two enemy soldiers, one Serbian and the other Bosnian end up in a No Man's Land. While the two men are trying to find solutions to their problems, a french blue helmet tries to help them against the will on his own superiors. The medias get ahold of the affair and change this simple story into an international mediatic show. While the status quo generates even more tensions between the belligerants, Nino and Ciki try to negociate the price of their life in the middle of war atrocities. Movie's website -edit- : I AM OLD AND SLOW !
During the Kippour war in October 1973, Weinraud and his friend Rousso rush toward the Golan heights to rally Egoz, the special unit in which they've done their conscript service, they don't find it but cross the path of Klauzner, a medic who wants to fet to the Ramat Davir air force base. They decide then on their own to join a military medical assistance team. Trailer 1st extract 2nd extract
that's where you realise France is a peacefull nation where people enjoy peace and harmony No war film in the making. the latest worthy one was : treating of the last fights in the Balkans right before and after the end of WWI (realised in 1996, awesome movie) i'll write up a bit more about it tomorow and i'll try to find other movies (more recent, i promise) we've had Amos Gitai's Kippour in 2000 and Harrisson's flowers by Elie Chouraki (sp? and also 2000 or is it 2001 ?) we've had also a certain ammount of TV production about resistance recently (mainly in commemoration of the death of Jean Moulin)
Is it too hard to check the actual topics of this forum ??
9% is already too much .. meh
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Death by exploting as a human bomb