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Everything posted by ran
there's always something that can be done to prevent the hostage takers to take any more lives ... and there are allways 30 bullets in your magazine and buddies down the street to prevent the baddies from escaping. All this somewhat reinforces my opinion toward middle-eastern HRT and security services.
hmm, a Meyerco machette hanging from the side of the combat belt or backpack ... yeah, it would look cool (edit - in its holster naturally)
cool looking birdie, but one could almost confuse the Micas with Super 530's due to their size
just trying to make him swalow his words and make apologies
read : 9 hostages died in the cross fire between terrorists and police forces .... nah ... we'll see when the official reports will get released. ... but i'm doubtfull about the saudi HRT efficiency, it wouldn't astonish me if the nine hostages died due to the crossfire and other mistakes
Please open an history book next time you'll attempt to sound witty or even intelligent. This incredible show of historical knowledge pushes me to remind you of them : the FTFL, FAFL and FNFL all did their share within the allied forces. FAFL Free French Air Force hunting board for western and eastern front: 344 enemy fighters shot down 46 probable 97 damaged 104 ships sunk hundreds of gound vehicles and other materiels on all the fronts The flight groups engaged were : GC Normandie Niemen (5240 war missions, 273 enemy planes shot down, 36 more probable victories, 45 enemy planes damaged for the loss of 42 pilots out of 96) GC Ile de France (6029 war missions(8410 combat flight hours) 35 enemy planes shot down, 6 more probable victories, 35 damaged planes, out of 78 pilots, the flight group lost 37) GC Alsace (4500 war missions, 32 enemy planes shot down, 4 other probable victories and 35 damaged, 21 pilots out of 87 didn't see the end of the war) GB Lorraine (3500 war missions (900 in Africa and in England), 3000 tons of bombs dropped during the war, 2 enemy planes shot down and 3 damaged and an enemy sub sunk, the flight group lost 35 planes and took 173 casualties) GB Bretgne (21 war missions, 4504 flight hours, 36 flight crew, 5 killed, 3 prisoners) The FNFL was strong of 10000 men and participated to the fights on all the operation theaters, from the mediterranean to the pacific, not forgetting the atlantic, the english channel and the north sea. The 1er BFM, the only french unit deployed within the first landing wave to attack the town of Ouistreham was at the date of the 6th of june 1944 177 men strong and had been trained in England by British SAS and SBS specialists. The FTFL contribution was even bigger than the one of the two FFL (Free French Forces) described before, with an important role in North Africa (along with the british forces, memorable battles are the attack of the Koufra Oasis and the Bir Hakeim battle), in Italy (Monte Cassino) and in France (Paris has been freed mainly by elements of the 2éme DB, free french armored division) I don't feel like going on with the FFI (interior french forces, the "resistance") whose contribution has been essential to the prerparation of the beach landings in Normandy and in Provence, to the discovery and marking of german V weapons launcbhing sites and to the liberation of french headtowns. In your own words : I've never dissed the polish soldiers who have been victim of a defeat even more humiliating than ours, and I won't diss the ones who fought victoriously during the rest of the war as part of the allied air forces and ground forces or the polish people which suffered from the german occupation. You ridiculize yourself by showing so much ignorance, stupidity and lack of respect, now the right thing to do would be to apologies for that.
sure, you won't move around with a whole shrubbery or even wood on your back, but it's not uncommon to find a fern and take like a quarter of it to stick on your backpack and get smaller branches for your webbing or your vest. The basic OFP sniper isn't totally unrealistic, especially considering the timeline the original game is set into. A score years ago, a sniper would go in great lentghs of "gardening" to get a decent camo (here at least).
Do not hesitate to check real-life onloine military gear catalogs to get a few ideas and some material to texture and rto model from, it's a bit boring to see the same holster/pouches models and layouts on a dozen of soldiers. (not saying that for this addon particularly, i haven't tried it actually since i don't have OFP installed at the moment)
It's not unusual to stick parts of local vegetation on your ghillie or any other kind of military clothing for that matter, it's quite easy to do so on classical ghillie nettings and makes your camo fit much better in the scenery. I've also seen a few people using adhesives (thermoadhesives) patches with rubber bands with which one can fix pretty important pieces of plants. I've seen this patch system used mainly on uniforms, but it can be easilly adapted to ghillies (with either a uniform or netting base).
is it me or does the service time of large military gear gets bigger with the time ? In the 20's/30's, in France, we would have new combat vehicle model fielding every couple of years or so because the others were obsolete. Then the US sherman has been used in most western countries from the middle of WWII to the mid/late fifties, the AMX13 (created to replace the US M24 and M4)has been in wide use from the early fifties to the mid 80's, the AMX30 has been fielded in 1966 to replace older US tanks (M26 and M47)and is stil used now waiting for its replacement by the Leclerc. The Leclerc is planned to stay in service for the next 40 years or so The US M4 served wit France during about 15 years. The AMX13 (all versions) served during about 35 years. The AMX30 has served during about 40 years. The Leclerc is ment to be used for a good century half. Maybe it's just a natural evolution course, but who knows what may happen tomorow, if needed, i'm sure the USAF will find a good replacement to the B52 and you know, times change.
That's an old US 6 tones "chocolate chip" desert uniform, the guy wearing it is most certainly belonging to the Iraqi military. It's funny to see how the US are getting rid of the old gear, you find used M16A2s, PASGT helmets and vests and US military fatigues almost everywhere now
Those are very nice! But tuck your shirt in. No way, that's how it's worn in Europe if you want to be trendy. But i have to admit that I prefer my black BDU shirt (i just removed the shoulder ... erm thingies ...) and as shoes, I like wearing french pilot boots if I want something comfy and nice for my feet or just a pair of issue army rangers if I want to look sharp and nice, i usually wear them under my trousers legs (i use to wear something a lot lighter in summer and this year i'm thinking about some Palladium model) French pilot boots (mines have a different sole) French army issue boots Palladium canvas/rubber boots back ontopic : Don't you all think that the continuous publication of documents related to the torture in AbuGrahib (sp?) is a bit unhealthy ? Here we've seen an almost non-stop arrival of pictures and we rarely see the same from a day to another in the media.
my father would say : "here when we do that kind of shit we tend to avoid having cameras around" (and believe me he knows his stuff *algeria anyone ?*) One thing which always astonished me is that I had never much to contribute to this debate ...
to get a nice insight of the situation in Indochina during the Dien Bien Phu siege and an excellent depiction of the conditions in which men fought in Dien Bien Phu, i'd advise you to look for a movie called Dien Bien Phu by Pierre Schoendoerffer who is himself a veteran of Dien Bien and who served there as military reporter. -edit-: the first poster is not related to the movie, it's a commemorationnal poster, I think i've more infos about it in on of my Legion traditions and history books
The Dien Bien Phu siege is just a succession of leadership fuckups in my opinion. Cheap-built combat position, existing but left behind reinforcements, abandonned hills due to the lack of will to hold them (even if this wouldn't have costed so much in human lives), the inefficacity of the french counter-batteries, the irrationnal use to the paradrops, the inaptitude of some of the DBP HQ members to have an actual clue about the tactical and strategical situation around them pushing them to make huge and decisive mistakes. Giap got lucky, that's all, but if only we had had better defensive positions layout, a more advanced control of assets and real tacticians as leader, the ending may have been different. On the topic of the men using what they were used to ... this caused huge logistics problems, there were three famillies of weapons in use, french ones, german ones and american ones, the difficulties to get correct ammo, magazines and spares was awfull, that's another cause of our defeat but this is due to the shape of our army in the afternath of the second world was.
Considering the (absence of) talent of the competitors and their media coverage, I guess a bunch of rotten tomatoes would do. I have a weird feeling, I don't hold much faith or hope in Europe, i'd like if it, in the end would work as expected and become the utopia we try to make the future Europe out to be, but if it doesn't well ... I'll just move on. But yet, I still participate in european processes and support Europe in general, but i'm not sure it this entity will effectively last in the long term.
Not only FFL, but also Vietnamese Bawan paratroopers, Algerian and other colonial troops along with "regular" french troops and local guides and "coulis". Dien Bien Phu was the perfect illustration of hell on earth, in the morning of the 7th of may, the place looked much more like a WW1 european battlefield than the green valley it was. Dien Bien Phu was a perfect show of failures in the french leadership on the spot, the men who served in the mud down there were mostly skilled valorous warriors, but the problem was that most of their commanding officers were sitting on their thumbs. A part of the anti-american sentiment has been created by the survivors and some former elements of the Hanoi HQ who declared that the americans pussied out after they had promised us to give us a hand with the "Vulture" operation consisting in massive bombings of the Viet-Minh positions by B29 bombers, but everybody knows that Eisenhower didn't give much of a toss about Indochina and prefered to defend peace in Korea ... see how it ended and what came next ... -edit-: by part of the anti-american sentiment, i mean mostly in the military organs. Civilians didn't need so much to shout "US go home" when De Gaulle withdrawn from NATO and kindly asked the NATO infrastructures to leave the french soil and even before.
What did you change? I cant see what changed, which might be a compliment as you made the changes fit in very good then roads
Name:Splinter Cell Game Type: SP Platform: Nokia 3510i # of Hours : 7 just kidding Name: Spec Ops Game Type: MP (split screen, two players) Platform: PSX # of hours: 6 hours It took my buddy and I 6 hours to get through the first 4 campaigns, it was the first time we played this game, on a sunday afternoon from 13.30 to 19.30. Our colleagues the day after had their ears filled with our little "war stories". I don't have all the details in memory, but it was quite nice with some nice coop work.
the mirage vid normally has sound, well, a nice soundtrack at least
these two vehicles (AMX30 and Super Frelon) are made by BizzaroÄde and are in no way related to OFrP but this doesn't mean i'm not eager to get my paws on the OFrP addons, can't wait for their next release
Just a few ... I don't have the talent (-edit-: neither the PC) of Lupus[WD], but I tried my best to make justice to French hardware : A little beast just messing around in its natural envirronment Looking for a prey Ambush ? Playing in the grass at least Like sand and dust ? 1991 "Daguet" paintscheme In position, then again, waiting for some prey Playing in the grass, hidden behind a few bushes ... What could this strange animal be doing ? different elements, different toys : Super Frelon at work same as the one above thanks to Raymond "Takano" Koh for hosting
Incendiary nades, never used any. I guess they're usefull to disable soft or armored vehicles, metal shelters and that kind of things, I think they could be used to disable a tank, but for an incendiary nade, i'd just prefer a WP device over "thermite".
Yes they never thought about such a scenario. They were totally overwhelmed with the violence and drama. Noone had such a situation before. Noone was prepared for such. Today with have our BGS, SEK´s,other special units, and finally GSG9. I think that´s a very proper setup. I was just thinking about how the krauts (sorry ) would be depicted in the movie. France was exactly in the same case.. guess why the GIGN has been created ? (in november 1973 btw)
1954 ...