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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. http://students.autodesk.com/
  2. thinking this is the wrong thread for your post
  3. I didn't get from your above post: are you trying to port stuff from DR to A2? Some of what you accomplished to do with DR is already posible using the editor modules
  4. I am sorry, but i don't get what discussion you want to start with the above topic.. Is i above DR or A2? Because if it is above DR, you are in the wrong forums..
  5. PuFu

    rvmat examples

    Why don't i believe that you have never unbinned a config file? ;) Anyways, you can use the rvmat just as example, and rewrite everything just to be on the safe side..
  6. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config
  7. whining != asking in the first place Have i? Does gearbox uses BI engine? I am asking again: do YOU know how animations work. In any game? in BIS games?
  8. Question 1: Do you realize OA is a freaking EXPANSION?? Question 2: If you do realize OA is an EXPANSION, do you know what Expansion means? Question 3: Do you know how animations work in BIS engines? Question 4: Why don't you, or anyone else so into reload animations, put your hands on it, and create some animations? Or pay someone to do it for you? You make it sound sooo simple, why don't you go ahead and do something ELSE with your free time then spamming those forums? Question 5: Could you, in the future, spare some of us of your wisdom ?
  9. PuFu

    rvmat examples

    :rolleyes: that would go for config.bin files as well, wouldn't it?
  10. depends on what kind of multiplayer each one is playing, and mission
  11. PuFu

    Add Simple Sound Effects

    Do you even own arma2?
  12. PuFu

    rvmat examples

    Sorry, you are wrong. Binarized rvmats can be opened and saved after that with eliteness (directly as rvmat, not first as cpp like RH sadi) and then edited further
  13. You forget some things: 1. even with DLC from BIS (payed or not), they haven't, and will never deny you from making whatever addon you feel like. If brits are so needed, i don't understand why some of the ppl whining for the last week, have not started such a project on their own. 2. Addons take time. Yes, in A2, there are LOTs of ppl creating new content every day, and the only thing they demand is proper credits and some appreciation for their free work their doing. Instead, the same community they share their work with (bear in mind than EVERY addon maker is doing whatever he is doing for himself and for his own fun before anything and anyone else), is either stealing their work and selling it on turbosquid, or demanding changes etc etc. This does nothing but to limit the amount of ppl willing to spend their free time creating content SO BIS is going to try and fill that gap: create New content and make it available for you to use, for a fee (nothing is free in this world, so most likely you will need to pay for it, especially if they are gonna work with external developers - they need to be paid anyways - for specific content). I don't get where is the problem?
  14. would you drop this attitude..? You're mom should have thought you how to say "please" It is getting on my god damn nerves bumping into your posts, demanding stuff all over the place, starting with BI devs to the free-working community You want something done ASAP, do it yourself if you know how to., Sorry to the rest for the OT, but it had to come out eventually
  15. indeed the record is 170 players at the same time, but that didn't last more than a few minutes. Record on Arma1 si 122-123 player for 3h straight PvP (NO AI) game. You can have as many slots as you want, but you are limited only by the hardware and connection (in relation with the number of scripts running, addons etc etc = the fewer the better)...
  16. it is NOT possible to simulate horizontal recoil in 1st person view as it is, without changing animations afaik
  17. Again, it has NOTHING to do with addons... Addons != Missions... Tell me how it can affect what your written above an addon? Or which type of addon might implement what the obvious statements above?
  18. PuFu

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Not really sure. Language is dependent on string files. If those are in the original (i think they are no matter what version one has), then it OA could easily read those.
  19. PuFu

    Need help with model issue....

    myke is 100% right regarding how exactly you make them, just search around those forums, ofpec etc, as there tuts and threads on the issue. I'll have a look around and point you to a very brief tut bout it myself. DOWNLOAD PDF TUT BUT that was not the entire point of my post: 1. You uv map is not properly done - there are stretches on your model, overlapping faces etc etc - you can check that easily using a checker board texture instead of your diffuse one: DOWNLOAD TGA FILE 2. The difuse map you have is, in most of it's part just a solid color, with no detail whatsoever, the resulting image being way too uniform ( it actually looks more like a rigid box with an antenna and a dispaly rather than a backpack). I am just trying to be critic in a constructive way here
  20. this should be in editing subforums i suppose. PLUS, i guess you could be more specific about what exactly you want changed...UI? Menus? what? and the thread name has nothing to do with your question either way...
  21. PuFu

    Need help with model issue....

    Not for a public release it doesn't. For private use, yes i guess it flies. But i guess it depends on where you put the bar... Comparing with ACE rucks, they behave the same. Bear in mind that the whole ruck system is scripted system, and it has its limitations.. Best of luck
  22. PuFu

    Game physics

    What he said... I'd firstly try and understand how game engines works, before suggesting stuff i am not aware of...
  23. PuFu

    Need help with model issue....

    Glad you fixed it on your own. Why don't you rotate it on it's "problem" axis? edit: see PM