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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2#EASA_.28module.29
  2. PuFu

    FDF Podagorsk

    Splendid job lads! Happy Holidays
  3. You should have C:\Users\~win_username~\AppData\Local\ArmA2 where ~win_username~ is your Windows User name IE: C:\Users\Meatball0311\AppData\Local\ArmA2 If you can't see AppData, that is because you got "show hidden files and folder inactive". Bur even so, copy pasting your correct URL in Win Explorer should work. WIKI RPT entry: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/RPT Wrong Thread...
  4. GG Q and F, downloading :)
  5. your hpp files should be in \Arma 2\userconfig\ACE\ and NOT in \Arma 2\@ACE\userconfig\ IE: \Arma 2\userconfig\ACE\ace_clientside_config.hpp \Arma 2\userconfig\ACE\ace_keys.hpp \Arma 2\userconfig\ACE\ACE_serverconfig.hpp \Arma 2\userconfig\ACE\ACE_Tracking.hpp
  6. sad to see you closing shop guys. Cheers for the work and time you put in BIS games. Best of luck!
  7. PuFu

    A.C.E.2 Public Beta Servers

    You don't, it is in direct relation to view distance...up to a max point anyways
  8. No you don't, you just need to place it in the editor Please break down your posts into issues and post them down here http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/issues Jasonnoguchi: Join Date: Oct 2009 I suggest you take this attitude out of this thread, ASAP! If you got nothing to write down, then simply don't. If any of the ACE team would have had a similar attitude with yours, wonder if that would have helped the heap of ppl with dif questions around here...
  9. means that on saturday, there will be no patches, so there is no need for server admins to update etc etc :P
  10. can you be more specific about this? Is this different than the vanilla parachute handling? Which parachute is affected Please direct your bug report over to: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/issues
  11. PuFu

    Built-in addon manager

    There is already a solution for what the OP is asking: Yoma Addon Sync 2009. What it is, and what it can do: 1. It is an exterior game launcher, addon manager and synchronizer 2. It allows you to query A1 or A2 gamespy MP server list, see what mods the server is running (yoma will pick those exact same addons the server is using if you have it on your HDD), and if the server is configed as repository, it will begin downloading (syncing up ) with the server mods - downloading only what client is missing, or updating 3. You can connect directly to a specific server via Yoma (no need to go through Main Menu for that) 4. It allows to set your server as repository so that clients can connect no matter what mods you are using 5. Features a fully automated repository .pbo builder 6. Automated software updater 7. BIS beta patch notifier. 8. etc etc etc Unfortunately, there is only a couple of server that have Yoma configed properly, and thus able to synk up their server content with clients, doing EXACTLY what the OP was on about. Yoma himself is not a very good PR guy, hence the low number of ppl actually using this great piece of software Instead, i see a lot of ppl using other game launchers available, which don't come even close to what YAS can do...pity
  12. There is no plan to do it within ACE...It's up to kju and the_f if they want to move ACEIP over to A2, which they somewhat already did via CAA1 project. Or most of them anyways. Regarding new HQ Islands, no, there is no plan for such thing
  13. 1. that ACE2_CfgVehicles is a list of class names for ACEX. You can find it here anyways: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Class_Lists_for_ACEX To answer your question, NO, you don't need it placed anywhere for ACE to work. 2. regarding HKs, i have already answered this once: 3. you can't give very specific orders to your subordinate squads. That has nothing to do with ACE, but with A2.
  14. PuFu

    How many Clans will be using ACE 2

    It's really easy to use the same six-updater to keep your server up to date just the same way you are keeping a client machine updated
  15. the HK family in ACE was done in the house by Panda, and not by RH RH HK416 are a CS:S port (and i got no prb with that). That said, the same Panda is reworking the HK family for ACE2. ETA: when it is done.
  16. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/issues
  17. have you moved your userconfig folder from \ArmA2\@ACE into \ArmA2\? you need to create a new folder inside the moved userconig called ACE, and drop all the .hpp files in there final path for those hpp files should be: \ArmA2\userconfig\ACE\ IE: F:\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE\ace_clientside_config.hpp F:\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE\ace_keys.hpp F:\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE\ACE_serverconfig.hpp F:\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE\ACE_Tracking.hpp
  18. you can always remove the condition for having an hangar by writting this in its init field: this setVariable["NoHangar", true]
  19. we KH are peaking the 100MB line...so i know you are not the only one