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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. I foresee that everyone would be wearing them if they would be made available (mainly because most mission makers are adding all the gear and items available to their missions). Since i don't think you could alter ones sound volumes via configs if those would be worn (as a side effect - lower sounds = less awareness), you can always behave like having those earplugs by turning down your volume :) You can post here just as well.. and no, it wasn't me who did it
  2. PuFu

    Texture Questions

    I suggest you take it step by step: 1. Retexture You will find the the .paas under \characters2\usmc\data (once you unpboed characters2.pbo) You will need to retext the _co.paa files (the names should be self explanatory). 2. Setting up the rvmats - OPTIONAL Those are the material files for the maps/texture you will be doing, so you will need to have those edited as well. You will need a program such as eliteness to open them up (those are binarized as well), then change the path of the files you edited (in the case of messing with anything but diffuse maps (shouldn't be the case for a retex really) 3. Hexediting the p3ds This is a tricky part. You will need a Hex Editor that has both Bit editor and text editor, so you can find the paths you need to change and edit those. HERE is a comprehensive comparison of most of the HEX editors our there. Make sure you move the files you want to edit (p3ds) out, into your own folder/work area... To remember: The length of the edited path needs to be EXACTLY the same with the one you will add, or you will break the file on save... 4. Configs Not gonna cover much here, just that you will need to do the configs for the models you created (you will need new models (the hex edited ones) that will have to have the paths changed for the textures you edited.. Not a hard thing to do, especially since you can inherit everything from the existing classes minus the models...WiKI is your friend here...Or post again once you got there 5. Packing it up You will need the BinPBO <or a 3rd party tool - not recommended for the first time doers> (provided in BIS TOOLs 2 pack), for packing it all together and binarizing the config (just make sure you do the binarizing without having the models in - since they will be already binarized), OR you binarize only the config and pack it all together with cpbo or binPBO (binarization dissabled). I suggest you learn early how to sign the pbos, i guess it should be a MUST DO, for every Addon maker out there, if they plan a PUBLIC release.. Have FUN :P
  3. Love the attitude, especially for someone who is posting in the WRONG SECTION!: More FPS is in direct relation to Quality (as in less quality, more FPS) as in any other game. So Qs answer is still valid. REDUCE the value of sceneComplexity, and you should have increased FPS....That goes for most of the other values you find there, including shadows, AA, etc etc, but seems that sceneComplexity is one of the most effective one to tweak *as well as removing the shadows altogether...*
  4. PuFu

    Texture Questions

    Will break down your post into areas that is needed to be covered: 1. P3Ds (the model itself, O2 file). First, all the p3ds are binarized (as in not editable). That goes for both BIS ones, as well as community ones. Check THIS thread for more info why. 2. PAAs (texture file, TexView file) Those are the files you need to retexture. You can open them with TexView that is coming with the BI TOOLs 2. Then save those to TGA and start editing with your prefered 2d editing software (PS, Gimp etc) Also, you can open the files with PS (32 bit version only), if you grab Kegetys Tools Pack and install the plug-in provided there... 3. PBOs and Unpacking There are a number of utilities that can do that. One of those is called cpbo and is part of the Kegetys tool pack i linked above. Easy to work with, just install it (make sure you unpack the file from the archive first), the double click (or right click, you will see the option top part) any Pbo. As said, there are others our there as well, just use the Search function on those forums Other stuff: * you cannot link your new textures to the actual model without being able to open the p3d (which, as said, it is binarized in 99% of the cases) without: hexediting the p3d (and changing the path of the texture urls) the p3d having a hiddenSelection that you can take advantage of. contacting the author (in the case of a community addon), and ask for his consent (and while you are at it, ask for an MLOD format of the p3d as well). Hope it helps
  5. NO. ACE scope does not include either. There will be no content in ACEX for that. That said, there are a lot of features that ACE will come with (rucks, stamina, wounding etc etc) that are not linked to a certain time age...So any 3rd party mods/addons (with proper BIS inheritance) will take advantage of those, if run together with ACE. You are right, here are the values for movement in vanilla A2: Slow Crawl - 1.81 Crawl - 3.41 Crouch Walk - 4.67 Walk - 6.00 Sights Up (without having Walk Toggled) - 8.95 Crouch Run - 14.84 Run - 19.8 Sprint - between 18.35 - 25.35 (depending on stamina level He is right, please check the values yourself before posting around saying he was wrong. I thought the values were high as well, but i did a small test before posting, and he was spot on :)
  6. AFAIK, just like in ACE1, there will be no change to FOV, and vanilla values will be kept
  7. PuFu

    Binarized models

    Maybe YOU don't look into it as hacking... Still, while, as Q said, there is no way to actually protect your work via binarization 100% (and if one is technical enough, he should be able to reverse engineer the process and get almost all out of a model - including LODs, selections, animations etc), it still protects from the generic Joe, who cannot modify the content without permission and call it his own, or evern better, sell your model for commercial purposes on any of the websites who deal with this stuff... So if you wanna "tinker" with a community model, the easiest way would be to ask the original creator about it....
  8. the grass layer works just as it did in ArmA1: http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff105/KH_PuFu/arma22009-10-3012-19-04-78.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff105/KH_PuFu/arma22009-10-3012-19-14-81.jpg
  9. The answer is a bit more complicated than this, but it resumes to the same in the end: there will be SCARs in OA. Can you PM with your formula for creating TIME? I'd love it, since i am short on it lately...:rolleyes: What is CQB enjoyable for you?
  10. I guess the idea would be to have all weapons of the same quality (quality over quantity)... You never know... What kind of change do you got in mind? The M4s/M16s have been done by panda for ACE1, so it was easier to have a port over... Why would one change a uniform that has been done properly in the first place? Just for the sake of it is not gonna cut it... From the weapons i got started, and none finished, neither is a SKS. It was either daSquade or Scuba i guess... Give an example of factions...Not sure why more would be needed... Indeed the ref images for Dragunov looks like the one you posted (it has been designed for 7.62 rounds). Still, like ACOGs, there a huge number of models out there... DRAGUNOV PSO - note that ingame PSO is a 6x magnification ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5 AK PSO - note that ingame PSO is a 4x magnification ref1, ref2
  11. PuFu

    sniping tools

    Yes, for some
  12. You BUY! it, or update (still BUY IT!) your order license... ohhh, the 30day trial might work for all i know
  13. It does... The BulletBase has the caliber value of 1 class BulletBase: BulletCore { caliber = 1; } Every other bullet relates to this value...for instance: class B_9x18_Ball: BulletBase { caliber = 0.33; }; class B_545x39_Ball: BulletBase { caliber = 0.5; }; class B_556x45_Ball: BulletBase { caliber = 0.5; }; class B_127x108_Ball: BulletBase { caliber = 2.07; }; ETC.... So as per Alex link, you can calculate the caliber size needed in the config...
  14. PuFu

    All Weapons

    What does this have to do with the Subforum You posted in? ArmA 2 : CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING (addons) _______ Answer: USE in a script: addWeapon addWeaponCargo addMagazine addMagazineCargo LIST OF A2 Weapons
  15. There is a big difference between properly modeled weapons, and higher polycount. a Normal and AO map baked from a high poly model vs an Normal/AO done in PS....And i am talking about the same amount of polygons while looking a lot more detailed... While i agree some of BIS models could undergo some optimization, most of community releases don't take into account performance (or very little). If you compare the section count for instance, you will notice the difference... I wouldn't hold my breath for updating anything that is already in A2 for AO..There is where community can do the changes... BUT, the newly added content...well, i guess you might be in for a surprise (:p)
  16. Some of the above will most welcome i guess, would give an easier interface fr ppl who can't write some scripts to substitude... LOL....BIS already have the highest amount of Polys per model as it is, comparing with any other game out there!... i actually hope it is not gonna happen, since that would strain even more CPU/GPU and HDD access
  17. chamfer should have no probs, since it creates new faces anyways. Make sure all your primary objects have been converted to editable objects (polys if you say with mesh it doesn work, although i find that strange, will need to test it myself). For modifiers, guess you would need to colapse that on the mesh/poly (wild guess that is) Text, yes, most likely not. Just convert that to poly as well
  18. So what? You would need the mlods for what? Retexs are already possible, changing the models, well, not really, but you can always try and create your own
  19. PuFu

    to poly or not to poly?

    Got me confused with the title really... What else can you use? Don't get your question: A. is it mesh vs poly (max user) B. is it poly(as in quads) vs tris (which is still a polygon after all). C. something else that eludes me who? what? 32k is the hard limit for A2. Low poly count (without taking that too far), with high poly baked normal, and AO, lowest sections possible (needs a proper UV) if there is a question to answer, can't really find it here....
  20. have you tried with mesh instead of poly?
  21. What does 1 thing got to do with the other? You can either edit that shortcut that was created and add whatever amounts of mods/addons you like, or in your case, using a launcher (sorry, never used one myself), you can always select from the given list which ones you want to play with, am i right?
  22. :eek: BF2 FM has nothing to do with BIS games FM....no way near