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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. 1. learn to use punctuation marks instead of wall of text 2. autodesk never said they'll can 3ds max (it is their 3rd best selling software after autocad and maya, before revit) 3. my commercial license is for 2012 version, i see not reason to upgrade it for the time being. In this industry, no one updates mid production. The most used version is, on average, 2 years bellow the latest version released. please stop talking about stuff you have no idea about...
  2. PuFu

    Problem making custom helmet

    1. there are plenty free UVW unwrap tutorials for the software of your choice. Google is your friend. 2. UVW coordinates are not affected by scaling up or down your 3d mesh. modifying position of verts will result in stretching. 3. You can use more than 1 uv set per mesh. You cannot however use any other UVset but UVset0 (O2 reading of that, some software call first UV set 1, not 0 btw) for the diffuse (be it _co or _ca).
  3. PuFu

    Problem making custom helmet

    wow....the amount of wasted space there. if you wanna use uvset1 instead of uvset0 (default) - although i really need to point out that the frontal projection in uvset1 is anything but a proper unwrap, just like UVset0 isn't) simply delete UVset0 from blender or move uvset1 on top of it...google should help you out, i'm not a blender user...
  4. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    1. m163 might make an appearance but don't count on it, same with avenger 2. tunguska was in development, but unfortunately the dev that was doing it has been unreachable for quite some time 3. Strykers, just as LAVs are on the wish list 4. IL-76 no comment 5. MI-28 is actively being worked on 6. T-14 is being develop externally, will be injected in RHS when it is done 7. BMPT terminator - no comment, if ever, it will be present in GREF GREF does not represent the military of a certain country, so it "won't be done" anytime soon. Do no expect other European country forces...
  5. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    even the gucci pics shows the newer muzzle, not the ones that were shown on the russian parade last year, which looks like this when taken apart
  6. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    that is the older muzzle. also for now there is no cheek raiser because it seems no one is actually using it ;) new muzzle is in btw:
  7. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    glad you like it, had to do it using scarce ru refs...for foregrips, yes, that's the intention
  8. indeed i would expect it to be locked, i reported it already. the moment you put an "equal" between torture and interrogation you sort of went sideways.... by the looks of it, you don't get that it isn't about you supporting something or not in your real life...or if the AI can die or not, but the fact that you are trying to depict getting information out of a character by using torture and you call that "interrogation". It's about some moral boundaries and the idea in itself that is despicable, not the depiction of the "torture" in itself...
  9. while of course everyone is allowed to do whatever they wanna do with their free time, i really feel that when "interrogation" equals "torture", above and beyond all the stereotypes about it and the full promotion as "the tool do get the answers", especially in the US media, for me at least, it literary means something went dead wrong at some point... i do applaud the scripting that sits behind it, i just feel that its current use and implementation is of a really poor taste...i am actually a bit perplexed and disgusted about your approach...
  10. most people around here use either Blender (because it is 100% free, and a kick-ass software if you're new - because it's a bit weird to start with if you are used to other 3d software out there), or 3ds max (because there are tons of pro using it, proper modelling tools and there is a non-commercial license available like with all other autodesk software). Maya and Modo come right after. Zbrush is the software to go to for all organic and detailed sculping No matter of the software used, the results are in the hands of the artist, not the software. They all do exactly the same thing, 90% of the tools used are exactly the same, the remaining 10% is different way of doing the same thing based on specificalities of the tool used. If you are already familiar with booleans and Autodesk software, might wanna look @ Autodesk Fusion, it works pretty good for High Polygon modelling that you'll use to bake down details...and also comes with a free non-co option
  11. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    we had multiple people here (on BIF), on facebook and our feedback tracker asking that we change the hand animations for the AKs....it seems we cannot please anyways. In case you want the older hand anim to be used, feel free to make your own small config, the old .rtm file is still available. i'd suggest you contact the creators of these compatibility files then, because it isn't RHS who made or maintain these...
  12. nope, the issue is local to you or your "testers"
  13. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/1#download http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2#download http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/3#download http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view_all_bug_page.php
  14. PuFu

    Arma toolkit for Maya

    ;) it's not only max, the issue ia present using any fbx exporter version(2006-2014), from any software, for meshes with more than 1 uv set (max, maya, blender etc)
  15. this has to be the stupidest "tip" i've heard. buying a ssd has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with being able to get on the server....
  16. client side mods and server mods need to be EXACTLY the same...there is a conflict with server installed version of mods and client
  17. you can do the sorting manually as well, there are instances where it will actually be faster if you have a huge number of alpha enabled selections...same menu, move behind, move forwards
  18. PuFu

    Arma toolkit for Maya

    stay away from .fbx files unless you wanna have some unexpected results after import...
  19. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    doubt it, i would assume it is related to the fact that the rest of vehicles you mentioned have no springs or wheels...
  20. 1. o2 /ob is not a texturing software, so you won't find such a tutorial for a reason 2. a simple cube is enough to provide the basics, especially for people who can use wiki and have some asset creation experience in the first place
  21. PuFu

    Fire Geometry Issue

    it seems that one solution to this particular issue is to add a single standing vertex at the furthest point where the animation ends (where the rotating object is gonna end up being) to and add it to the selection
  22. PuFu

    lines in 3d max?

    seeing that you are obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer and i actually managed to fix it by contacting autodesk directly myself, i'll explain this for you in detail:1. your questions have nothing to do with modelling or asset creation for arma, like the rest of the threads covering different other software are for. You asked a question that is related to 3ds max in general, which does NOT belong here, because it is software/driver specific. here is 3ds max forums (which you should already have an account for it based on your customer account) - http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/3ds-max/ct-p/area-c1 2. might wanna read the forum rules once more
  23. PuFu

    Arma toolkit for Maya

    max one is actiually partly absolete and not supported anymore...
  24. PuFu

    lines in 3d max?

    that is a viewport error related to some amd gfx cards and drivers Since it seems you have a commercial version of max, i'd suggest you contact their dedicated technical support for additional information, or check their official forums for further information. this part of the forums is called "o2 modelling" for a reason
  25. PuFu

    My vehicles are floating?

    1. do not bump your own posts 2. you won't find help for ripped content around here