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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    Shadow volume lod

    the only issue with SVLODs is polycount https://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/Models#ShadowVolume
  2. how is your SVLod setup? are these sails part of it?
  3. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    a. i was thinking we were talking about realistic ideals not utopia ones. The amount of knowledge time and money to create a game from scratch (even by licensing an existing engine) similar to what you want to achieve using BI game as a platform is not something negligible. others have done it, RO2/Squad etc but the realistic answer isn't "just needs time and money" b. let's move on, i wasn't bashing you i was talking about a principle. c. define sustainable....? there are mods and modders in this community that have been doing it long before you even heard of arma...what is not sustainable about their content? d. agreed, was happening even before BI "legalized it". But the current system neither regulates or maintains all that much, there are at least as many servers and communities simply ignoring said rules than abiding them. BI also doesn't actively manages it (how could they without a real automated system in place), things needs to be reported on an individual basis, checked rechecked etc...
  4. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    no, realistically, you couldn't... you haven't created a mod, you are paying others to create a mod... you would love to, but as soon as you couldn't make a profit out of it, you would move on, is that what you are saying? this happened before, check CSGO and TF2... you can do that just fine as long as that content was not made using BI tools (and if you are using BI tools for modelling you are doing it wrong). how come before server monetization people were able to do it without money changing hands, and most do it now just the same way we have been doing for over a decade? your "project" is not a project, is a business model.
  5. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    fair enough, read c) for more it's a matter of perspective rather than using that particular content or not. That agreement you linked prohibits reverse engineering, to signing an agreement for distribution (in this case Steam that directly requires the uploader to hold the IP rights for what he uploads)- and a lot of other clauses. Yes, it might not be your issue directly, but is part of this discussion - about ripped content, and about half assed done content. how do you know you are not buying some ripped content from him now, that he further modified? that is not the issue that you have a legal form to protect your IP, that is actually really smart of you, and more should do that what i am trying to say is that you don't run a server anymore, you are running a business. And as with all businesses out there that are depended on a 3rd party (in this case BI), you do stand to loose a lot if BI would actually do the right thing and close this server monetization fiasco... And anyone willing to roll 5000$ a month is most likely doing that for a profit and not for "modding" or gaming reasons... When Dean Hall started dayz, he did that without seeking a commercial gain. Most people around here don't look for one either, yet there are 3rd parties that take direct advantage of their work
  6. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    edit 2: after digging a bit deeper about who you are: 1. you are the ones who started this particular petition: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/extend-the-arma-3-monetization-permission-and-save stating the followings a. yeah ok, why is it that i do not believe that b. so you openly admit that you are trying to run a business, and not a community server... 2. your main content developer is the same Jonzie who spammed steam workshop with models of cars that he surely didn't do himself? lol nice, industry professionals indeed. all in all, i am still for closing up all this server monetization altogether, especially since addon monetization is outside the question until steam figures a way to do that after the skyrim cockup...
  7. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    and that is precisely where the issue lies. If everyone would take that route and put their mode behind a paywall, there would be no modding scene to begin with... so gracious.... no, let's get honest, monetization doesn't allow you to pay industry professionals...it allows you to pay hobbist modders.
  8. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    in general terms, as per eula, you are not allowed to reverse engineer our content. That said, if be BI turns a blind eye, so can we, especially since the alternative is releasing samples for everything, which means a LOT of time we don't have. yes, you are NOT allowed to repack and re-distribute RHS content (in parts or in full) - for whatever reason, be it personal, squad/clan related or whatever else you might thing of.
  9. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    you can use the existing ones as template no.maybe.probably yes
  10. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    no. you can add your own textures wihtout editing the content we provide since 99% of the content has hiddenSelections
  11. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    if you really don't understand how things work, please don't post at all...
  12. @bis_iceman i hate to quote myself, but can we get an overview of what you changed and the new bake settings? (whatever software you used, be it max, maya or modo is fine). I can try to figure it out on my own, but i would rather use the same settings for everything rather than individual basis.... via @Pennyworth (i_Shed_ind used as example): ADS: all channels: https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=2020afa6-eda2-11e6-8b75-0edaf8f81e27 green: https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=eaa7d5f2-eda1-11e6-8b75-0edaf8f81e27 blue: https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=010f4fb4-eda2-11e6-8b75-0edaf8f81e27 MC: https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=be5e2c84-edac-11e6-8b75-0edaf8f81e27
  13. not sure about receiving shadows, haven't tested it BUT, what i would do: 1. create a 1000.00 SV LOD (besides the normal 0.00 and 10.00 SV LODs), with assign your alpha texture to it the sails, that will cast shadow similar to the way trees do, as in based on the alpha channel of that texture To make that work, what you also need to do: a. sbsource = explicit b. shadow = hybrid c. PreferShadowVolume = 0 if you wanna have a look about how that is suppose to look, i recommend spawning one of the Vanilla PhoneBooths from Altis/Stratis (file PhoneBooth_01_F.p3d)
  14. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    You have said your piece, great...move on, several people have warned you to mind your passive aggressive tone if you want a discussion. if you don't, go make yourself a blog and close all comments. This thread is about the monetization of both servers and community made content (be it mission, mod, script or whatever else) btw
  15. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    he did, but maybe next time you use english when you post, that'd help getting that point of yours across what? modding is a hobby. if you want to turn that from a hobby into a profession, feel free to do that, a lot have.. There is no "slavery", no one is making me mod, i am doing because i want to. That said, the issue here is that the server monetization leads to: a. shady content being used by different groups (ripped content, stolen mods etc) b. 3rd party mods that were meant as no commercial purpose
  16. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    we wouldn't need to change the EULA, we (the RHS) being the only ones that own the mod are also the only ones can monetize it... i actually thought about doing that out of protest for the current situation. we could stop all distribution, update and connect RHS addons to some server hosted addon that works as a key - as in you wouldn't be able to even play RHS in SP without a full RPT of addon x requires addon y (or even better add a new section in all p3ds that would require a texture that we don't provide, making sure that you can't even write new configs for it), much less host RHS, and then monetize a few servers (there are TONs of such "private mods" out there, a lot of shady quality)...add default textures to full pink (weapons and all gear and vehicles) all other camo skins needing a purchase - just a cosmetic enhancement, isn't it (within current rules btw). don't freak out, won't happen
  17. PuFu

    Retro AR madness{WIP}

    12.5k is fine. and because this weapon cannot take any sort of attachments, it's actually lower than your average kited out m4 or ak or whatever... PS: put a vert count instead of tri count next time ;)
  18. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    donations != monetization and not the subject of this thread
  19. would you be so kind and once you have figured the optimal contrast for the ADS(HQ ?) bakes, to share the bake settings as well, so the few that have WIP structures adjust to it?
  20. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    sure there is: Q: Will you make XXX? A: No. Maybe. Probably. you can't
  21. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i wouldn't define it as early or late...just wrong...all your answers are here: http://www.rhsmods.org/faq
  22. do you think that i look like a "worker"? because nope, i don't, none of us do...
  23. a. ideally, especially due to texel density, each multimat should have it's own ADS MASK and MC textures. b. if you choose to share a that MASK between the 2 multimats, you should also share the ADS and MC textures because the UVW information for the the 2 multimats is going to fit in the same 0-1/0-1 UV space. stop talking about 4 UV sets. Even if you choose to use different textures for the second UV set (ADS, MASK, MC), the information will be stored in a secondary UV set either way. to answer your point questions: 1. unwrap the model based on MULTIMAT selections in UV set 2 (or UV set 1 if the first one is called uv set0) - secondary one 2. copy or not, it is up to you (i never copy that, i actually do this first then the other) 3. associate the 2 rvmats based on the multimat, not based on your secondary uv set...
  24. PuFu

    Server monetization program

    note here, since you've mentioned it: RHS will ALWAYS remain free for its users, and there will be NO monetization whatsoever. there is no relation between this thread and RHS, carry on ;)