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Everything posted by PuFu

  1. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    if any, post release
  2. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    we don’t like working on suppositions but rather on actual factual data ;) add what and from where, sorry?
  3. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    afaik ORSIS does not produce suppressors, so that's a moot point. but you just proved what monkey said - there is no actual info on what suppressor is used, and/or if any is fielded
  4. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    russian police is not part of military (yet anyways). can you actually point to an actual model, with reference and all that?
  5. PuFu

    Which mouse do you recommend for ArmA

    i have been using steelseries XAI laser for a while, then moved to razer deathadder and never looked back (i currently have 2 on 2 separate PCs - chroma and elite). I best fit for my hand, i prefer the elite since i can switch progressively the DPI while ingame (the XAI had programmable profiles stored on mouse you could switch between 2 of them on the fly). I never felt the need for multiple thumb buttons, 2 are enough for my needs (the XAI had 4, 2 on the right, 2 on the left)
  6. still nothing to do with BI - BI does not host, advertise nor develops addon/mods for its own game. All 3rd party IP rights (and everything else that comes from that) is the sole responsibility of the author.
  7. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    no idea, but if it functions on one vehicle, should be able to function on others as well. i guess @reyhard is the one to provide an answer on this one.
  8. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Not really how this works, we push the updates directly from the working SVN. In any case, as @ballistic09 said we are looking into pushing updates more often, eventually having also dev branch (full WIP with everything that comes from things being WIP) available in the future. No BUKs or SAMs sneaked in though. ;) nein. nothing to do with RHS mods, i suggest you join their discord and ask it yourself: https://discord.gg/6Mt3aw
  9. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    inhouse tests (MP) more or less. Both @reyhard & @da12thMonkey need a couple of bronze statues each on on this upcoming update.
  10. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    ideally this week...emphasis on ideally i think this upcoming updated holds the record, since 0.4.5 was released on 16th of January 2018.
  11. what error does it trow? It is highly unlikely that the max wouldn't be able to properly export .fbx files, obj or 3ds for that matter. What are your FBX export settings?
  12. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    well, for you it might be the AAV or LAV, for someone else it might be some F18 or whatever, for some other it might be RPK (*pun). Yeah i know, ideally it would be "make all things" but that is not really feasible.
  13. lol what? make sure you mesh is in quads and tris only (ideally tris). Use .fbx file format
  14. PuFu

    MV-22 Osprey issue

    the Osprey is not a vanilla vehicle, so you might wanna report that behavior to the authors of the addon you are using. You can try and check against vanilla VTOL vehicles, see if you can replicate the issues you are having that way first
  15. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    there are tons of things "planned" - but that doesn't necessary translate directly into any of our 3d artists working on it. Most here have no idea how much time a model made from scratch in hobby time takes, especially with a job, familly etc that are "using" the same type of free time. I really doubt there is any "suggestion" you can make here that we have not think about ourselves. To somewhat answer your question, there is no one actually working on a new AAV model as far as i know.
  16. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    not 100% sure why these are labeled as Mike variants. There are long terms plans for improving most of the A2 meshes we use, but there are times when for some stuff, it is easier just to model it from ground up.
  17. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    do you also understand that your question makes no sense? what does MK17 have to do with MK18? really curious to know what you mean by that
  18. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    from my entire reference gathering tour i did, i haven't seen a single MK17 rifle being used with EGLM and/or any sort of attached grenade launcher. That goes for the very few MK16s that are still about. indeed. i know it exists, i have no idea if it is actually in use and fielded. But since i plan doing the SCAR-L military version (so it is an MK16 anyways), not sure how to do it. still. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2016/04/29/potd-caliber-converted-scar-mk17/ indeed. precisely for the SAF (and maybe other countries made by 3rd parties that are using it). I mean you can see some scars being used in kenya out of all places. so, for ArmA use, the EGLM can simply be skipped altogether. I am not planning to allow any other sort of GL to be fit on it. I have said i have no plans for that EGLM because i don't see it as a priority for RHS anyways. Might do it at some point, after the SCAR-L just so i have the entire FN SCAR package done if nothing else.
  19. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    MK16 yes, still torn between using an MK16 conversion kit on the MK17 and the SCAR-L version (which will come either way). I have no plans for the EGLM
  20. PuFu

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    will sure do, i just want to finish the black textures on this one (European SCAR-H version and specific decals) first
  21. you are running a mod that changes the system to their own, the vanilla behavior has nothing to do with any 3rd party mods... EDIT: ninjaed
  22. where did you see any measuring value next to any mass values in game? be it Kgs, Gs, LBs etc? the value is 40 or 80 or whatever, how did you figure out it is in Kgs? edit- if i make a fishing rod and wanna make sure that only fits in very large backpacks due to the size, not the weight of it, will stick a large mass config value to it, same goes for any other object ingame.