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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. there are no BI tutorials whatsoever for modding btw
  2. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i already said this: i have a 3d model 99% done, same version as the one in Apex, back when "sources" were "sure" it will get fielded that particular version. It didn't happen, wasted modelling time on my side: long story short, will not repeat that based on "sources". Hate to repeat myself, but the Apex version. or the HLC one will have to make do. For PAKFA - we already had the model, for Armata, we gonna get the model from a 3rd party. regarding the AK-400, seen the prototype, same as above, will think about making it or not only once it is fielded.
  3. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    "need" is an overstatement. did BI introduce a new Russian uniform in apex? there is no such thing as ratnik uniform (the emr is not part of the program). there won't be an AK-12 in RHS until it is fielded, which it isn't at this very moment. Bi provides an earlier prototype version of AK-12 in apex which would need to suffice for the time being. as always: no. maybe. probably â„¢ ;)
  4. nice! i so i guess not an expert modeler anymore then?
  5. google should have all the answers based on the software you are accustomed with
  6. PuFu

    EM_buildings - new buildings

    it depends on how it is used and of course, the number of individual textures. From a polycount perspective, a single buildings has about the same vertex number as a single weapon with attachments...
  7. the above is partly true. The issue is that a lot of the textures are loaded directly from the HDD in a continuous manner. There is little buffering going on for textures, hence there is really no reason to have A3 in 64bit (allowing the use of my 16 or 24gb respectively ram available). this is also the reason why a SSD will improve not only the stuttering but also FPS, more than any other game out there
  8. it's been a while since last time i used nvidia filter (2008 i think). These days most people i know use a combination of HP to LP bakes and Quixel Suite (ndo) or Substance painter. In any case, based on your original post, i was under the impression you only need help with injecting into the engine. As i said, normals map can be created in a number of ways.
  9. No, i am not aware of any other tutorials (never had a need for one so i haven't actually looked for). I do not do weights in O2, since weighting in external software is a lot easier - and no, i won't make a YT video of my own workflow StalkersGB weighting tutorial - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/109501-stalkergbs-weighting-overview/is one of the best for O2 yet., that said it does not cover importing stuff over
  10. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes, please make a ticket on feeback.rhsmods.org
  11. there is no such tutorial by S.A. that said that YT tutorial you linked is as shit as a tutorial can be...
  12. You can use as many UV sets as you please, but i really see no reason to use another UV set explicitly for normals map no. sections for ArmA is in direct relation to draw calls and have no direct relation to individual mesh parts. An additional section is created per texture and material file. The lowest amount of "sections" per .p3d file, for a mesh that has a single diffuse texture + a single associated rvmat is 3. there is no hard limit. The less the happier. sections are the primary concern in terms of optimization but by no means the only one.
  13. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    unlikely then for "armaverse" all bug reports should go to feedback.rhsmods.org, one issue per ticket
  14. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    define "armaverse" faction...? why don't you use the launcher to manage your mods and you use the ingame expansion menu?
  15. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Spetsnaz also directly translates to "Special forces" with no direct relation to a branch.
  16. open .p3d model, go to geometry lod, named properties window see if you have an entry damage = building, if you have, then edit it to damage = no. if you don't have it, create it
  17. PuFu


    after looking over your files, i'll write what the issues is here, instead of PM because others might be interested as well: filename.p3d is important in model.cfg. You cannot have in model.cfg the class defined as class cn_depositbox :Default and class cn_depositbox_Skeleton : default then have your p3d called box.p3d It doesn't work that way. What i did in the files i sent you via PM is edit the model.cfg based on your .p3d name and rotate the memory verts in the model instead of changing the anim orientation in the cfg since it lid was opening inside. If you wanna keep the config as it is, no issue as long as you rename the .p3d file to the same class name defined in the model.cfg EDIT: that is why it is important to actually specify EVERYTHING if you want some help. What you wrote here wouldn't have helped anyone figure it out simply because most people never think of asking: hey, is your p3d names the same as the class defined?
  18. PuFu


    can you pack and send me the files?
  19. 1. there is no AK12 in dayz 2. if you think all the new content on Tanoa is autogenerated you'd be surprise to find out it isn't....
  20. PuFu


    why do you have 4 vertices as pivot point named selections? that's a face, where there should be 2 vertices...
  21. what would be the point of heavy equipment transporters when trailers don't work?
  22. 4k textures get mipmapped quite quickly. It is recommended that everyone sticks to 2k tex max, even if it means more textures per mesh (so an increase section count)...even on very high resolution, these textures are the first to be mip mapped to lower res if the engine considers there are too many draw calls.
  23. PuFu

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    you contradict yourself here: first you say it is a luxury, then that is is a right everyone should have access to...do make up your mind. Hobbies are luxuries that not everyone can afford (time and costs related) i personally don't find it silly, even if that means using the PC to find a better job, perfect some existing skills etc... at the end of the day, games are also a business...besides the colossal waste of time needed for such an en-devour (in fact most of it could be automated), what is there to be gained from BI perspective? nothing much i learn that you cannot expect shit for free in life. Some are payed with money, some with other forms of currency, but it always gets paid