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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    until PIP gets improved both in terms of performance and max possible resolution used, there is really no point to use this system for more things tbh. The downside is a lot more obvious for people running higher resolution monitors, due to the hard limit of the PIP res
  2. PuFu

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    what color space do you use for your images? do you also tweak the rvmat or just the diffuse/color textures
  3. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    the "huh" was about ardvarkdb, who is stil awol last time i checked. sabre never went away or under, he's been with RHS for quite some time now, a lot of the textures in RHS are made by him, and i think it shows.
  4. 1. i never said which of the 6 2. you might need to wait quite a bit, especially since you should read the above with an emphasis on maybe
  5. PuFu

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    you should really go out more dude...BI is a commercial entity. it cannot and it should not port over and updated older content. They already did a lot more than other people who abandon older games, they released ALL their content as it is and allowed it to be used in current engine version.
  6. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    a question is a request in disguise, experience taught me that... No. Maybe. Probably.â„¢ somehwere inbetween: we consider that most people wear NVGs on helmets, not on straps these days.
  7. is this intended? (have a look over the miss-aligned text of subforums) http://i.imgur.com/NC1mN1P.png
  8. post and image of your O2 options
  9. the link is empty btw
  10. PuFu

    Input needed on Weapon Model

    you are pushing it pretty far with "the much better 3d program"
  11. we might have 3 out of these 6 you mentioned on some of our lists ^^
  12. i'm not a blender user, but i know it has a similar option to reset Xform in 3ds max
  13. PuFu

    LOD Discussion

    object culling tech was always in afaik, but the new tech was indeed tested into dayz and recently implemented into arma3 as well. nothing to do with LODs.
  14. PuFu

    LOD Discussion

    What technology you talking about? LOD switching? It's been like this since OFP. Same for ArmA1, same for ArmA2+OA, same for ArmA3...
  15. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    https://www.facebook.com/redhammerstudios/posts/1205267789486212:0 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190389-arma-3-addon-request-thread/
  16. PuFu

    LOD Discussion

    this LOD switching happens in EVERY game, including the ones that use DX11 tessellation...not that obvious in other games simply because of the number of object on the screen at the same time, view distance etc etc etc LOD blending / cross-fading is not a new tech, but as far as i know it can end up being more demanding, and besides, afaik, it is available on a handful of game engines (UE4 doesn't have this feature for instance, neither does CE. Unity does it to some degree though)
  17. PuFu

    Upside down mirrors

    all the way up to the edges of (0-1 / 0-1) UV space (the square where everything else is as well)
  18. PuFu

    Upside down mirrors

    scale it all the way up
  19. PuFu

    Upside down mirrors

    can you post the UV editor of that particular face you want to use PIP with?
  20. in case anyone else tries to update things manually as well: 1. use Project Drive Management and install Buldozer 2. go to your ArmA3 installation folder and unpack the bin.pbo from \Dta folder using BI A3 tools bankrev (this is important since it doesn't unpack .bin files) 3. copy the contents to your P:\ drive location \bin folder and over-write 4. enjoy notes: there might be some other A3 pbos that you might need, especially for terrain making, but for what is worth, you can unpack these manually and keep what you need to be kept in the A3 folders as it is (my case)
  21. what i want to accomplish: 1. get buldozer to work with the visual update 2. keep my current P drive (custom directory via mikeros) intact (all work svn and personal files are there) 3. keep the A3 unpacked data (the a3 folder on P) intact just needs to reinstall buldozer? is there a way to copy paste stuff manually across? if so what?
  22. PuFu

    Mod issues with 1.60

    some changes on the mod side is/was expected. surely more info could have been provided and documented ahead of time, but that's a different discussion. most mods that are still upkeeped and in constant development preped for it, or are in the process of tweaking and adapting stuff to fit the changes. Yes, it means more work, but i'd take this continuous support over no support any given day. also a bit weird that most that are complaining are the users of these mods and not the mod makers...
  23. you should really learn you way around here before posting...
  24. PuFu

    Arma 3 banning system

    how about you pay for your own server and do whatever you wanna do with it: from setting your own rules to banning or not anyone you please. the cost is about 30-70EUs/month depending on type of host you want. you obviously seem to confuse the "banning system BI uses" for hacks = BE with server side bans. Not the same thing. or play on one of the several servers Bi provides (or used to anyways) the self-entitlement these days...