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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. What you are saying there sound odd mate, but might as well be possible. I have searched the google up and down for this information, as well as M$ website. Found nothing about DX or D3D either way.
  2. PuFu

    Render Texture

    :P got me there HERE are a lots of post about it, in different threads around those forums HERE you can find the feature request on CIT (almost 1 year old) Oh come on! No one thinks about such things until they are plagued with it (everyone wants real life graphics but on an engine able to pull that off on a celeron 1 CPU with a voodoo 16MB GFX). Plus in your first post, you haven't written about any possible disadvantages. (not that i really think there could be any real ones if it was implemented) If i was to take your listed disadvantages i would come to this conclusions: a) performance hits from using multiple renders - hardly anything one would notice since the resolution displayed would be exactly the same. b) traffic between clients and servers caused by the enemy being rendered from the server to the clients' sights - there would be none since the server is NEVER rendering anything at all (my clan server doesn't even has a GFX card - it uses some generic MB one). See if you can find a real disadvantage
  3. I really don't get the attitude. Sure, you haven't done a major crime or anything, and my reply wasn't directed to you and only you (you are still in the same bucket for not reading it properly), Secondly, you haven't discovered the holy grail of BIS games, not even close. If you ask me, this sort of a post doesn't even need a thread of its own (and i am sorry, but the few lines you posted in your post can't really be considered a script - like you stated in your title), but hey, i am allowed to state my opinion. Maybe others have a different one
  4. PuFu

    Render Texture

    no offense, but where do you people come from? 1. this has been covered so many times before (and i am certain that BIS is already aware of it). You could use the SEARCH function of those forums too see for yourself 2. why make a poll when the answer is so obvious: everyone would want it, since there is no downside to it. The question, the thread and the poll is just useless... FPDR
  5. Alright, thought that is what you were trying to say, but got confused about using the pixel as a measure unit for a 3d mesh :rolleyes: Firstly, there shouldn't be any faces left to over-pose (in your example, there should be no back face on that stabbing pole). Secondly, depending on the software used, you could move the verts right on the surface, but that is not sufficient to remove the z-fighting, unless you actually connect them with the rest of the geometry. Your best solution(unless welding) is exactly the opposite: to actually stab the existing geometry further down into, so no matter of the LOD used, it will still be inside, not close enough to z-switch. It shouldn't be much of a worry, but as i said, floating geometry shouldn't be used at all (unless you wanna bake normals from Hp to PL, and the said geo is in the HP model). The result you might get , although not z-fighting, might be similar though
  6. I am unsure of the question here. Maybe you can rephrase.. yes, the 32k(2^15 =32768) count is in fact the number of vertex normals rather than number of vertices(verts/points). So a hard surface model will be less likely to fit in the given number(it is hard to tell as well), than a soft surface one (in theory it would be a 32k sphere). Proxies can be used to dismantle a model into smaller pieces, each one(.P3D) can contain a max of 32k vert normals(hence going over the limit per model). Proxies keep all the values in their p3d (LOD information, as well as animations, maps, etc..) some info about vertex normals HERE
  7. Because on one hand Wolle my mate doesn't want to change the Titles fo the editing forums to a more clear set, and there is a lot of lads around here who couldn't give a damn about where they are posting as long as they post it somewhere (see all the sections of those forums)
  8. I'm sorry, i don't find any of that bind boggling..I mean the playing part of it. If you have played any of the proper PC games in the past (not talking here about the console ports), you should be having no issue with A2 either. I guess it is very different if you are coming from a console box though Regarding Editing part of the game, as said, the community already has sove very well made materials, such a Mr Murrays Editing Guide, or DSL Tactical Guide for A2 (for tactics and tips).
  9. Tutorial for what? Playing the game? Or using the editor?
  10. This goes for all game models/meshes In general, it is advisable to build your mesh as a contiguous one. Or at least this is how i do it (yes, it takes more time and patience). There are pros an cons to that Obviously, not everything is worth being modeled as a single mesh, such as nuts and bolts welded into an airframe. What i generally do, is build all the individual parts that i will later animate as a contiguous meshes (not a subobjects of a entity, but as a single welded quad-poly mesh). I find it easier to deal with later on, when i need to subD the LowPoly. It is also of a good practice to build it like it is built in the real life (for weapons as an example). But then you might overlap faces (which is a big no no - and the main reason for z-fighting), or increase your poly count by creating parts that would never be seen. For soft-models(faces, characters, cloths etc), the best practice is to keep it all as a single welded mesh(easier to morph, animate and pose). For hard-surface you can have exceptions, especially where intersections between 2 different primitives would lead to more complicated geometry than what is needed (also there is a huge difference between the LP model and the HP model, since one is never used in a game engine). Contiguous models (as i have found out): PROs: Easier to subdivide for LowPoly models Easier to modify on the long term Easier to bake (although you might need to break the model if it is too complex and the cage doesn't fit well) CONs: Harder intersections and geometry forms resulted. Harder to create and use, especially when working without good refs In the end, BIS engine will work with both methods. But i found it to be a better workflow to have as little objects to deal with and maintain.
  11. PuFu

    Bayonet/knife poll

    You should read the forums rules... No bayonets are NOT a necessity, it is a wanted feature. There is a difference This thread will go back to the roundabout it was left in//
  12. PuFu

    Happy New Year!

    Have a great one lads! Best 2011
  13. My brother got it right after release, and payed around 50EUs for it. Last time i bought a COD or BF title, the price was similar Why?
  14. cheers wolle mate. Happy new year
  15. I might sound noisy or alike, but can this be expanded?
  16. Oh, but they had tons more content (all usable) than anyone else ever tried to. Plus i will remind you that the price for A2 or OA for that matter was never above 30-35 EUs, opposed to the 50-60 price tag the beloved mainstream games do these days.
  17. On the contrary, everyone i know playing regularly on consoles has a computer that can hardly handle M$ Office
  18. Yes, they all have a PC in one forum or the other: laptop, netbook etc. That doesn't mean they can play a game properly on it (besides solitaire or minesweeper) That is because there is not ONE flight sim on consoles. Plus, RTS are easier played on a PC with a mouse rather than a joypad. well, it is
  19. You do know most reviews are written by people who are either superficial or they solely play BF2/COD - mainstream games. Which is all fine, but NOT for this sort of a sandbox. There are very few people who write proper reviews, and the biggest review websites are not amongst those.
  20. Out of common sense, you should keep to your opinions. You shouldn't be talking about moddability of any game engine unless you have first hand experience with it. Which i am sure you don't. The main difference between RealVirtuality engine and all the other is the size and streaming capability, plus the AI. That is so damn generic and untrue...
  21. How so? Just because they all take place more or less in the same war theater, or because they feature the same equipment? I'm sorry but i really don't see CM being in the same league with BIS. The scope and target of their products is simply different and so is their targeted gaming platform. True, but you really need to put this in perspective. What BIS did, was unheard of at that time. Plus, consoles weren't as popular back in 2001 as they are today (one of the reasons the games turned the way they did - harware and input limitations, as well as they plug-and-play-insert-the-disc features).
  22. Listen, i never said it is OK to release an unfinished product, or broken campaigns. I do agree with it being a fail move from BIS, but then again, the nowadays gamer is too interested in plug and play and mindless shot'em up. Believe me, BIS knows knows they are in the gaming business, but then again, it's a niche area where they are playing ball, and they know they have no other competitor (which in any competition economy is bad for both sides). The rest of the market as you put it, is very much interested in BF/COD type of games (pseudo-reality-fantasy-leet-shoot-em-all). Look at the direction the games (not only the PC ones) took. From R6 to Fallout to Mafia to Deus Ex. Truth is, the few gamers willing to spend more than 30 mins in front of their PCs are scarce. Look at the proper flight sims released in the last 3-4 years.
  23. Really? A campaign? Most of the BIS customers are paying for the sandbox, not for some campaign. If you buy A2/OA for the campaign (i give you, OFP one was great), then you are in the wrong product I used to play a lot with LEGO when i was little. I did the boxed version only ONCE, then i was using the pieces to create my own scenarios. I was asking my folks to buy me certain kits based on the pieces they had rather than what the picture on the box represented. Maybe, but tell me of another developer supporting their games as much as BIS does, and has such great relation with their users? One? really? Was that the only features you don't see in CM product? Flying choppers felt right for you? What about the MP part of it? Or the fact that you couldn't fit more than XX entities in your missions? Besides you are comparing a game released in 2001 with one released in 2009. Does that count for you at all? I can agree with you disagreeing, but i really fail to see where your naivety comes from...or ben's for that matter
  24. PuFu

    Skyline Sci Fi Film

    i saw it today and i felt pity for the lads doing the CGI (the only solid part in this whole movie). Not worth the 10EUs i paid to see it. Not even close