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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    Arma toolkit for Maya

    there isn't such a thing because it really isn't needed...
  2. it is possible yes, not all that hard if you made animation before...especially if these are cutscenes animations (and yes animations rather than static pose ones) and are to be triggered by a small script snippet rather than player controlled animations. yes it is
  3. wrong, experienced 3d artists always use real world scale for the content they are creating... thank you for the honest answer
  4. since no one seems to be asking THE question...who made these meshes?
  5. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    depends, i doubt that anyone actually counted these, but yes, between 350 and 400 sounds pretty decent. From my own experience, i am a lot more efficient with time if i work around 6h continuous sesions. Above that i tend to lose interest, below that (especially 1h or so) i spend half of it trying to remember what was left to do and figuring where to continue from...so "work-hours" depends on how each one works and how fast a person is (not only producing but also being able to find and gather references and data to work with). Regarding GREF - i am pretty sure there will be custom made specific vehicles at some point, but as always US and RU take priority.
  6. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    even so, you seem to be a bit lost, because you are "pointing" it in the wrong thread, i don't remember when any of us said we'll create any content for any other country except US and RU. GREF is for, as we said numerous times before, non specific country assets, assets that we as a group like, and that could come in handy for different scenarios where a independent faction would be needed. in short, if it has nothing to do with RHS, refrain from "pointing out" unrelated stuff... the above stands true for you just as well.
  7. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

  8. people who upgrade their GPU's (myself included) don't do it only for the sake of arma...
  9. I am sooooo looking forward for more...
  10. PuFu

    APEX - what about ships?

    no one ever said that mods should be in vanilla or should replace the existing content, be it rhs or another. I was mearly replying to the "hire rhs" type of comment. On the other hand, no matter how much one might want some water transport vehicles in vanilla because it would fit the scope of their mission or playstyle, it would be worth noteing that the easiest approach would be to create it yourself rathet than ask and expect to be coming from BI or any other 3rd party
  11. i can't give you a proper benchmark, but i did upgrade from a 780Ti to a gtx1070 and i am really happy with the choice i made. FPS is in the 50+ range (campaign for instance), never dropping below high 30s. Rest of PC is a i7 2600k @4Ghz, 16gb ram, SSD (OS, not the game as well) etc. Running Arma on ultra with a couple to high on a ultra-wide dell 3440x1440 curved monitor
  12. PuFu

    Expansion files in EBO

    you are wrong, i hope you get your "relief" now...
  13. PuFu

    APEX - what about ships?

    Because that vid talks about RHS, and because i have worked for BI still do for RHS, i'll get my 2 cents in: 1. the amount of content in RHS has been made in quite a few years, a lot of the vehicles have been started back in A2 days, and while a lot have been upgraded for A3, the base meshes are the same (mainly russian side, us side is all brand new for A3) 2. the so called "ported content" from A2 has suffered a lot of upgrades, but the base meshes are BIs. We do have plans to upgrade and replace most of it either way, but that takes time, lots of it. 3. we do not have deadlines. Or in fact we do, but these deadlines are our and only ours to set (both in terms of content that we plan doing and dates) 4. The continuous support we provide is because we choose to do it. Other mod groups and mod makers choose to do it differently and it is their prerogatives 5. We have our own workflows and standards, mostly based on the ones BI have as well (we have quite a few members who work or have worked with BI before). that said, we can choose to push the envelope a bit more than they can (both in terms of features and models) because we have a different kind of freedom in terms of how we develop things What a lot of people fail to understand is the amount of time and work that went into Tanoa and the amount of assets that ones gets with the island. The island for all BI games, since A2 at least, is the crown jewel for every release. A lot of the resources went into it and i'd say it shows. BI is well aware that the modding community creates a lot of custom content (don't wanna sound like a cocky ass here, but a lot of the content made by a lot of addon makers, RHS included, are up to BI standards if not above in terms of detail, animations, optimization etc = overall quality). When it comes to islands assets and islands by themselves, no offence here but none of the community made ones gets close to BI's quality, reason is most terrain makers don't create their own custom assets to fit their own islands In short: the modding community would be a lot less productive without BI being what they are, and there should be no direct comparison between DLC and expansion content and modded ones. Also, from an user perspective, do understand that you are the lucky one, because you receive a lot for free, a lot of the content that would otherwise be paid in other games. By supporting BI and buying their DLC and Expansions, you also support the addon makers and all the creative people within this very community. Things are related and inter-connected, and the line between addon developer and BI developer is thinner than some of you expect anyways.
  14. PuFu

    New Poly limit?

    vertex indices does NOT mean polygons
  15. not aggressive, i just had enough of people with no skill and no idea that makes "suggestions" about things they have no clue about... no one was born with the know-how, here is a good start to learn it... https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190389-arma-3-addon-request-thread/
  16. yeah same here, but i am not "suggesting" a shift in focus to anyone else...maybe simply because i know what it takes and i wouldn't do it even if i were paid to...much less for free
  17. 1. while working with unpacked data, you only need to restart mission, for both scripts and configs, there is no need for game reboot (you can't add new files in though - as in new configs) 2. doubt that.
  18. Instead of making recommendations for other, why don't YOU do it? So others should do it but not yourself?
  19. PuFu

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    while the animation system might be somewhat better, hand animations like the ones in BF3/4 can very much be done just like that in BF3. The issue is the sources available for animatons in some case, as well as the fact that hand reload animations needs to be separatly from the weapon animations (to separate things that needs to be synked...)
  20. PuFu

    What Makes a Good Arma Campaign?

    to me (and what is totally lacking in apex mini-campaign anyways). 1. a good script and a background storyline - it doesn't need to be developed in a lot of detail (i actually prefer to fill the blanks myself), but there needs to be some of it in. 2. the individual missions need to be interconnected - they don't need to have a 1-2-3-4 logic, but they have to tell a bigger picture in the end. Some player triggered turn-arounds would also be lovely (developed below) 3. scale it down or up based on number of human players that play it (especially if it is i a MP campaign) 4. i have nothing against smaller scale (spec op) campaign as long as it does make some sense. I know everyone wants to shoot shit, but there are way to keep a balance between shooting and keeping your head down. 5. it needs!! context (which relates to point 1) - why, what, when, how, and for how long. It needs to be at least a bit in. 6. allow players to fail the game in other ways but death. ok, i get the respawn system for MP in apex to some degree, but it has no and absolutely no point for SP. There is a reason i don't play public run missions on open servers (besides the amount of cunts available) = most do NOT allow players to loose. Loosing is part of life. There is no incentive otherwise to play it if you can win it no matter what. I cannot emphasize this enough 7. failing a mission doesn't necessary mean the end to a campaign. As long as you managed to stay alive, there should be other options to it. 8. do not allow rambos. as in never ever ever. it is piss poor and there are other games that do that better. I know arma's stealth system works poorly, but still, there are ways around it, there are also ways to mitigate the amount of rambo moves a player can have. 9. Take advantage of the multiple roles and openness of this game.... 10. voice acting cinematics etc are just the icing of the cake, not the cake itself. I would rather have the above and no voice acting that great voice acting and mocaped cinematics but poor content...
  21. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm hardly the only one you should thank if wanna keep things fair. everyone within RHS does this as accurate as humanly possible in a video game
  22. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Regarding Russian and language barriers, i have the same problem, yet i somehow managed to do more russian stuff then US so far. There are workarounds, but it takes time, tons of it. Which somehow some expect us to do it and them none ;) Zenitco - not the only russian aftermarket AK parts seller, but one of the most used/loved etc that does it on a scale large enough to reach the US as well. Besides the "tacticool" craze is pretty new in the RU part, hence a lot of the parts used before were actually US made, or locally made (CNC, small scale weapon-smiths). The issues with russian kits and information around them is that (mainly for patent and copyrights reasons which work completely different than in the west), most of the private sector keeps a lot of it under wraps (even the ones that have DOD contracts). Withing RHS, it isn't that the russian devs are doing russian things and the western ones nato. Quite the contrary the democracy pretty much rules in RHS. (to give you an idea, because i had some reports that the gorka i made wasn't 100% accurate - mainly due to mixed refs and alike - i had some help from our VK community and actually bought and had delivered a real one - although i have no need for it otherwise). TL:DR - if you cannot really confirm something, then yes, it is better not to ask. :) (it goes without saying that no matter what you'd asked we have already thought about it before :P)
  23. PuFu

    Bipod. Make this work.

    +1. This has to be the thread where english has been raped the most, at least on BIF. I had to check twice to make sure my browser wasn't auto-translating from a slavic language of sorts.
  24. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm actually thinking of writing down such a protocol: Making a request without all the references needed for modelling + texturing (as in close ups, details, blueprints, full walk-arounds etc) + all the real data for it will not even get a second glance. That doesn't mean making a proper request means it will will automatically be made for arma, but at least some of the very time consuming work that means searching for proper refs will be made by the one who wants that piece of equipment in. I think it is only fair that way. Also, maybe this way we'll see less requests about shit that doesn't exists, is not fielded etc I personally feel for a weapon of that age, a darker, more used up wood is a better choice. The ones you've seen with lighted wood have been carefully looked after, in some cases even reconditioned if not completely refurbished and the stock remade. It is a moot point either way: want a lighter color, do create a retexture yourself, no one is stoping you