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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. Are you for real? You are bumping your ideas in every thread...You need to realize what is possible and what NOT, such as: * new textures * new lighting engine * new animations for reloading * new system for Javelin * etc BIS will NOT improve those via patches, no matter what you think about their dedication...
  2. PuFu

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    would defo get my vote. If i ever get the phisical prise for ACE1, will send it to you for that toolbox
  3. PuFu

    Bohemia Interactive Community Awards 2009

    I R one of those :)
  4. not trying to get this into OT, but when you are saying I MADE a HK-MP7 for ArmA2 , what should one get out of that? That you actually made that model, texture by yourself. He didn't say i made this addon, so your post BogdanM is besides the point I hate ppl who are attributing other ppl work to themselves....The best thing to do is to say: hey, i got permission from A and B, and i am gonna port this over to A2. At least you are being honest
  5. Nice can i ask what program did you use for modeling it? can i see some wireframe of it?
  6. ACE-X (which will contain all the additional models, weapons yada yada), is dependent on ACE. So while you will be able to use all the main features without needing to download all the model-related content, you will NOT be able to use those without having ACE
  7. O2 can import obj and 3ds files. Obviously, you will need to sort out the LODs, proxies and selections, animations, etc etc from it, but at least you can model in something better than o2... Not really the scope of this thread though
  8. The only way as it is now to get a proper game, is to play on a private server, with ppl you know and have direct coms with (TS+VON) Also, the missions that are mostly played out there, Evolution and Domination, are fun to a point, if you play them as described above, but neither of those help keeping some teamplay going on any public servers. I am not saying that can be done easily, but it can be done if the mission would force some sort of restrictions to players (limited respawn, limited weapons, limited vehicles, mixed objectives). Props for Xeno and the guy who did the original Evolution, for the script work and the complexity of the mission, but saying that, i do prefer missions where: 1. i can loose in one form of the other (most of missions don't have a loose parameter, especially if they feature respawn) 2. the mission doesn't last as long 3. the scope of the mission is a bit different than moving from A to B and killing everything (platoon size at most killing a small army size force), respawn, kill some more, repeat etc
  9. 1. The system will be redesigned from scratch, as said before. 2. You posted in the ACE1 project on dev-heaven. ACE2 is not accessible yet to public. SO i guess that is ok for now 3. feedback is welcome, but bear in mind that scripting has its own limitations
  10. PuFu

    Modern Warfare 2

    NO, SP is mediocre, like watching a block buster Hollywood movie...To short, bad story etc... MP...guess i am getting to old for all the run and gun mindless shite
  11. PuFu

    ARMA game league??

    uhhh...looking forward to seeing more on it Updated the biki page for you, some info/links were old
  12. PuFu

    No cd patch

    use the beta patches
  13. The system was exactly the same in ACE1 as it is in A2. The only difference is the actual animation.
  14. It has been cover at least 50 times so far: make sure 1. Target line: ~Drive~\~FOLDER(s)~\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe 2. MOD in use: -mod=beta 3. Start in: ~Drive~\~FOLDER(s)~\ArmA 2\ IE: "F:\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -mod=beta "F:\ArmA 2\"
  15. 1. Animations - there are very few ppl (i only know about 1 or 2 ppl) that can do new animations for ArmA. That said, not really sure what you mean by "when you manage to touch someone? 2. Crosshairs - cannot have 2 different crosshairs (1 for 1st pers and one for 3rd). ACE is about realism, features and models connected to that, so having a red dot point...well. Most ppl playing ACE don't even use crosshairs (settings - OFF) 3. jump over obstacle is already in vanilla ArmA2. No worries, your english is fine. And again, as panda said, welcome to this community Good luck with that :P. You can search for teacup RTM Maya tools if you really wanna start messing with animations. There is little documentation about those afaik anyways...
  16. ACE was designed as a unified package. The models, vehicles etc, are either property of ACE team (models textured etc), or have been donated, exchanged between different other mod teams or individual developers, but those fall under the same EULA. Hence, the models, etc etc are dependent of other ACE content and configs on purpose, and you cannot use them without creating conflicts (although you might want to try and disable some pbos - by moving them out from @ACE/addons - name are self explanatory, but cannot guarantee it will work)
  17. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Not sure what you mean by this: 1. if you are talking about users creating a server via MP gamemode, that is NOT called dedicated servers 2. if you are talking about communities or certain individuals that have a server of their own (different box than the client machine) and provide a a dedicated server to the rest of the community (or keep it private), then those servers are usually on a 100MBs line in a coo-location or alike (just like my clan's), and all their CPU power is used for the game, then that's something else... How many clients are having a 100MBs line atm... The guy is asking why is he loosing connection all the time, and they are saying it is because of his ISP...gimme a break...Why do I loose connection when trying to play DR (connecting to another client server), but i never do when playing a game on a dedi server? I am on the same ISP LOL...now you are being childish...do you think someone from CM management said: NO, there will be no dedi servers, i forbid you to do that? I can bet it didn't go that way for sure..It is because of the port over, and engine limitations... Secondly, look at IW and their MW2: they said no to dedi servers in order to have a better control over the MP part of the game (cheaters, pirated games etc etc). There IS a reason behind it there. While for CM there is no reason: there is no CD check(there was always one with an illegit version of the game in any MP game, and bragging off), there is no server control abilities, there is nothing to justify the lack of dedi servers. So please get on the ground and understand that the CM management has nothing to do with the current situation regarding this issue
  18. does this needs a thread of its own though?
  19. PuFu

    Dragon Rising has been released

    This made my day...best customer support reply i've seen yet: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=395959
  20. Since all modelers, scripters needs a lot of references to start/finish their work, (facts, model details, blueprints etc etc), and while some of those might be hard to find (language barriers, not so obvious places to search in etc), i thought it would be good to have a place where everyone from this community could put down their findings, as well as request different information about specific models or stats 1. V E H I C L E S US LAND AIR SEA RUS LAND AIR SEA OTHER LAND AIR SEA 2. W E A P O N S US RUS OTHER 3. M I S C Notes: I will update this first page with further information based on the posts below and some materials i have. Above layout might change to fit the information
  21. 1. balance is overstated (weapons regarding) 2. the weapons you linked are not made by ACE. Yes, there have been several models included (call them donations or collaborations or exchanges) in the past from external sources, but unless there is a will from both parts to do that... 3. ArmA1 addons are not working as they are in A2. that said, i don't get how your post is suppose to be taken...suggestion? request? neither fits since your linked page has no relation to either ACE2 or ArmA2
  22. PuFu

    Acog scope

    There is no easy way to do this properly in A2, FFAM approach was the only way possible, but as peloton said, there will be side-effects... Regarding the sights, A2 has the right ones for the ACOG modeled on the weapons, ACE2 has the ones you posted about, due to the fact that the ACOG model is different (TA01NSN vs TA31RCO-A4CP) http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff105/KH_PuFu/acog1.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff105/KH_PuFu/acog2.jpg Who is "we"? Yes, i know how ONE can do this: redo all ACOGs on all the weapon models (would be easier if MLODs would be released), and take the FFAM way: should be done similar to AIMPOINT, with a different sights, then set the zoom in configs to 4x, and you are pretty much done (without having PP effect around it)
  23. @RH; poly count limit of A2 engine is 32k btw... great models Oleg. Maybe the best approach of A2 would be to bake normal maps out of high poly models, and then reduce the poly to around 10-15k...Takes a lot i know, especially if the model was not designed with floating geometry in mind from the start
  24. PuFu

    Autocad to O2

    should be possible. I never tried myself though...
  25. is the trigger set on repeatedly?