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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    feel free to create your own config and change the animation speed or change the reload animation altogether yourself for the time being you cannot have 2 types of reloads dependent of tank speed. but just as above, feel free to create your own config and change to the speed you prefer.
  2. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    it isn't completely PVE focused. it's focused on realism, and balance is not part of that we are not in the business of ignoring or supporting one sort of gameplay over another. no, he sounds like an ass, but that's a completely different discussion yes, we don't do gamey approach captain obvious, work is always work... for the nth time, we don't ignore gameplay, but we do not focus of balancing by having the exact same configs with 2 different models. this sort of attitude really gets under my skin. there is no different between pvp and pve unless you want it mirrored, in which case, might wanna use vanilla assets, or cup for that matter why don't you play CTI using vanilla assets? BIS stuff is a lot more balanced from a gamey pov that RHS...
  3. as you can see there in your geo, you have preferred shadow volume 0, but there is no such lod SVLod 0, only 10. i cannot see how you have set your sbsource
  4. PuFu

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    might wanna look into this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886177750 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=867652432
  5. first culprit - section count second culprit shadows - it is unlikely that you generate shadows only from that blob. i see no named properties in your visual lods. what are your named properties in your geo lod?
  6. how do you generate your shadows for this particular building? and why do you have 114 sections?
  7. PuFu


    you need to unbin these, and pboproject does it just fine
  8. PuFu


    any proper text editor.
  9. PuFu

    Building dimensions needed

    Blondel formula is standard for stairs (at least in terms of aimed dimensions if not mandatory one) across the globe > 2h+l = 62-64 where h is the raiser height and l is the step depth (ie: 2x 17cm + 30 cm = 64cm) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stairs
  10. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    the ak130 mag is obviously made for ak103, but yeah will most likely spread the mags (steel and bakelite) between some individual versions to create some variation. but while @reyhard says it is possible to script-fu the magazines, i doubt it is worth the time, at least for now...of course, it is up to him if he wants to do it. the scope n-mount is something you can't really do in the field btw
  11. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes and no, this sort of handguard is widespread across different areas, from middle east to africa...some small stuff is different in terms of details (engravings, markings etc etc), and i don't plan doing it just so that it would be 100% authentic for a pm 63 because it would be outside the scope of the mod. that being said, since i did have a bit of space left on a secondary UV sheet next to the AKMS stock, the steel, bakelite and ak103 magazines, then why not...
  12. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    it's actually more than that, yes ;)
  13. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes, precisely. the answer to your specific question is - no it cannot be done for the c130 i have expanded on the subject of mirroring a single side, and the fact that there are workarounds IF the model is unwraped to use an MC map for decals, which is not the case here
  14. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    1. yeah 2. not unless the decals are handled by a mc map on secondary uv set (most content is not setup that way, especially ported a2 content)
  15. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    long overdue texture (and variants) upgrade:
  16. PuFu

    Building dimensions needed

    this is a good place to start
  17. note here: i never ever for whatever reason do any sort of real modelling work in O2. I only merge, weld, translate, scale or rotate stuff. In short i only use for setting things up (named properties and selections), i try to do as much as possible in a proper modelling software, including mem points and creation of all lods - visual, geo, shadow etc etc etc - as in all the pieces you see are based on multimats (in this case at least 3). i need them separate for assigning the rvmat file. Again, for stuff that moves and needs animation etc it needs to be a separate object. Not just the red all, the entire exterior is a single selection yes. for shadow, i do it from scratch on top of the primary visual lod - it takes less time to get it properly done that way that any sort of "cheat" based visual lod mesh for geo: i try to keep it to a minimum. for a mesh that is so repetitive, the top and bottom can be done separably, the rest are a matter of simple snapping box creation and copy paste across. should be "days of work" i NEVER export as 3ds, or obj...as in ever. I either use .fbx (minus structures) or the script Bi provided that saves selection to bohemia txt file format that file is WIP - but it has 1. each door as a separate object with the pivot correctly placed for later adding mem points quickly where the hindges are. 2. each piece of window that is the same instanced so i do the unwrap only once, i then collapse it and move it about so not everything looks the same 3. the sills are a single object or instanced across 4. the metal top parts are of the battlements are a single object 5. 1 single mesh for the exterior (see the exploded part) 6. 2 meshes for the interior - one for the bathrooms and one for the main warehouse 7. 1 mesh for the stair and handrail 8. the exterior ladder has each step instanced and the lateral bars mirrored again, using either .fbx or .txt makes each individual object a named selections. i need the exterior/interior meshes done as i do so i can easily assign back the textures via multimat, i need the rest to either speed up unwrapping or to set my anims. on export all the window frames are gonna be a single object btw, because i do not plan to animate these. BTW, you can easily merge this together in O2 right after import
  18. for geo, i always use box primitives...should be quite a few since it has a lot of windows, but 371 seems quite a lot. named components, for the visual lods you don't really need any but the damaged parts and all windows and doors and whatever else. (check the A3 sample). You shouldn't mess with the scale, i model stuff in individual layers and export them 1 by 1, which means on import they fit right where these are needed. I would use the same software if you guys have more than a sigle person working on the same mesh about .fbx, no idea, i know there is a issue with it, i have tried exporting from both max and maya with the same shitty result. that goes only for double uv setup. fbx exports as each object as a separte named selections already if i were you , i would consider dumping skype and joining the public a3 discord channel, you'll find help much faster there then on forums in any case, this is how i set up my mesh (the colors are based on the future mask (black red green blue) normal view, and expanded based on individual pieces that i will later bring in O2 as named selections - the size of that is 45 m in lenght and 10 in height i think) http://imgur.com/a/ZXlE0
  19. 1. got it. You can detach the interior faces (walls, ceiling, floor) of each room without a problem. I actually export things from max based on the multimats i wanna use, and weld them back in O2 2. you won't be able to use .obj or .3ds simply because neither will export the 2 uv sets you'll need (uvset 0 for textures and uvset 1 for lighmap, mask and mc map). So it is either fbx or you use some community made script 3. from a modelling perspective. it is ok the route you've taken - i usually model things clean, then add details (or break corners, create damage directly in the model etc). for break the model between interior and exterior, in practice there should be no holes left, just overlapping vertices that could be otherwise welded...see p1
  20. have you tried setting that to "none" just had a look over @macser's rig and that is how that is set up to
  21. if when importing you get it 100 times bigger, try setting your unit scale to 0.01 instead for 1.00 ps: i am not a blender user, so i wouldn't know how that transfers units between these...
  22. what are you units set to in blender? https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Rayek/Doc:2.6/Manual/Interface/Units
  23. 1. i really don't get what you mean by "bridges" 2. a single file should do since each proxy is considered another section. There is no more limit to vertices normals, so might wanna do it all in one 3. i personally use 3ds max plus bitxt exporter script. Reason is, .fbx has issues with 2 uvs sets and smooth groups...not sure how other deal with things that need more than a single uv set overall, i would split the model into 2 (interior and exterior) and unwrap a single room than copy it 10 times over. Also, that model does have a lot of room in terms of details to be added, it is really lp now.
  24. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    judging by that magazine, i'd say 7.62 ak103 rather than 5.45 ak74m, but i might be wrong due to camera deformation: 1. XPS3+G33 scope on midwest industries weaver side mount 2. lower Zenitco B10M or Zentico B30 handguard 3. upper Zenitco B19H gas-tube 4. some generic and rather poor quality (40 rounds maybe ?) 7.62/5.45 magazine you asking us if YOU are gonna add that or not? i thought requests goes into addon request thread....as SA said, i doubt anyone will mind, but i also doubt anyone will post there if from the get go they will be told no one will actually have a look over these requests to begin with...
  25. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    we already said numerous times before: do not ask for a few things, because you will not get an answer: 1. release dates - we usually have a very vague idea ourselves because it is in relation to finishing things in our free time and that free time is not a given, as well as sinking it with BI updates (there is no reason to push a patch before BI just to find out things are not working correctly after BI updates it) 2. will there be / when will there be and my all-time favorite "why haven't you added" (add it from where?) sort of question. - we don't discuss plans because that leads to "but you said Y will be in, why isn't it in already". We used to do it before, not anymore because it went from bad to worse. 3. in general terms, for all the question about X or Y being in the mod, as long as it is actively used by USAF and AFRF, yes there is a chance. I haven't seen a single request or question here about a feature or an item we haven't thought about ourselves. The other type of question about we keep receiving after the SAF release: will you do BAF, CRO, BUND etc etc has been answered multiple times before, i personally spent some time and wrote a blog post about it 4. this thread is not read by all our developers, and 50% of the times, the reported issues have nothing to do with RHS to begin with. We have a feedback tracker because that format allows us to keep track of reports better (from duplicates to other mods used to being able to upload videos, images and rpt data). for the above, we have a FAQ written and available: http://www.rhsmods.org/faq Discussion about the mod in general, constructive criticism (it needs to be constructive to begin with, it doesn't need to be positive). To be honest, we love positive feedback, but we love to hear feedback no matter if it is bad or good as long as one can build upon it, which is most important - that is the reason for this thread. The recent remark about the wear and tear on the ak-74 for instance, has been noted. But as each 3d artist within RHS is allowed to express himself freely due to the fact that this is a free mod to begin with, as long as the content is up to RHS quality, each artist is allowed to choose how he deals with damage, type of materials used etc. We also have 90% of out content hiddenselection ready, so if you feel you would have done it differently, you are more than welcome to try and do a better job, no one in RHS is gonna feel offended by it. We will get offended if you will be keep pushing the same opinion on and on though.. You need to understand the mentality behind RHS: we do what we do because we like to push ourselves and this game and we do it for ourselves. We choose to share this work we do with everyone else as well, but our user base is not our aim, it is a consequence of us sharing the work we do. (case of point it has been years since i have actually played an Arma game instead of mod it) We have asked people that are not part of RHS to stop responding for us, but that keeps on happening due to the nature of the forums and internet overall, and yes, that leads to even more trouble than it is needed. And yes, discussions are allowed. But discussion does not mean a constant and ongoing interrogatory about what, when and why not, like you seem to think it needs to be.