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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. can i ask why you are using that pixel and vertex shaders?
  2. yes i do own my own tools that i bought with real money. I can sell that content as i please. I simply cannot sell .p3ds (because that would mean i used BI tools). But these days you can create p3ds without the use of BI tools anyways... commercial tools means = commercial license for 3ds max, SP2, quixel, PS etc. Or free variants such as blender, gimp, pain.net etc
  3. how many UV sets do you currently have? can you check the UV editor in both your modelling software and O2 and compare?
  4. besides all written above which are on the money ^ If you ask me, the first issue is the monetization schemes that allows certain server owners to earn money. No we are not talking about donations here. It's a direct sale (hence it needs to be declared to your fiscal institution as such). So group a can make a profit from providing a place where you can play. But group B cannot make a profit from providing the content that you can play with. I handle all DMCAs and legal matters for RHS. It's not simple, and not really effective. I am sure that there are server using monetization schemes using RHS data that i don't know of. Just as i am sure next week there will be yet another person uploading RHS content on steam. You cannot have a proper selling point of any sort in the current environment. It's not about just the users not willing to pay (and mind you if shit starts to get sold, everyone will go that way, or simply quit), it's about the current content creators that see no way to do that as well as protect their IP rights. There are already plenty rips, plenty shady content grabbed from all over the place. That will grow exponentially if one could make a buck out of it. You cannot earn money with the use of BI tools, correct. But i can, using my own commercial tools.
  5. short version: yes well, to be honest, try any of the ported a2 buildings on tanoa, see if there is any better. can you post here your rvmat as well please? the first part interest me: ambient[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1}; diffuse[] = {1.0,1.0,1.0,1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0}; emmisive[] = {0,0,0,1}; specular[] = {1,1,1,1}; specularPower = 50; PixelShaderID = "Multi"; VertexShaderID = "Multi";
  6. it's due to the changes in the way _co textures are handled. the entire thing is a lot more bright, so the textures needs to be darker (sRGB vs RGB).
  7. if you ask me, the "minimum" and "recommended" specs are really way lower than they should be. just compare that to some other games available today.
  8. make up your mind i have 2 rigs: 1. i7 980X @4Ghz (6c/12t water-cooled 1st gen i7) | 24gb ram, gtx 780ti 3gb vram | samsung 750 ssd, 1000W PSU | DELL IPS 2417H - running the game high-ultra @1920x1080 around 50+ fps 2. i7 2600k @4Ghz (4c/8t air-cooled 2nd gen i7) | 16gb ram (soon to be 32gb) | gtx 1070 8gb vram | samsung 850 ssd | 750W PSU, DELL IPS 3415W - running the game high-ultra @3440x1440 around 50+ fps both work better and better with each BI's update...
  9. all ripped...and no credits for original author^
  10. i cringe each time i see this sort of thread happening. ignorance is bliss: 1. "optimization" is used ad nauseam as if it is a magic button one can press 2. a lot of patato pcs (be it server and personal) are trown in the mix. 3. no mention about the fact that bis has been working on a new engine for quite some time now - enfusion
  11. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    that's why soul_assassin mentioned the benefits as well " benefits of our knowledge, infrastructure, sources etc". Workflow and pipelines are already in place, so such a team would most likely produce work that follows exactly the same principals.talking about optimization, there has been further improvements in a wide range of areas for the next update. we do not make public our future (immediate and distant) plans because that would create expectancy and we would loose the element of surprise. in general terms, there are indeed some plans for air force, but there will be no details about it till things develop some more and get more concrete.
  12. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    even though you wrote that it isn't, it still is, just saying...in any case, that is the last thing that is gonna happen, i personally have enough on my plate as it is with all the "cop and robbers" communities and servers monetizing RHS content. Imagine what would happen if RHS would actually provide civilian content... in any case, for the moment i do recommend our very own member: reyhard's RDS Civilians
  13. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    none of us can be bothered with constantly counting posts so we know when it is time to "spam" our own thread with "no requests plox". it is not an option, and as you have seen above, just below me obviously trolling a bit, happens to be exactly the same sort of "question"...nothing one can do though... PS: despite popular belief, questions are not requests, and most are actually answered, especially considering there is a lag between our official documentation and the releases. Yes, so it happens that people type "will you do x", "can we see y" or "have you thought about z", "when will you release" etc, instead of: "please make w, ty". Same shit, different format there are no sides if you really come to think of it
  14. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    thank you for question: planning is it for next update textures Russian PKM and PKP not. future yes. but we plan always for stuff better
  15. http://gamebanana.com/wips/43053 bipods wiki
  16. yoru best bet is to request BI to add model.cfg and thus allow hidden_texture selections to that sort of stuff. TBH, i wouldn't hold my breath about it. Of course, you can surely make your own content which i am pretty sure it will be faster than waiting BI to change stuff just for retextures...
  17. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    no, we can't think for ourselves, so we let other do that for us. This very thread is proof of that we'll make sure to stick this on the cool wall and forget about it 1. it is possible = could you please do it for me = request 2. no, only bad new(s) for you i am affraid no man, pissing against the wind at least get's you wet
  18. PuFu

    [SP/MP] Old West - Wild West Map

    1. while i do agree i was out of line and a jackass (which i am sorry for and edited my post), the point still stands: you can either put stuff from shady places (with the obvious downsides of possible rips, uneven meshes etc) together with some ductape for a quick game, or you invest more into it, no matter of the end result. hell, it might even be worse than some stuff you just grabbed from all over the place, BUT if doing it yourself doesn't provide enough joy for yourself, maybe you shouldn't do it at all...i mean unless you wanna start a half-asses server using half-asses content to fool some kids into paying you their parents earned money. 2. putting quality content up front will get more people interested...hell, not content, get something in that is not from another place done by someone else (i really hope this doesn't turn into facepunch mentality "hey, but i am not gaining anything out of it, so why do you get all furry i ripped some forza models?") that being said, i'll drop out of it. we can agree to disagree.
  19. my bad, apologies, couldn't help it. case of point, it's unrealistic either way
  20. for 10$ i just answered this for you: you can't afford it. i'll send you my payment details in PM, i just saved you 40$
  21. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes, as long as the model is custom made by yourself, and not ripped/bought etc (license issues due to re-distributing) and of course, if it is up to our quality standards
  22. PuFu

    Ask us anything!

    1. it is obvious that you are testing the game mechanics and mission design for a pvp centered game, and while doing it you are also taking advantage of direct feedback for the Malden DLC. Is there anything besides the 2 mentioned before you are looking for feedback from the users? 2. since it is most likely that the engine will change but the game still remain under ArmA's franchise, is that change towards enfusion (which i know it is meant to be very modular)? And if so, wouldn't it be an missed opportunity not to gather some feedback on some of the improvements the new upcoming engine allows it, especially when it comes to a more twitch reaction gameplay? 3. is there a very generic time-frame you are planning to develop Project Argo into a standalone self-sustainable product?
  23. PuFu

    Completely New and Need Help

    the questions are so generic i would need about 1h to write a short novel, so instead i'll write the very short version: 1. learn to model game assets (polygon based modelling). in whatever software you want or can afford - the real options are the ones that are free (blender) or that have student version (autodesk max or maya) or (the foundry modo). The internet is full of tutorials for whatever software you choose 2. download A3 tools from Steam - don't use these unless you are really done with whatever you are modelling 3. be patient about it. 4. come back with specific questions once you are pass step 1
  24. a couple of notes here: 1. the _as map can be RGB = mixed AO (when converting to paa, all other channels but green are discarded) 2. base color = albedo map (as far as i understand it) diffuse = color map (more or less, still most _co in arma have some AO overlayed anyways) ;)