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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. No, they don't. Or KH is not continuously running Domi. Evolution is for bided since A1. Please don't bring your age in this. On one hand you are always saying you are more mature than others your age, but you are saying you cannot contribute to a server... Oh YES, you can. The only ppl counting in a decission is the community members, and maybe some regular player around that community. You are having it UP so that your own community can use it. The fact that it is public is a free gift to all other players. Of course outside criticism is taken into account, but it will only affect to a small % the final decision. That is also due to a lot of server going private(pass required) or just invisible. The reason is trying to have a certain level of quality of its gaming environment, without having someone do the police work, hold hands of different players etc. It is not an admin work to spend all his free time doing police job..Sorry. The ping discussion is something i don't agree entirely with you, especially because it's a server owner priviledge to do exactly whatever he pleases with his own paid server. Of course some good sense should be used here as well, forcing a 50 ping is BS, but 150 or so, i find more than reasonable.
  2. kju is no longer visiting those forums anymore. Neither is he willing to spend time modding...AFAIK There is 0.1% chance his proper addons will be updated if you ask me
  3. sorry to burst your bubble there mate, no one promised that all A2 content will be brought to OA specs. Sure, there will be a patch in the foreseeable future levelling the differences between A2 and OA (A2 is better here in some regards), bringing the OA engine improvements to A2, BUT no one said that ALL a2 content will be upgraded (that would be a huge undertaking anyways). Some of the improvements i am sure could be done by the community, some could be done if the source files would be available (or if snyde would be so kind to share some of his hex-editing know-how). Such a project would take a pretty long time though, no matter if the men behind it would be BI or modders.
  4. who's we there? Remember that most ppl are renting servers so THEY can play the game they want to. No matter what outside ppl might be whinning about. Of course there are servers that are left open with little admining, and the missions that can last for as long, plugnplay without aditional intervention are prefered. What i could say for everyone telling others how to run their servers is: join one of the communities and contribute towards the server montly fees, then you'll have a heavier word to what can or cant be played, or rent one yourself and play whatever missions you want to
  5. I cannot help you with that since i don't own steam A2, but retail DVD. Search function might be worth a try http://forums.bistudio.com/search.php Sort of. I own 3ds max, hence why i brought it but. I am certain it works with a directX shader. There is even a custom powerful viewport shader available for max, that would mimik the look of the object inside a DX game. Some other 3rd party software might work similar, even Blender (which features a wide range of tools available in all the high priced comercial software such as max, maya, modo etc, but its free). I cannot guarantee it though, since i am primarily using max for my work. [quute]But the main thing is this: the addon is a building, I do not need to "see" the building in the buldozer, but to test it, to walk inside and so on, to realize if size is ok and that the model works, so I can texturize and so on. But it is a model with no specifications (no mass, no geometry lod, etc.), do not want to do all that without testing "in person". Well, the best ïn person try would be to get it inside the game. If that is not possible, bear in mind that O2 works in real world units, so you could approximate everything based on that. I do agree though that for previewing your work, buldozer does not give the best first person feeling..
  6. G36C model is not finished yet. SO, until it is, there is a G36K model used instead. Hope that helps
  7. PuFu

    Score System for Transport Pilots

    You do know that you can dissable the scoreboard server side, dont you? Back on topic: score for transport pilots is possible, depends on mission and mission creator vision. This being under A2/OA suggestion subforum, is it directed towards BI then? If som why would they enforce such a thing for the whole MP environment in the first place? Some of us couldn't care less about score..
  8. cheers for the fast reply. Looking forward to it then
  9. You do realize you just read Aush's post exactly backwards, dont you?
  10. That is something i am interested in myself as well
  11. Sharing is carring, especially when it comes to a very undocumented set of tools I agree with you. Sometimes I really doubt BI is actually using O2 for making and setting up those models..
  12. PuFu

    altering a soldier model

    O2 is, from my POV, a female canine to work with. I am always trying to work around it, and spend as little time as possible within it that i can. And, from what i have read above, it should be working (exporting to max, reshaping then bringing it back). I would suggest you take a look over http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78083, it might help you out with your workflow
  13. Haven't checked per say, but irc adding a new texture path to an existing p3d screwed up the file altogether. Obviously, i might be wrong, and there was something else that broke the file in that process
  14. my bad' date=' i wasn't able to check on my gaming rig True can't really do that as it is now, since you would be needing MLODs. Of course one could try using A1 MLODs for some vehicles
  15. Getting the MLODs is hardly gonna happen. That is my POV, no reason to argue on this one. Hex editing is sort of out of the question, especially since the 'character length' rule cannot be kept here. Even with MLODs released, we are talking about A LOT of content to be updated. Even if in a community effort it is done, the size is around 5GB is i am not mistaken. Hosting and delivering this is a huge effort in its own.
  16. Voted OA, especially because of the new features available and integration with A2 Yes No, see above why Maybe yes, maybe not
  17. PuFu

    Weapon rest

    With same respect, CIT does support features as well, besides bugs and alike. The main real advantage is that you will most likely get a reply from BI representative with an answer to it
  18. I guess they are thinking about that same cliff. :rolleyes: I feel sorry for the poor sod that'll have to do that over at bis (if they think it's worth it) I really doubt it. We are talking about work on top of UV maps. It is very random-like in terms of parts that would need the "heat" layer.
  19. PuFu

    Weapon rest

    * ah64 = content not feature * recoils = this has been requested from A2 release, especially since A1 had it. It is said to be there in the upcoming patch (71752 changelog), not available in 71749 or 1.7 patch (which equals 71750). We'll see about that when such this is released. Can't really compare apples with pies in my opinion. Big DawG: such as? Talking about AI improvements/fixes, are you not? To get me straight, i would love such a feature in the vanilla game.BUT what i would do instead of endlessly talking about it in the forums, would be to open a new ticket over CIT - dev heaven (if it isn't already one) and vote on it
  20. EDIT: Nevermind, seems i was right at my first assumption. It is still a pretty long and boring thing to do for only one man, but nevertheless possible *thinking about delivering as well*
  21. Sorry, i was unable to check it myself since i haven't even touched my gaming rig after installing sprocket OA on the 27th... If that is the case (again, i am unable to check it myself), OA TI is different than this one: http://developer.vbs2.com/onlinehelp/Content/Adding_Models/How_to/AMHT_Thermal_Imaging_How.htm
  22. Uncertain of what you actually mean...And yes, i have read OA Eula
  23. Out of the back of my head: 1. TI: those are textures that needs to be added to models. Even if this community will undertake such a job, there is little one can do without source models (hex editing is an option there, but well..). Plus the size of it would be HUGE (all models would need to be redistributed 2. Backpacks - no comment as i don't really know how it is implemented 3. WO, sights adjustments - i am sure this can be easily done 4. FL, Lasers, Night Opti s - uncertain. Just a note, no A2 model features NO sights model 5. Multiple muzzle positions - uncertain, but doubt it without source MLODs 6. Modules - more than possible. Now, that you started this thread, does it mean that YOU are willing to participate in such an endeavour?
  24. I am sure that you are more than capable to run buldozer just to preview your model. You might also be able to get a similar look using a 3rd party software such as max, using directX shader