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Everything posted by ran

  1. ran

    War music

    Concerto de l'adieu by Georges Delerue heard in Pierre Schoendoerffer's Dien Bien Phu (to the german readers : you can find this exceptionnaly good movie at amazon.de on VHS tape=
  2. ran

    Bi forum ofp summer olympics: 2004

    here are my ideas for possible event athletism/races : Landnav race drill obstacles races combat obstacles race *athlon (several objectives to fullfill on your way to the finnish line with maybe some biking, obstacle race and landnav) obstacle relay race motorsports : motorbikes race rally (could be landnav in an offroad car) boat race relay race (1 part on a motorbike, biker passes on sport car driver who then passes on seaman who then passes on trabant driver) shooting : sharpshooting (various distances) "ball trap" (having to hit either a moving human target from afar or to stop a moving car by neutralising it with really few ammo (3 shots at max)) other sports : biking climbing and all the other ideas proposed before but not listed
  3. ran

    International Politics Thread

    eh ... nostalgy nostalgy ... I was kidding about my vote for the commies, they're only the shadows of themselves nowadays so, i'll vote socialist, without holding too much hope though since they're sitting on their thumbs these days. (and btw, i vote for the same reason as you do)
  4. ran

    International Politics Thread

    we got almost the same here although we don't know exactly which eye is Fubar First name : Jean (a.k.a. Jean Marie) Last name : Le Pen Professional activity : Billionaire Main hobby : Fascism Distinctive physical character : One-eyed (which eye ?) key words : money, extremism, lies and violence his biography is quite interesting too ...
  5. ran

    International Politics Thread

    Smashing capitalism perhaps? that yes ... and getting myself in position of leader of the PCF (French communist party) to then build an empire and take over the world following Marx's principes in an unniversal revolution
  6. ran

    International Politics Thread

    Yes ... their French soundslike a washing machine All's these years I've been picking up French and couldn't understand from where. French Spoken by a Belgian
  7. ran

    International Politics Thread

    Yes ... their French soundslike a washing machine On topic now : You may have noticed my lack of participation in this discussion, well, it's for a simple reason, i don't have a clue I'm going to vote for the Parti Socialiste certainly (left, pro-europe, but nothing really socialist these days... ). I thought about voting for the Communist party since daddy was a commie ( ) and their TV spot looked nice (I liked the song in it... just kidding, there are much more better reasons in my mind than that). You can consider that only 30 minutes to 1 hour of TV broadcasting about the elections is done every week on each of the 3 public channels, it's a real shame. People just don't give a fuck here.
  8. ran

    D day remembrance

    suffering and heroism know no borders
  9. ran

    D day remembrance

    could you explain me in what makes this rememberance day reserved to the allied soldiers ?
  10. ran

    Your most embarrassing moments in of

    ah ... the good times i've had with you guys ... remember when it was me playing around with satchels, overhyped awaiting for the order to blow it all up Well, I've had my lot of embarrassing moments ... once ion CTF industrial, waiting on a sniping position (north of the small industrial complex near Nogova Airport ibehind ruin walls). I was acting as always, wasting ammo, as much as I could, until one of the people in the other team actually sneaked up behind me and shot me at point blank. Or, in one of my first MP sessions .... I ran to a MG Jeep, took it and went on a "killing spree" (me being killed repeatedly) Since then, I always take 5 minutes on a CTF game if there are MG Jeeps to mess around (read : setting up the gun to fire 5 meters infront of me and go on rabbit hunt ) At first, people were scared shitless, but it didn't last
  11. ran

    D day remembrance

    If I am correct, that means: To err is to be human but to forgive is divine. Am I right? to make mistakes is human, but to forgive is divine That's your opinion. One should not forget the German soldiers who have been slaughtered at Falaise, but that's just an exemple, the Germans have suffered just like all the other people involved in WW2, the 6th of june 1944 is for them too a date to remember, the beginning (or more like the continuation of the beginning) of the end of the Nazi totalitarism and of Hitler and his nauseous ideas and deeds. It was one more step toward freedom for the German people... The presency of the German chancellor at the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the D-Day is the result of a long process which started in the immediate afternath of the war when French troops occupied a part of Germany and went on in the following decades with the action of both French and German leaders (West german ones until the 1990's). There's much more than this political buddying behind the presency of Schroeder, but unless you have a step in Europe and more specifically in France and Germany, you can't understand that.
  12. ran

    D day remembrance

    We fought three wars against the germans in the past 140 years (2 over trivial motives), I think it was time to prevent this from happenng again right after the Second World War. Nowadays, most French towns are twinned with German towns, we have a Franco-German military brigade which is 5000 men strong and has served on several operation theaters in the past decade and there are a lot of bi-national initiatives and programs ongoing. The German and French populations have built really strong bonds over the years. The German people has been forgiven a long time ago mainly since different times call for and require different behaviours.
  13. ran

    D day remembrance

    "faire des erreurs est humain mais pardonner est divin"
  14. ran

    D day remembrance

    Actually if I counted right (and according to Dutch television) there were 18 could be, but here the comentators said 14 bah, the belgians could have done a small effort to get some ceremonial clothes instead of parading in combat fatigues
  15. ran

    D day remembrance

    the soldiers wearing tan skirts and yellow shoulder pads are apart of the 2nd RIMa Marine Infantry Regiment which has served recently in Bosnia and in Ivory Coast (or ... was it Congo ?). -Edit- : for the speech, you've got to thank Claude Chirac, Jacques' daughter. She writes most of his speeches (well, I don't know who wrote this one, but it was quite nice, eventhough Chirac isn't such a great orator)
  16. ran

    D day remembrance

    Hmm, i love the idea of the buses to take the officials from Caen to Arromanches hehehehe Are you watching the 14 veterans receiving a Legion d'honneur ?
  17. ran

    D day remembrance

    Was quite funny seeing Bernadette Chirac seating all alone without anyone coming to her while her husband was chatting nearby with his buddies (on the TF1 footage at least) The Norwegians were great during the small military music concert. Very sharp drill and stylish choregraphy and moves
  18. ran

    Some questions about world war ii

    heh, there's no way in hell you can get bored infront of this movie I'm telling you, I have never been able to watch it in one piece. I can acknowledge that it's a good movie.. it just is not entertaining. heh, that must be it a simple rainfall entertains me ;)
  19. ran

    Some questions about world war ii

    heh, there's no way in hell you can get bored infront of this movie tonight on France 2 or France 3 (can't remember which one) there will be the BBC movie D-Day : Their longest day I don't know what it's worth, i'm going to watch it
  20. ran

    Some questions about world war ii

    colourized version ? Nope. B&W. well ... still a nice movie
  21. ran

    Some questions about world war ii

    colourized version ?
  22. ran

    Ofp re-playability factor

    Baron is right, but OFP has in my opinion one of the most comprehensive and easy editors out there. Even I (I'm almost completely computer-illiterate) happen to know basics of mission editing for OFP (briefing, intro, mission, outro, waypoints, scripting etc etc).
  23. ran

    The Iraq thread 3

    Low blow...[insert comment that could piss somebody off... ] Heh who said I was playing in the classy league ? For all the things some of your countrymen said about us... any chance must be taken.
  24. ran

    The Iraq thread 3

    he managed to lose a the Manhattan blitzkrieg battle air war though ...
  25. sorry to revive this old (well, less than a month old), but has anybody seen the movie Dien Bien Phu by Pierre Schoendoerffer ? It's an awesome movie, and the main soundtrack litteraly stabs you right in your heart. lLS DISAIENT... Ils disaient La colonne CrÄvecoeur Viendra Ils disaient confiants Des milliers d'avions Arriveront Et puis, sans espoir Pour rien, pour la gloire Ils ont tenu le coup Jusqu'au bout They were saying The CrÄvecoeur column Will come They were saying self-confident Thousands of planes Will arrive And then, hopeless For nothing, for glory They stood still Till the end UNE COROLLE SUR BEATRICE Ils sont lÅ•, Paras, sanctifiés dans la fournaise, Ceux de Saint Cyr, de Sidi bel Abbés, de Pau, Ces soldats devenus gisants couverts de glaise, Faisant front en refusant de courber le dos... Mille corolles éclatent soudain dans un ciel rougi, Puis s'étalent et fleurissent comme un champ au printemps, Les vieux copains ont sauté, le Viet a bondi, A Paris le Député va au Parlement... C'est la boucherie, l'agonie, la fin des temps, On se bat avec les mains, les morts font rempart, Les balles trouent les chairs, se frayent un chemin sanglant, L'Indochine toute entiÄre prend deuil de son histoire... Le silence s'est fait, terrible, oppressant, repu, Comme une marée, les Jaunes ont envahi la piste, Des Régiments entiers de Preux ont disparu, Paras amoureux d'une fille nommée Béatrice... Le vent en colÄre se lÄve et l'orage grondit, Saint Michel de ses ailes recouvre d'une auréole, Ceux qui, brevetés ou pas, sautÄrent dans la nuit, Pour l'honneur, la fidélité Å• une parole... Bérets rouges, verts, bleus, une corolle pour Béatrice, Le lendemain, la France étonnée, endeuillée, Par mille corolles de blanc linceul sur Béatrice, Apprit qu'Å• DiÄ™n BiÄ™n Phu, ils s'étaient sacrifiés... Légionnaire KURTMEYER 13° D.B.L.E. - Mai 1969 untranslatable