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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    I got the same for Sprocket version of OA. Anyone got any idea. Whole list is stop the drama already please..It's 10EUs, not 1000...No matter what country you live in (one where you can afford to have a PC able to run it, and a internet connection), 10EUs is not gonna matter all that much one way or the other..
  2. PuFu

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    same for me...
  3. PuFu

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    10EUs...tons of funds...2packs of smokes :)
  4. How would you know what is EGO engine capable of? By looking at previous games?(DR and some dirt games?) By looking at the upcoming F1 smth smth game? (actually the only one using the new version of the engine). There is no tech demo, nor features or anything alike.. If you are so well informed about this engine, answer the following: 1. what is the amount of individual characters (AI or not) this supports - limited of course by the consoles processing power. 2. does it support full body simulation? As opposed to DR (and a lot of other games) floating gun approach?? 3. does it supports render to texture? Texture in texture? EDIT: While waiting for a render to finish, i had a brief look over CM forums: what a bunch of freaking retards and kids there. Some asking to get the m16a4 gun changed for USMC since it is not used anymore, some others asking for FAMAS or XM8 instead, or some russian bull-pup weapon.. Some still petting Sions turds, and loving the 4 man coop. Helios still banning ppl for saying NICE..., and talking bull just for the sake of posting around.. All in all it feels like kindergarten, from top to bottom...I actually don't want to remember by account pass there since i'll probably start throwing dirt at the console kids, and that will occupy too much time. After reading such a forum, you start to appreciate some of the discussion on BIF some more...
  5. PuFu

    ACE arty

    plus: ArmA 2 & OA : CONFIGS AND SCRIPTING (addons)
  6. centering is done for everything that is selected(center of mass). i am assuming you have a point somewhere in your selection, to the left of the actual model, which screws you centering. just remove that from selection, and center again If you don't have a proper answer, you could just as well help from posting
  7. You lad need to make up your mind... I also feel you are being a hypocrite since you don't dare to post anything like this on CM forums while you are petting their turd, instead, you come here throwing shit back into sion, CM etc once and a while
  8. Nice one soul:) Whats the poly count? and are all the nuts and bolts floating or else? sapphire tools are available from 2010 onwards, with some new stuff in 2011. You cannot download it for earlier versions, but polyboost tools are very similar (in fact sapphire is based on those), it cost around 100EUs
  9. FN M3P - 3ds viewport grabs - click for bigger Just some floating geometry to be added
  10. change the freelook button to something different than ALT? isn't that easier than forcing lock of alt-tab(which a lot of us uses?)
  11. PuFu

    Using LD for Hellfires

    because the real thing(M version for instance) it has semi-active laser homing guidance system?
  12. Looking good Soul You can always use double TurboSmooth. One using the smoothing groups, without needing additional geometry to hold edges, then a final turbosmooth on top of the first one.
  13. The cover system in ROHOS is the best i have seen in a 1st POV game. It has proper collision detection, easy to use look around (up/down as well) etc. Would be great to see you guys having another look over current system available in BI game(s)
  14. You still don't get it do you... CM was BIS publisher for OFP. Nothing more nothing less. CM was NOT involved in OFP development whatsoever. No one has to face anything. Yes OFP was a really good game (still is), but that is mainly because of its openness in a world where no one else tried something similar. And so far, no one else but BIS has ever released a game with the same amount of content, and with the same scope... While i have previously said that i do agree with the fact that while CM owns OFP brand name, and nothing can be done about it, i have also stated that the main reason for FPDR being such a HOT subject on those forums is that very same name, as well as all the drama, and the bullshit that goes around this title, and the upcoming one. So please stop talking in the name of others.
  15. i was actually expecting it. DR didn't have either, and this one is on the same engine, done by the same ppl. Also, thins like a fire selector, or lean are not on priority lists for any nowadays shooters. I am not sure if it is a console limitation due to the lack of buttons... Anyhow, the discussion about the leaning is just that sad...
  16. http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap?action=show&redirect=Normal+Map
  17. That is not true. The addon is the property of the addon maker and not bis. Unless some part of a mlod file is used in the addon creation, where the files need to be released in source format too(as Eula specifies), the whole model, textures, config etc is property of fotmunch, and without permission, you shouldn't modify his files even for your own use, much less post about it on those forums
  18. wow, that is something that has never been discussed before in this VERY THREAD! FPDR
  19. http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1413200&postcount=2 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94538
  20. i would add another one to Myke's §9) Do not cross-post Do not post duplicate threads in more than one forum simply to get an answer quicker or to draw more attention to your post.
  21. A2 sample model should work. Don't need to worry about the ST points error. I am assuming you have NOT binarized your addon prior to testing it.. It can't read the rvmat file. Your path to it is either wrong, or pboprefix is wrong. I guess this is the actual issue crashing your game. Recheck your geo LOD. Also, there is at least one selection in model.cfg that is not defined