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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. no need to change to 18 sides now, just redo the edges. My post was also referring to generic ways of modelling, and for further references for other project and what not. Triangles are not a bad thing in the end, but at least for me, until i actually finish the model and go optimizing it, i prefer to keep it quads only, as much as i can obviously best of luck
  2. there is already a thread about the new recoil, i don't see a reason for another
  3. It probably sounded a lot harsher than i have intended, i am sorry for that As it is one of your early models, it actually looks quite good. I mean it I'm sorry, i will explain some things here, linking terms to wikis or what not Topology is the way a model is made. It is composed from the faces, edges, vertices etc. The key rule when modelling for games, is to have all faces as quads=quadrilaterals(prefered) and triangles. The main reason for keeping every face as quad is sub-division(know as subD) modelling. My main gripe with your edge flow is on the wheel. Here is what i mean: The number of sides for spheres and cylinder (in fact all objects based on round shapes) is also pretty important as you can see(you have 16 sided object for the wheels) Yes, you need your model UVW unwrapped first. Then you can work your way thorugh all the maps you need(diffuse, specular, normal, ambient occlusion), either using a 2d software such as PS or GIMP(free), or painting directly on the 3d model (i don't recommend using the paint on canvas tool available in max 2010 though) Hope the above helps
  4. because of missing loops really.. From my experience, it is better to avoid triangles while modelling as much as possible, since it breaks the working flow (at least for me). Secondly, the mentioned triangles are very narrow angled, which is something that i have learned to avoid as much as i can, especially on the model that i am talking about, where fixing it would be dead easy. I have encountered weird behaviour with DX shaders arround those sort of areas, as well as errors during bakes.
  5. PuFu

    Mafia 2

    not worth the 50EUs for it.. I didn't like the story (not even close to mafia1), nor the fact that i can't really do shit besides the missions related to the story. The most annoying thing besides the lack of side missions, and the inventory(who the hell can carry 15+ weapons in his shorts ffs and why is there no meele weapons?), is the fact that there is a lot of dicking around before you get to do something yourself (besides driving around and watching cutscenes). The "go home" and "go to bed" objectives are also omnipresent and epic in this one
  6. PuFu

    ArmA 2: OA Beta Build 72967

    for issue no1, press numpad 0 or whatever your sights key is assigned to.
  7. PuFu

    Arma 2 & OA to Xbox and Ps3

    not really, no
  8. so the only thing not working is your own model then? EDIT: try the render to texture complete map for AO (need a skylight at least), see if that works (need to use existing UV in chnl x (default is 1)) use the skype button near my nick EDIT2: soul beat me to it
  9. everyone who ever modded something in his life will never ever make the mistake of having that topology around (the wheels for instance), unless he wants to have some headaches when UV_mapping, or baking etc Same goes for fenders The reason i suggested to have a second look over those, especially since the rest of the edges are ok. Anyways, for texturing, do you need UV tuts as well, or only 2d texturing? BTW: starting with max 2010, you can easily paint on the 3d object using the graphite modelling tools.
  10. And this is so important to you because..? All the other threads are mature and on the subject, no? And why do you have to bring it here? did this turned into "talking about X or Y member" thread(although i need to give the guy a big thanks for his funny thread. BTW, Ben_S has no humour whatsoever) because there is nothing to be talking about the actual game(RR)? There is no more sion, or helios or the other guy (forgot his important name) posting about since they threw the no Mission Editor bomb for some reason. Great explanation there, give you thumbs up for proper communications. Anyhow, the whole DR+RR forums have about 40 committed "fans" posting about asking or demanding the same things over and over again. No more hype as it used to be 1 year before DR was released anymore...
  11. you shouldn't. You can change your units from max without having the model scaled.
  12. no offence but i the above is either not your model (due to how the topology looks like) or you should be working some more on getting rid of those triangles..
  13. for single player, an addon that would bring it to prior values would suffice i guess.
  14. you need the DVD version. The other (218mb) is for downloaded versions (sproket, direct download etc) minus steam
  15. PuFu


    you need to use the head proxy
  16. it depends on what you think well is. astonishing is 20mil (GTA4). Well is i guess around 2 millions?
  17. PuFu


    And there won't be any. Maybe sample models. ANyways, there is a A2 sample soldier model released
  18. PuFu

    weapons with flash light

    yes, the above is very true.. especially since for everything else but weapons, proxies works (fully animated as well) as intended..
  19. PuFu

    Head Bob...how many use?

    nice that you actually made a poll...fpdr anyways, i have mine at 20-25%
  20. what a god damn lame direction to take from ConsoleMonkeys...at least they said what they actually plan to do before the release.. BTW, what the heck is with the sarge kiddo? he is either on turd...ahhm, mean coke, or his more optimistic that Roman Belic...;)
  21. wrong...There is no I and everyone else was fine with. There have been discussions about the current recoil for at least 2 months now, since betas went from A2 to OA. The vast majority who actually give a fuck and have played Arma1 (who had proper recoil and sights misalignment in earlier versions) have stated that the new recoil system is wanted. Please try to run your game without any mods/addons, test the recoil from every stance (you sure you were firing the m24 from prone position?), then come back here posting about your own comments, without making it like you were posting on behalf of the entire community... EDIT: about AI are cheating, they are not affected comments, you might want to reduce their skill a bit. Also, you are also cheating since you can respawn, you can (or some of you/us) think unlinked by coded behaviour, pathways etc...Cheating AI = FPDR
  22. I guess if it was, there would be a post..FPDR
  23. PuFu

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    I got the same for Sprocket version of OA. Anyone got any idea. Whole list is stop the drama already please..It's 10EUs, not 1000...No matter what country you live in (one where you can afford to have a PC able to run it, and a internet connection), 10EUs is not gonna matter all that much one way or the other..
  24. PuFu

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    same for me...