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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. Oh great GOD, here we go again... Dude, there is no Santa Clause (i'm not sure if you are aware of that at your age) :P Stop dreaming about something that will never happen. The engine is piece of crap, designed with a different purpose in mind. They have realistic weather and rain in F1, they won't in RR (even using the same engine)... The community...oh give me a break please. The RR community is formed out of teenagers(around 25 heads or so) who are watching youtube for military reference, and act as Marine wannabes. Obviously you are allowed to ingurgitate any lies they are selling. "Let's wait for news", "let's wait for the big fucking cookie RR devs will unveil". come on already
  2. PuFu

    DLC - bigger and new maps

    you can't really have both. If you want a island/terrain with real scale, the buildings can't really be enterable. There is also the matter of cell size
  3. o'rly? ____OA A10___________CO AV8____
  4. This is something that Myke also posted about on some other thread, HERE Would be lovely to get a proper info about it from BI though It is about releasing proper documentation about such a change, since it renders the current method of sorting MFDs null. Myke post explains it very well. And while i do agree with the fact that BI can do some changes without taking into account existing addons, i don't belive those are suppose to render all previous work null(including their own, from vanilla version), and have no backward compatibility. And proper documentation about an alternative solution should also be posted
  5. Then change your key to a new one, in the same config....
  6. don't be lazy...http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Keys
  7. PuFu

    LOD - level of detail

    no, and afaik it is hardcoded
  8. PuFu

    Working 4 Season Map

    What you are suggesting is more than possible, and would not be requiring 4 times nothing. If every model out there would have hiddenselection, you could script via setObjectTexture to change it's texture in relation with the date set. Something like NIM weather could be used for additional effects
  9. Please make a ticket on dev-heaven, it is easier to follow and process
  10. does it work with the last modification you did, without having the p3d binarized though? I would fix the issues rpt is warning you about, then try binarizing it again. The fact that on bin the .p3d file is optimized for game engine could break some stuff in your file due to missing or invalid selections, errors and so forth. It is not easy to debug without additional info
  11. can't test atm, but irc it does yes. The only thinks you can't lock on are trees and bushes, but don't quote me on that one Never happened to me. See if you could try doing the same test on a dedi server (even if it is on the same machine as the one you play on), rather than local host (in that case everyone will be client related to server, even you)
  12. Yeah i guess you are right, even though this could be cheated for a bit
  13. sort of. Everything can be locked on holding right click though... i think this is what you want to achive though: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#irTarget
  14. don't believe Sion when he talks about weapons that much...
  15. Not really. See RHS Vid , 0.16s
  16. PuFu

    Update the Hand & Arm Animations

    Since BIS already has a motion capture studio, it wouldn't take all that much to get it done. The system does allow it. I don't even want animations for each specific weapon, but rather a couple for each weapon class
  17. That is very true, unfortunately i have never played OFP on xbox due to having a PS2 at that time. Even so, not even BIS is able to port A2 or even OA to xbox360 nowadays. I do believe that is because no publisher will take that risk , rather than console limitations (which is still an issue nevertheless, but in regards to procesor computations, and GFX strain, which could be adjusted by reducing polycount and texture size) So what is the result: we see franchises that were good/decent dumbed down (DR and RR included), DLC is omnipresent in the sense that game are being sliced to make room for those, and so forth. While i think games are suppose to be fun and all, that fun value is very subjective to each individual. But that goes for other interactive(or not) media as well, starting with movies, TV programs to newspapers all the way to books that are hitting bestsellers status. I really think is not only the game industry that is beeing affected
  18. I actually wanted to post a similar poll on RR forums about their age. You can tell me it doesn't matter, but in fact it really does. It matters because of your previous experiences in life, as well as with other games. See this. Most have never played outside their crapboxes(i know placebo also loves his soo much), and have never played the original tac shooters such as r6 or ghost recon, hidden and dangerous.. There is also another thread about the best story in a game, where even BFBC is said to have one, or even MW2..where is monkey island, where is Mafia1, and so many other games that were made prior to 2000? I really think the average for CM is about 15-16 at most, while the average for BIS is abot 30-35. You are the exception here... i guess it has to do with the fact that consoles have always been easier to play on(in terms of headaches), as well as time needed with the games you play on it. You cannot deny the fact that the consoles player base is a lot different from the PC player base though (i really don't want to start another flame war between the two here though)
  19. none are mods per say, or running this forum
  20. no dedi servers. The only way to get a server would be to rent one from GameServers.com for about 20$/month Also, the game will be Steam only => VAC over PUNK source: http://twitter.com/JoshPeckler/status/22766249936 https://twitter.com/JoshPeckler/status/22766411724
  21. i thought it was the same prb rstratton had, but i really doubt on this one...worth checking anyways
  22. PuFu

    Mod OFrL (FRENCH)

    the main problem is posting in the addons/mod section, when this is not available to download for anyone outside the said community. You are not the only one who has a community mod around here. Most of the enclosed communities and tournaments have a mod developed + gathered by their own, created to suit their needs and available only for their members. But all of those are posting in the squad subforums, advertising their community rather than their addons content..