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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. I thinbk i have thrown my pennies in the bucket before, when GM was released. 1. not everyone plays in MP, there is a big SP part of this game. 2. not every squad/community out there is composed from a huge number of people. The fewer the people the easier to get everyone to grab the same content and actually use it, be it mod or DLC / cDLC 3. the group i play with (very rarely admittedly) is composed of older (30+) people who can very easily afford the full price of cDLCs (which is what, the equivalent of a 6-8pack or 2-3 packs of smokes). 4. while i do agree that the cDLC program should have started way earlier, that would have meant, most likely, that a lot of the current free to access mods would most have likely been turned into cDLCs (RHS included). 5. yes, this community at large has been spoiled with freely accessible content that, in some cases, are on par with vanilla content. So yes, any sort of cDLC will be faced with this sort of comparison. 6. the lite content has a very big disadvantage - it doesn't represent in any way or form the content you will receive. As a 3d artist, i would never agree that my content (models + textures) be reduced to a indistinguishable mix of low poly mesh and pixelated turd-tex. From where i am standing, unless you had a lot of content already done and/or in the works, it's currently not really worth investing (as a modder) into a cDLC. So obviously, both GM and CSLA are the prime contenders. Not even sure what is the content that hasn't been covered already by existing mods (besides all possible fictional stuff that is, at least from this community pov, outside the target), but there will always be some comparison made. A lot of people forget that making mods still takes quite a bit of money (software licenses, hosting, platforms etc) without even counting the time or skill it takes. Just because something has been provided for free doesn't mean it has no monetary value. Should things, ideally, been handled differently, yes. Is it too late for that to happen, also yes. That doesn't necessary means, as the title would suggest, that the cDLC sale would necessary be low, not even close. And even so, that would mean more money than none for the authors, even after the 30% Steam's cut and 30% BI's cut.
  2. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i didn't say it is, I just said V-150 and LAV-150 are exactly the same thing And honestly i am disappointed by everyone who actually thought that is a LAV-25, considering this is a 4x wheeler while Lav25 is 8x wheeler, all suspension differences aside.
  3. there is no such model made by BI and available in their data packages. so it seem you are trying to edits someone's mod, which is both not allowed and possible
  4. afaik 3CB wildcats are ported and improved, these can be found in the same link i posted above. T-14 in RHS in completely custom. while i understand the point you are making, BI is in the business of selling a game, and its DLC. Since said 3d game assets, in the current modding environment, can be distributed via various platforms without needing base content, it's a bit weird for that to happen. TF2 is a free to play game to begin with, and selling modded hats has been, for some, a pretty profitable side business, including Valve. HL2 game assets were released much much later than the game itself, similar to how BI did that. Pretty sure that is sort of planned, but in some foreseeable future, possibly after or just before the next installment release.
  5. no you actually haven't....we indeed have some ports from A2 that have been improved and upgraded in various ways, but these can be freely be accessed here - https://www.bohemia.net/community/licenses/licensed-data-packages I wouldn't hold my hopes high, but i would love to have ways to add to existing assets without actually having to touch the existing assets, similar to how weapon proxies work for instance. i know of no such modding scenes where this happens legitimately, the ones i know of are a plagued with IP breaching, ripped stuff and thefts (to some degree, so is A3 modding scene, but to a much lesser extent).
  6. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    ince there are no gloves as facewear items in RHS, nor in vanilla, it most likely is a lack of proxy in viewpilot lod. That being said, most headgear/facewear items shouldn't have any sort of mesh present in viewpilot lod, although i've seen some that do, so having such a proxy is usually not mandatory to begin with. Please post a ticket on feedback tracker anyways, should be pretty easy to fix. By the end of 2020, Russian ground forces should be 100% Ratnik. VDV, not so much. false. there is no year being aimed for (2015 or any else). sure, some premade factions are 2008-2013 or alike, but that's about it. we add stuff based on personal preference, and we also sort of wait for stuff to be implemented/fielded at larger scale before we even consider it a possibility / priority. That being said, it does take quite a bit of time to create/weight/adjust/inject uniforms/armor etc, and the person(s) that were more into organics stuff moved on from A3 modding. Also, there is 100% impossible to keep all mods and factions up to date with the latest tech /accessories etc that's being fielded across. There is no current active development regarding any of the gear in the Ratnik program we were waiting for someone to volunteer to do that. feel free to create the pretty wide variation of gloves used in deployment yourself, and make a mod out of it using the same system Delta Hawk used (various clipping might occur since that's a mesh on top of a mesh).
  7. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    id you feel that’s a bug of sorts, and you haven’t used any other mods, please fill a bug ticket on feedback.rhsmods.org
  8. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    maybe...one never knows was a merge rather than a gift, some of the RHS developers + others had a ww2 mod in development, when that development shut down, some of the assets that were already done found a new home @GREF. GREF is also sort of the place for toys we feel like doing but have nothing to do with US, RU or SERB, or are simply too old for the timeframe depicted
  9. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    not really sure why, since none of our factions depict ukrainian armed forces. pretty sure you've been told this before....
  10. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    define "effects". if you talking about damage / penetration etc, nope
  11. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    we don't really deal in "mostly accurate". for ACU in RHS, there is not OCP, just OEFP (OEF-CP) Crye developed MultiCam used in Afghanistan. The improved OCP weather uniform (IWHCU OCP) has less and smaller pockets to allow drying faster. That would obviously require a new uniform sculpt, or at the very least some modification to the existing one. https://www.joint-forces.com/features/kit-camo/27127-know-your-multicam-oefp-or-ocp https://ovinnovations.com/pages/scorpionmc EDIT - my bad, in fact it seems we have left in some OCP test camo on @clima_x ACU model, despite the OCP ACU being a bit different cut to the UCP one
  12. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    no idea. but wouldn't it be easier to just test it out without any other mods but RHS, like we have always suggested when it comes to reporting any issues?
  13. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    sure, thank you, although we were actually looking for people able and willing to work with us rather than provide content already done
  14. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    ...on our feedback tracker
  15. PuFu

    Vehicle Modding Help

    besides A3 samples, there are also A2 un rappified mlods available, although for what you need, samples would most likely suffice. i wouldn't get my hopes high about getting such vehicle from anyone tbh
  16. It isn't anywhere related to A3 life span, which is not really close to end until BI announces a future title to replace it. It is in regards to the next point below for bullets etc, these are just config values. but things needs to be configured together with all the other systems in place. For vehicles, it's also about how you define individual LODs. some info has long been posted on biki, and these days things are easier post Tank DLC engine update https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Damage_Description if anyone would want to make the changes, even though that means most modern tanks for instance stand little chance about vanilla (future) values, it could be done, but would most likely require a good part of configs to be adjusted / changed. for big mods like CUP, that would be a humongous amount of work, not impossible, but could only be done with access to mlods. so an external dude couldn't just do a config compatibility patch to get it to work. To be honest, most mods out there want to have their stuff compatible with vanilla, not some 3rd party again, for neither A1 or A2 such system was needed, because the base values were accurate enough for the purpose. A3 is different here. You don't need to have CBA dependency to use magwells. RHS works just right, and it doesn't require CBA to run, but it is compatible from the get go with CBA. again, the current big mods for A3 had, from the get go different scopes. and for RHS, we figured out that what we wanted to achieve couldn't be done with some of the systems and values in place along the line, not from the get go. again, JAM was what CBA is these days. with a very important difference - for A3, you need to do some changes to the model as well, not just the configs. hence 7 years after the game release, doing that is simply not viable. as you can see, i am not ignoring. I am simply pointing out that due to both values provided by the base game, and some engine limitations and work arounds required, things are as they are. i am just hoping that a future title will provide, from the get go, accurate real world values that could just be inherited from, and would contain most of the calibers used by various depicted and possible modded weapons.
  17. so do i, even though back in the OFP days i wasn't modding, and mods was something it took me an eternity to download. assumptions. there are actually little to no differences or conflicts between various modding members, under closed doors there is actually quite a lot of collaborations going on. I have known / worked / collaborated etc with most people that released custom stuff for well over a decade. It isn't about who is the bestest, it is about individual scope of mods, and these differ. Would have been better to get such a standardization going for mods say like 7 years ago? sure. it is worth doing now? nope. as i said, there isn't a multiplier (say 1.73 x real values = arma values) that would make things easier. 6 years ago when we figured out we had to create out own bullet values, things were buffed from A to Z. I don't recall if 7.62x51 was in that list or not, or if it was changed along the line, since we have custom values, we aren't affected, or had to adjust. That said, 7.62x39 wasn't even defined before APEX, since no weapon was using that caliber. so there's that you can use this if you wanna test out some things yourself https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25287
  18. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    hello. please send me a DM with more information / a portfolio of sorts containing 3d models you already done so far
  19. The standardization should be something that is provided by the core game. simple as that. for A3, that is not the case, everything single config (including penetration values for armored vehicles, armored plates, structures etc etc) is buffed for reasons unknown. The values available can be however translated and compared to real life values, you will note that all RHA(e) is over the top. There are mods that keep these values and inherit from these, making these compatible to vanilla content, there are mods that are using and translating real life values to game configs (RHS for instance) and as such, these values are not really compatible 1:1 with anything that inherits from base game. Which approach is best? well, inherting from base game would be ideal if these values would be correct, but as it is, none aren't. i can't even figure out if there is some overall multiplier used (it seems there isn't). this paragraph is completely against the last few lines in your posts. no poll out there will change how people mod this game. Not really. Most mods can be split into 2 categories: a. the ones inheriting most of values from base game b. the ones that created their own (more realistic, based on real world data) values. again, if base game would provide most of the values correctly, instead of being buffed and gamified for reasons unknown, this would be a moot point to begin with. All armor plate carriers / helmets etc still use the same NIJ protection ratings, but that is obviously in relation to different type of bullets, so there's that. Some of the stuff cannot be made compatible just via config changes. realism is not universal. but things that are based on phisics (balistics, terminal velocity, RHA levels etc) are. you can maybe spend time and try to do something else then whine, especially since you are well aware from post 1 that nothing will change. not for A3 anyways
  20. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    there aren't any we provide http://www.rhsmods.org/page/EULA#re-textures
  21. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    sorry to have disappointed... :)) i think the free part should be already a given, and that gives a lot of freedom to modmakers, and should provide zero expectation for the users. actually, there are quite a few mods that are independent from other mods, for this very reason - you are not dependent to any 3rd party (RHS doesn't require any other mods to work, including CBA, afaik, so is VTN). usually what happens is that these conflicts are reported (or yelled as - this mod is ducked, fix asap) as bugs, when in practice is a conflict of sorts. are these conflicts ideal? nope, but in the current modding environment i think some are simply unavoidable.
  22. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i have seen this sort of statement made in regards to other mods out there as well, including (but not only) RHS, and i honestly feel it's a shame that people think this way, i do hope it is most likely due to ignorance rather than some malice. So i'll explain yes, A3 is one of the few very moddable games out there, but it isn't by any means very user friendly. as a mod maker, you're primary concern is to have your own product work correctly/as intended within its self and its content. Eventually with vanilla, despite all the made up stuff and buffed out values in vanilla as a mod maker, you have zero control over any other mods but your own, and even if you had the time to check some of the most used out there (again, there is no set standard), why would you make some over the top contraption to get that to work with mod X, when mod X could very well change a certain approach in a future update, towards a system of theirs and break it once more for you. It is simply easier to focus on your own mod, and ignore, to a large degree, any others. most mod makers are creating content primarily for their own enjoyment, not someone's else, despite sharing that content publicly. As such, i know of no cases where modmaker_A deliberately makes it so his mod doesn't work with mod Y. If it doesn't, it's just a compatibility issue of sorts, some system/function/script/config overlapping somehow. compatibility issues might come from a number of places, modmaker_A simply doesn't know, or care all that much. see point 2 once again. As i said previously, some of us, especially reyhard, have wasted tons of time trying to bugtrack an issue that was in fact, just like the above, a compatibility issue with some 3rd party, which we had no control over. I know the average Joe wrongly expects that every mod out there to be compatible with the ones he is using, but in the current modding environment, that is simply not feasible, especially when more complicated systems and configs are involved. Yes, RHS is not 100% compatible with all the mods out there. And that is fine, most of us that still actually play ArmA from time to time instead of modding it, don't really use any other mods to begin with. In short, before you(a very generic you, no matter of the quoted user) so easily start trowing blame around, think again. Also, because A3 is indeed so moddable, you could very well take some of your own free time and create a config/script/mod that fixes the compatibility between the very mods you want to use, it's mostly lines of codes anyways....