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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. One note for you: i am NOT part of ACE team anymore, due to RL commitments. Has been like that for some time. That said, my criticism comes from a user POV (sorry, i meant one that hardly has time to play A2). I guess your conspiracy theory just went down the drain now :rolleyes:
  2. guess you are talking about ACE2 under CO or OA default button is numpad /. It is an OA feature, so you can set it up in your controls from within the game
  3. Yes, keeping a path like that (in the .p3d) would create the dependency you need. For configs, you need a new value for the model (and anything else you want changed), so yes, it needs its own. But it is basically a inheritance tree based on OA's, with (a minimum) of one value changed in the humvee class(or whatever else).
  4. :) No, you couldn't. Not even sure what is the status on the ODOL formats. IE: I make a retext of the Huey. When i do that, i am creating a new pbo. You are not allowed to have that addon work on OA, without needing A2 as well (since the original content was made of A2). That can be achieved by using a path from the original game (texture, rvmat etc), and that way, the addon will link to a texture that can be found only in one particular game, and not in the other. Of course you could force that sort of dependency in the configs as well, but that is easier to go around.
  5. Why are we talking about a community? Is 20 ppl making a RR community? Not really. But there will be a lot of new blood on their forums as soon as they release a pre-redered teaser, just like they did with DR (although it was the e3 presentations with all the animations that draw ppl in it). They can't sell community content without approval. But don't worry, it will never happen
  6. It is ok as long as you don't rip content from one part and use it in another.
  7. OK, lets not drag this further than it is needed: 1. no one said you can't ask for help. It is just that would be of common sense to search it yourself before you do it. Some stuff is still not covered in ACE docu, some things that could be complicated to comprehend in a normal documentation have been left out on purpose. 2. it is getting annoying that all the important posts are lost in the mess created with by "OMG! I want IT!" or "HELP, can't get around that fucking 6updater. Why don't you have a proper download link like everyone else?"(even though there are several Yoma reps, Kellys being kept up to date even though KH members are NOT playing with ACE). while i know my post(s) was in vein, and as soon as a new page is created, some generic Joe will ask the same over again, at least i was able to get it out. PS: Updated FAQ with needed info
  8. No. Those forums/thread is for announcing releases - ACE case. It is not for suggestions, bug tracking, or support. That is done on ACE Issue Tracker There has been a lot of effort put into having a proper documentation for ACE2, unlike ACE for Armed Assault. Still the result is just the same: everyone having the slightest issue would rather post here, or even create their own thread. I am neither over exaggerating, or insulting anyone. It just happens that i am right, and you are wrong. The same question you have been asking for around 5 times have been replied to 20 times before. And don't tell me you have searched, because this is what i have found: ACE config outdated - search And here is what you have been looking for, found on ACE FAQ on WAGN: ACE Userconfig If the link to documentation is hard to find on the first page, here it is again: ACE 2 Documentation on Wagn There is a real reason ppl such as Sickboy (and most likely soon to follow Xeno) are taking their leave from this forums, and others, such as Rocko (who has done A LOT if not most work for ACE) have never posted here. Think about it. Not even speaking about kju, or other long time knowledgeable veterans
  9. PuFu


    Maybe he was trying to cram all those on a X52 joystick...
  10. Everything in ACE is documented. Unfortunately, most people don't take those 10 mins to look into it, they would rather post here 20 times, bumping their own posts. Even a search on those forums would be helpful, but i guess that is just too much to ask from the average user. It's not rocket science either
  11. addon making (no matter in which form) IS time consuming. You should be aware of that no matter if you grab a model from a 3rd party or do your own. This is not something you can do in your lunch break. Anyhow, you could work on the model you have, just use another program to reduce the poly/vert count. Blender is free, so that should be your first pick.
  12. most likely the model you imported is to poly heavy for O2. 32k vertices is the top Buldozer can display per model (proxies not included). Instead of grabbing a model from some freeware site, i would start learning to do my own things. In the end, there will be more satisfaction.
  13. PuFu

    Lets do bad review of ArmA II

    great GOD! How did i missed this thread till now? This guy is adorable! Best laugh i had in months on the netz
  14. PuFu

    help with apache hellfire

    Are you running any mods?
  15. PuFu

    Update the Hand & Arm Animations

    BIS skeleton already have all the bones needed, including the finger with its phalanx. You only need one animation done, and have that played
  16. PuFu

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    I didn't read after the bolded part :rolleyes:
  17. I am starting this Thread in this section of the forums, with the purpose of requesting additional information (which are either not available on biki or on those forums - editing part) and/or sample models and A1 mlods from BIS Provide aditional information where is due when making a request. * reason * information required * details about specific issues Notes: 1. Sample models are NOT mlods. Those are to be requested only when the required information is not available, or when the A1 sample models are not sufficient as a base for your own work. 2. Discussion outside the scope of this thread will not be tolerated (refrain from posting "we needz mlodz, LOL", "BIS is lazy" and/or similar messages 3. Please keep it clean - no under the belt hits
  18. PuFu

    BIS Resource Request

    good one myke :) Is there any official statement on this one? Could Suma/Maruk/Dwarden comment if any of the requests are actually gonna happen (in some foreseeable future?)
  19. PuFu

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    that face is giving me the creeps :)
  20. PuFu

    Patch 1.54

    run the patch from ArmA2 directory. For more info SEE THIS http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=106273
  21. For your first post i got no answer, i never encountered that myself... On the second one, do you mean the position of an image on the screen?
  22. great job yet again on another release..
  23. PuFu

    Mafia 2

    seems it is aimed for consoles though, i am not sure it will ever hit PCs from Ables post on KH forums: No release date however this was on TB's front page ... --- ---
  24. dude, you've been told that those forums have a certain layout and forum rules so that everyone FOLLOWS them. Your question doesn't belong in Complete section, it doesn't deserve a thread of its one (there is a Vopsound thread already opened), and in the end it is a question that belongs to Configs and Scripting (addons) in the Editing section I'm sorry but being new around here doesn't mean you shouldn't be following the same set of rules as everyone else... Also, after you posted in Addons Request Thread, you though it would be good to have a thread of its own? CrossPosting is not allowed
  25. there is no developer per say, it is a community project. :) all you actually need is a DH account and a PM sent to sickboy or kju (on DH)