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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. it does carry anything. the p drive capacity is based on the drive where you installed it (default is c: drive) it is safe to unistall yes, but certain features of the bi tools will cease to work
  2. wih bis there are always fixes under the hood besides those which are listed in the changelogs..;)
  3. PuFu

    Improving the BIKI

    ok, have it your way then. how would you change the existing wiki content so that it is easier accesible by newbies as well as people who are already familiar with it? by creating a sort of template? by moving aroung and rearanging existing information? or...?
  4. he reads slower than the average man...so he hasn't waited, he documented :)
  5. would you mind posting a link to that presentation? as suma said, procedural generated geometry is still geometry, and it still taken into account by the GPU. It depends on the GFX cards and its drivers (this is where professional vid cards comes into play). Besides, both my gtx280 and AMD6970 (which are not professional grade gfx cards) are able to run 10 mil poly scenes(that is 2x times higher vertex count) in 4ds max without headaches. But bear in mind that 3ds max is not working as a game engine does in terms of DX usage. Just a note, DX10 is obsolete technology nowadays, since DX11 can do all DX10 can plus its tessellation technics (which in theory means no more geometry LODs are necessary). If you really wanna see infinite Geometry Used, check those Point Cloud Data explanation vids (there is even footage from A2 in): THaam5mwIR8&hd=1 l3Sw3dnu8q8&hd=1
  6. In order to get help, you will have to document a lot yourself. You can't ask for someone else to do it for you (in fact you can ask but no one would do it for you) Here is a start for you: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA:_Addon_Configuration
  7. PuFu

    Improving the BIKI

    as wolle said, there is nothing wrong with the biki contents. the only thing is not working properly is the search function. Everything else is community knowledge base
  8. What you saying actually make sense, and while i don't actually agree with the implementation(especially the visual steady bar) you are suggestion, the end results might be just what you want: prolonged firefights, where suppresive fire actually plays a role in it.
  9. common mate, leave the guy be. If he wants to model a stick that shoots turds, he should be allowed to do just that...(not that this is the case). Sometimes is not all about the final result, but also the joy of the creation process..his joy, not the end-users...
  10. PuFu

    Modding. How make?

    It is a bit more complicated than that: if the animations fit, and configs are using inheritance from existing classes in both games, it might work. Just a note: porting stuff from A1 to A2 without original author permission is not allowed around here
  11. there is a real reason to why public MP is not really going anywhere but down... It is really hard to manage (as an admin) a 20 players plus server, and then enjoy the game yourself...
  12. PuFu

    crashes graphics card!

    Buy a proper video card? If you are running on a laptop though, well, nothing much you can do about it there...
  13. looking brill, will test soonish
  14. read before asking the forth time..
  15. This thread is turning every now and then into a soap opera.. You should be dealing with the dirty laundry and inside problems on your own forums, as you have been asked by Zipper HERE Besides, i am uncertain why this thread is under MODs: Complete and not under Squads and Fanpages, just like every other enclosed community. a) If this was an addon/mod, i would be allowed to download it without needing to register on 3rd party websites/forums. You are advertising a community - forums plus their server b) Every other Tournament/Ladder out there that requires to join their community before playing on their servers, has their own addon/mod. Still, this is never advertise in this parts of the forums (completed addons), so then why is it CL2?
  16. this is a addon request(a really well formulated), in which case should be posted in the right section
  17. PuFu

    Tier 1-DLC

    you kids should stop watching tely all day long...
  18. have you tried the uninstall? It should be called BI's Tool drive Unistall. It works for me
  19. BIKI: Tools Drive You won't be able to use Bi ToolSet without the P: drive BTW: this belongs to TOOLS Troubleshooting - Editing Forums
  20. Both are using the same primary slot. So unless you actually make a script to overcome this engine related limitation, you won't be able to. You can look over Domination set of scripts to see how Xeno done it
  21. PuFu

    UKF Error

    Please post in the addon specific thread. UKF CBA Troubleshooting is for vanilla game related problems, not addon/mods or 3rd party content and or plug-ins
  22. yes, importing is possible via obj into o2, or via existing plug-ins (for modo, max and blender - done by community members)