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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. yes, in theory is very possible... for instance, instead of having MAN, front, far...You would have Unknown footmobile contact, to our front, far away.... Be advised that NO ONE uses the protocol you described ('I see someone far to our front'), and that all radio and direct messages are someone standardized... But again, as Charon said, you would either break some things, or you would need to increase the number of recorded sounds to fix it. Conclude: Yes, it is possible, using the same engine and method BIS used
  2. i welcome the idea of making this island. 1. Codemasters doesn't have any rights on an island that exists iRL, so there is no way they can ask for anything. Just call it by its real name - Kiska, instead of Skira, or whatever they choose to call it. 2. You can even go as far as to recreate the DR campaign without any legal problems, especially if you do it right (or someone else after the island is done) with a story behind it. The DR camp is based (more or less) on a book by by Tom Clancy The Bear and The Dragon Good Luck
  3. ACE was released publicly on the 24th of December 2008, at 16:00 GMT. ArmA1 was release January or February 2007 (or around then) BUT we expect ACE2 to be released earlier in relation to ArmA2 release date since most of ACE1 work was easily ported over to ACE2, as opposed to having to build everything from scratch... That doesn't mean you will get a definitive answer for obvious reasons PS: i don't really like demanding tones. So if you want an answer i suggest you change it in the future, nobody owes you nothing
  4. This is how it was in ACE1. Homer Johnston designed a very nice steerable system for the ram-air parachutes, while we kept the vanilla form (on jump - chute opens) for the t10-jellyfish chutes when we added the model. guess it depends if it can be done properly...without the alpha bug workaround like in A1. What do you mean by crouching animation be made static? SMAW is not a light weapon, and it is usually handled by 2-3 soldiers iRL. If you are playing by yourself against 20 tanks, then you might wanna change the mission or the server... guess not :D when it is done
  5. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Yeah well, if anyone thought ArmA2 physics are bad, you should see this one :) It isn't you. There is no parallax or normal mapping on any model...Just diffuse and some weird specular.... Yeah, without the PP effect, this game is, from a GFX POV null. It feels like placing a picture in PS and turning up way high the contrast, as well as messing with all the filters you can put your hands on, in order to make it look "attractive". Maybe it does for some, but not for me... Indeed, the best thing so far out there, above A2 anyways. You can find here a very short comparison (screenshots) from DR and A2: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1703&start=175#p26488 You can also read my full review here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1458316&postcount=238
  6. Can't be done, at least to my knowledge... Not possible without a really big mess behind it script wise. Not really worth the extra bandwidth required, as well as possible bugs that could intervene... I actually agree with you. A2 system is also a bit different, the amounts of bullets you have doesn't show on the HUD all the times now... Custom animations, breaking down all the AT models (or most of them) without the MLODs released....hmmm
  7. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    It doesn't, it does not support parallax effects. All the sights in DR are mearly a texture/image in the middle of the screen, not a 3d object
  8. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Playing the greatness of its MP...wait...oh well
  9. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    What i don't get is WHY you are still on those forums? Obviously, you can't or don't want to play ArmA2. Not sure about ArmA1 or OFP...Why aren't you posting on the Developer's Forums then? What is your scope? To get some of us to like DR as a game? I really don't get it... Read my review, it is subjective (as any other review), but there is no comparison to BIS games... Please keep on topic, which is DR, and not A2...
  10. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Sorry for the delay with the review, had been caught in a number of stuff these days to at least play through the campaign, and mess with the editor before posting. But here we go: I had very little expectations from the game really. I have been reading trough the lines of the CM forums before the release, and knew a lot of things will not be as advertised earlier on the development stage. Hell, i knew before A2 was released that this is not gonna be a military simulator. I was thinking about dividing the review in SP and MP parts, but since the MP is just not there (lack of dedi servers, lack of JIP, lack of missions, i will just dedicate a paragraph to it. Long Story Short CM advertised this game in late 2007 as the true successor for OFP (which was also released to xbox as OFP: Elite in 2005). During the development process, financial gain, as well as some problems with a multi-platform build, as well as the engine picked for it (EGO - Dirt and Grid - racegame engine), they said it will end up being in another category altogether, as a tactical military shooter (hmm, that was suppose to be R6, GRAW, SWAT etc), and not competing directly with BIS games(and my review will not be a comparison of the 2 games), but featuring a number of realistic elements. Did it? Story - 2/10 China attacks Skira Island, for petrol, which belongs to Russia. USMC are called to intervene (weird from Russia's part)....That is all what you will get during the game as well. The lack of a proper story, featuring immersive dialogs, cut-scenes, or any other additional information makes the whole game experience dull and repetitive...All you do, for 11 missions which the campaign lasts, is to go and clear some areas, kill some PLA etc, but for no good reason..Yes, there is a war going on, and yes you are suppose to be just a grunt, but this is fucking retarded in the end. It stands no comparison to COD4 SP campaign, not even ArmA's campaign, that was suppose to be the weakest in the series (or was that QG expansion?). Gameplay - 4/10 Repetitive, Dull....Repetitive, Dull....am i repeating myself now? Well, this is how it is. Yes, this is a FPS game, the whole point is to shoot the enemy. But due to how the whole scenario is set, the fact that you got a vast environment to work with means little, since you are somewhat forced to follow a certain flag (i guess those are waypoints), to take advantage of the checkpoint system (you need to, since the game cheats on you so many times...). This is a 2 sided coin though. Let me explain: 1. the enemy is pre-placed or spawned in the same precise locations - you will find everyone in the same location after dieing, and loading the checkpoint. Replayability = 0. 2. there are several missions and or part of missions where AI is spawned in such a way that you will most likely be killed - behind you, in an area that you have just cleared and you are positive that there are no more enemies around. (POW escort mission - you are suppose to go around some enemy spec-op units, and even if you do, they will spawn behind you, several times, or in fact, over and over again, until you are not longer in the specific trigger). You will learn to use certain exploits to play the game though, and stay alive and keep the squad you have with you standing as well - shooting from a distance, outside 200-300m means more or less you are not gonna get hit by the enemy AT ALL, not even by snipers. Also, there is this sensation of being rushed from behind (most missions if not all, need to be completed in xx minutes). That leaves you no time to go around the map exploring, or taking the time to prepare an assault (not that the scenario requires or allows it). And i have tested it, the pace you need to move and kill on is pretty high, so it won't allow you to take a break and think about it..BTW, if you go around (there are few occasions where is possible, the behind enemy lines sensation is just not there, or at least the fact that the area is occupied by enemy units. It will be just empty, with no activity). Also, i wanna talk a bit about the wounding system - it has been advertised that it is suppose to not be based on HP...well, it is. Yes, you bleed to death if you are hit. But you can patch yourself up, by looking at what appears to be a medical box of some sort. Still, the medics (you will always have one in your squad) can fully heal, ANY TYPE of wound by pointing some sort of magical syringe at you...Odd I finished the game opening the MAP only ONCE, just too see how it looks...I haven't needed it otherwise Controls - 5/10 in a very short and direct way to put it - BAD Yes, you have an instantaneous reply there, but it's hardly plausible in most of the cases. From not being able to hump over a small fence via action/interact key (well, you can, but only in certain places), to the fact that issuing orders or changing the ammo type stops your movement (in fact any sort of interaction that is happening on the HUD - changing weapons for instance via scroll), to the fact that you have no lean or roll options, no way to WALK instead of RUNNING all the time (self-kick in the ballz for stealthy missions and immersion).... More about the command interface - i found it to be very simplistic, not covering all my needs - it is persistent - does not disappear after issuing an order - same for arty, which i used only when i was required by the mission to move on to next phase - finished the campaign and never got around to how to assign specific orders to individual players... Graphics 5/10 First, i don't really like those very weird post-precess effects added as a layer on top of what is rendered as a general rule... DR uses those in numbers, (changing the weather conditions will use a different pp effect). The result is a brownish or greenish effect, that resembles with nothing i have seen with my own 2 eyes iRL. It is an over-tinted, over-exposed picture in most of the cases, that gives a very sci-fi feeling to it (at least this is my POV). The models, textures, etc, are sub-average. They are probably around 5.000 polys each (at most), and features such as parallax effects, bump/normal maps etc are not present, (specular is there in some strange sort of way), giving all the environment and units a very dusty feeling and look, missing a lot of details due to this... LOD switching is also very obvious, and kicks back the level detail even back a few years back Shading is weird and almost non-existent in terms of soft shadows, detail etc Also the tree variation is not there, and the ground texture is just sooo ugly. Grass is rendered @ max 100-200m, but it is rendered when scope is on though). The view distance advertised as 35km is bollocks, it is around 4km at most... Also the HUD elements are a a piss. This also affected my Gameplay score - playing on hardcore removes the compass, as well as all other HUD elements. Playing on either normal or easy, gives you a very sort of radar that shows all the enemy position, and makes your life so much easier (tooo easy in fact). The so advertised FLIR is pathetically implemented, and things like heat radiations, or buildings hear signature is not there. The only affected things are vehicles and units, but in such a way that it makes your life SOO easy, and has no relation to how a real FLIR system works... The only thing good about this is the lighting of the streetlamps are buildings, as well as the particle effects (which are really really soft with the GPU/CPU) Sounds 8/10 Besides the fact that environment sounds such as birds, tree leaves, crickets, and so forth (that would be adding to the environment) are missing, all the weapons and units sounds are crisp and accurate represented. Big plus here for proper recordings The voice of your team-members are not robotic, they fit and merge better than i have expected. I can't put here that the coms (scripted) between yourself and other squads/commander/hq are getting frustrating after a certain point ("How copy", "Solid copy" was pissing me so bad at the end of the game, mainly because it happens every 3 minuets during a ~5h SP gameplay....) Also, no soundtrack, or environment music AI 6/10 They have some smart moments. But those are rare. Most of the time are pretty dumb and repetitive (seen no flanking, or suppressing so far, or fleeing scared to take defensive positions). But they do the job - they don't stay in the open if they got something to hide behind, the engagement radius is a bit small though, especially if they know where you are shooting from (outside the 300m ) but they are not reacting WHATSOEVER. The Squad AI is obedient, but not really effective. They do what they are told, they don't really get stuck, and you can leave them to do what they want, on their own, without them loosing your formation. Physics - 2/10 A very big and epic FAIL. All vehicles feel really strange to play with, funky response, from A to Z. The most obvious problem is with the air vehicles, where you can rotate around the rotor axis 360 degrees and going 200 mph(?). Flipping when hitting the trees and other indestructible objects etc... Being able to jump out from speeding vehicles without problems, etc Not fun Editor - 8/10 The Best thing of the whole game would be the editor. If it would be an internal one, would be even better, after a while it's getting tiresome to have the game start each time you want to preview it But it features a script editor (LUA), and a lot of options for each entity created. I didn't get to play a lot with it myself, but fact is, it is user-friendly, it has great potential to be a great tool for user created missions/campaigns. Pity about all the limitations that would require a whole set of workarounds and hacks to have the simplest mission. Other Things that have affected the scores of the above, but either fit in different categories, or multiple. * FOV and first person view - wrong, just wrong. No peripheral view, the weapons is too big and static, and when it moves it seems to be a bit spasmodic * the head-blob does not deny the feeling that you are actually sliding on a surface * non-destructible environment (trees, bushes, fences etc) * recoil animation is a big laugh. While it kicks back (by no means as real as they should, a lot less), in kicks in very jerky way.. * no free-look (added on top of the stupid FOV and size of things) give you head-aches trying to get your situation environment going. I know a lot of other games don't have it either, but at least they have a proper FOV for it. * animations - all the animations are weird, and the transition between one and another is really bad. Moving, shooting and stances are uhuuuhu (if you know what i mean). The sole exception is reload animations and AT weapons assembly (to be picky, the only one where is an assembly and a disassemble as well is the Javelin..) * all sights are 2d - no movement or motion sensation on those no matter what...HOLO sight is oval etc etc. ACOG elevation numbers cannot be read * optimization - big plus. I know it is not the size you would be expecting. I know there are no more than 63 entities at the same time on the map at the same time at any given time etc...i know all that. But still, it works as intended, out of the box * MP is crap. Nuff said (no MP missions out of the box -and little to no documentation from CM-, no dedi servers, no JIP). * very little probability of modding tools To Conclude: This is not a bad game if you take it on parts. But the funny thing is i don't know where to place it. It has nothing on the scripted COD series Campaign story, it doesn't have the BF2 MP environment, it is not even close to ArmA2 complexity and immersion. It's sub-average though, couldn't really get the FUN out of it somehow. Does it worth the 48,99€ (Steam version), or the 40€ (Retail -found it in a local gamestore). NO. You will get a short campaign (5h.20m for me to finish it, and completed all secondary objectives plus played is safe and as tactical as it allowed me to), no MP support, limitation towards making your own missions etc. Wait for it to hit the bargain bin. It will soon enough FINAL MARK:5
  11. PuFu

    Nigera Delta Mod...

    wrong part of the forum is this is suppose to be an addon suggestion/request. Try this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74039
  12. PuFu

    Playable area.

    depending on the mission. Manhattan is the only one where you can't go wherever you feel like, but the size of the playable size is about 1/3 of the island. However, the rest of the missions should be playable on the whole island... I didn't have any problems with not being able to flank or play as i want to during the campaign, due to the trigger that is limiting the size of area playable. MP missions and editor are free to use as you feel like, the hole island being available for free roaming (bar the ones where the missions designer is putting down some limiting triggers...)
  13. well, the link you provided requires registration to see the pictures attached. And new registrations have been disabled = cannot see those pictures of the new gun mount. I'd love to update my model based on the new weapon system, but without proper reference i cannot do that... Great work on the AR Platiff/MP
  14. PuFu

    % of game time decrease

    dunno about %. But yes, it feels that OFP>ArmA>ArmA2 in terms of community interest, as well as time played. You hardly ever find a proper pub server for a quick game (excluding the domination, evolution and other non-teamplay missions), and the private servers i have access to are more or less empty most of the times...
  15. Exactly. But i think no one would ask vilas. At least i won't...If you know why, good, if you don't, don't ask :icon_rolleyes: Go ahead and prove me (and everyone else) wrong. No one is stopping you
  16. Not as an official response, but only my own opinion: NOT gonna happen. LOL
  17. I am modeling it. Started from a base model done by a friend of mine (klamacz), but eventually dropped that a built it from scratch. The cockpit is based on his yeah yeah will do, no worries. If anyone has close-up photos from a kiowa 58d, PM me please :)
  18. 14k Pol, 18k verts. Still working on decreasing those numbers, fixing some normal issues, optimizing the general mesh for better smooth groups etc..still plenty of work to do before export to O2, and additional LOD creation Who modeled what? :)
  19. Yes, it is, BUT not only. It's a bit smarter that that: It can also synk up with the server (if the server has yoma configed as well), and download mods allowed or needed by that particular server. It also checks if you have the addon, so in that case it won't download it again
  20. PuFu

    Manual fire helicopter

    it is supposed to be fixed in beta patch 59210...will prly be fixed in 1.05 pathc
  21. PuFu

    Tactical view

    my bad... anyways, the persistent menus need to be fixed sometimes...
  22. PuFu

    Tactical view

    You have tactical view only 1. if you are leader of a group (yourself + 1 other unit under your command as minimum 2. your difficulty level allows it (if 3rd person view is off, so is tactical view)