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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power


    People always say this when a tech demo comes out, but this kind of thing isn't even implemented in any game at all right now, never mind a complex war game with a cpu eating, multilayered AI system for land, sea, and air, etc.
  2. The whole issue is I can't be certain, and since I can't be certain. I won't play ACE with CWR2 to confirm it, meaning I can't repro it, meaning the issue won't be escalated. Feel free to play CWR2 with ACE 2 if you wish, but this means you may experience unforeseen problems, and we won't address your bug reports. I want to reinforce that this is nothing against you, or ACE 2, or any other mod/mod maker/user. I'm glad that you guys find new ways to have fun with the mod but we really can't be chasing around bugs reported using other mods at all. ---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 15:10 ---------- The issue is that we don't know what other mods contain, so we can't really begin to troubleshoot these problems properly. Troubleshooting involves eliminating based on what we know, and when you throw in another mod, you introduce a lot of unknowns. We know Arma 2 and we know CWR 2 but not random other mod x.
  3. I would search the feedback tracker for similar tickets. If one exists, I would vote it up. If one doesn't exist, I would create a new one. I would also make sure to only post on issue per ticket. Posting bugs or suggestions on the forum is much less likely to get to where it needs to go. http://feedback.arma3.com/
  4. max power

    Requesting a President Mod

    Please use the addon request thread that Sakai indicated.
  5. max power

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Uh... Are you on the same forum as the rest of us? :confused: If by neg you mean criticism (even aggressive criticism), then I'd say your statement is patently false. Any amount of reading anywhere on this forum would sufficiently debunk your accusations here. If by neg you mean blatantly insulting, then yes, I would say your statement is accurate. Please take any further discussion about how the forum is moderated to PM with a moderator. Thanks.
  6. I think IRL APUs overheat and fail but I'm not sure if they do in this game. The APU gives you extra electrical power while the engines aren't running. In this game, they help you start the large turboshaft engines of the heavy helicopter. The procedure I follow to start the heavy helicopter is: batteries on APU on *engine start up procedure for one or both engines* APU off *engine start up procedure for remaining engine if applicable*
  7. CWR2 is designed to be fairly independent. We try whenever possible to make it immune to changes, even changes made to the core game by BI... but when you're running mods, there's no telling what classes they modify. Your KDF mod evidently has altered some animation class or some base rifle class. It's better if we cut out that huge level of complexity and just test our bugs to make sure they exist with no mods first.
  8. CBA has broken things in the past (or perhaps it is more accurate to say it was broken by the community configuration project in the beta patches?). I'm sure they have fixed that problem by now, but please, you're not listening to me. I said we can't respond to bug reports from people using any other mods. If you still have the problem with CBA, please test it without it (or any other mod) before you come back and make me go looking for your bug again. CWR2 was not designed to be compatible with CBA.
  9. False. At any rate, I can't reproduce it. If you are reporting bugs make sure you are using NO OTHER mods. No other extra weapons, no mod folders, no AI changes, no new islands, no bundeswehr equipment, nothing, please. I don't like to be sent on wild goose chases, and I'm sure the rest of the team don't enjoy them either.
  10. I'm sorry, we can't pursue any bug reports that are using other mods. I can tell you I've played Pathfinder many times and the shilka has never opened fire on me once. Perhaps if you play it without ACE mod, your experience will be different.
  11. Ask for permission first. When you have it, you may PM me to reopen your topic.
  12. The EULA of the tools state you can't use them in commercial projects. A freelance artist hiring himself out to create addons is a commercial endeavour. I'm not sure I quite believe you about the permission thing, and even if it was true, I doubt you will get it. Perhaps you should get permission first before you ask people to help you- for free or not at all next time. Thread closed.
  13. max power

    Lost OA Key.

  14. max power

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Thread closed on request.
  15. The whole issue he raises is a bit silly. He's saying that these bullets were designed to penetrate armour, so why can't they kill a person in one hit. It's like saying, 'these dum dum bullets were made to take out a person in one hit, so why can't they go through a little bit of armour?' While I think for gameplay purposes it makes sense to have them take a soldier out of the game most of the time in one shot, the rationale he's using to get there is totally out to lunch.
  16. Tanks that don't have stabilized commander cupolas, don't have them in cwr2. I understand your frustration since the AI likes to twitch around so much, which is really highly unrealistic. A way to ameliorate the twitchiness is to use the command menu to get the gunner to focus on a target to to tell the gunner to watch a certain direction. AFAIK, the awareness values of the bmp 1 are the same as the bmp 2 in the vanilla game, except our vehicles can't 'hear' like they can in arma 2. It is possible your positions are being reported by other observers and being sent to the tank. This is something that happens in the vanilla game, but the engagements in CWC and Res are much tighter than they were in the new games.
  17. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    What's enough cyclic to maintain a stable altitude actually changes depending on your airspeed, which might be why you have trouble finding it.
  18. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    The non-analogue throttle is not like a throttle control at all, it is like an up / maintain / down control. It's like giving a command to the aircraft and letting the aircraft (or pilot avatar) sort itself out.
  19. It sounds like playwithsix doesn't have the most up to date version. If you use one of the links on the first page, such as arma.fr's, that should work.
  20. I think the small arms in arma 3 are mostly 6.5mm. The only ones that are fragmenting in the ballistics medium are the 5.56 ones, due to a weakness at their cannelure. And this itself only happens above a certain velocity. For M4s, the average distance that fragmentation no longer occurs is something like 100 meters. The wider area around the bullet wound tract is something they call 'temporary cavity', which is a temporary expansion of ballistics media (like flesh, supposedly), and causes internal wounds akin to blunt force trauma. This is by no means deadly under all circumstances, and it is argued that the only reliable measure of weapon effectiveness should be the permanent cavity. I don't know about that necessarily. I bet I would be pretty incapacitated if I was hit in the sternum with a bat, but it is supposedly not a very good indicator for wound deadliness. In that image, please be careful to note the depth at which the bullets start to turn, and the width of the actual cavity. I think the 20cm mark might be the average width of a human torso, and the 30 cm mark might be the maximum that's considered useful... or something like that. At any rate, the temporary cavity lobes where the bullet starts to turn is not always inside of the average human torso, so what you're left with is a 7mm hole and not much else. I think it might also be important to note that that 6.8mm projectile isn't a grendel round, and the wound profile doesn't look like a steel jacketed round, but maybe it's some kind of whatever they call it- composite bonded metal thing. In Arma, when you are shot, one does not simply 'twitch it off'. There are many wounded effects that impair your combat effectiveness. And finally, if Arma 3's wounding stuff is based on Arma 2's, then humans have an armour value regardless of whether they are wearing armour or not. It's possible that everyone is assumed to be armoured for now, and they will change that when they implement plate carriers with armour values.
  21. There was some incident that made the FBI rethink their choice of handgun, so they did a study to see what the replacement should be. I think we're referring to the same chain of incidences, but I am not entirely certain. ---------- Post added at 15:22 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ---------- Yeah, but you can make shot placement extremely important, and also weigh the damage done according to your average human response to soft tissue damage. I think we can safely say that the average human response to being shot in a non vital area is not to die immediately.
  22. According to the fbi study that Inimical_rize is referring, the reaction of someone getting shot by a handgun round through non-vital structures is mainly up to them. Whether they fall down, run around, get angry, faint, or something else, it has much to do with their preconceived notion of what happens to someone when they get shot.
  23. And by posting ill will, you think that helps somehow?
  24. I think the thread title itself would be pretty much good enough to guarantee that no one from Bohemia will be reading this. At least, I wouldn't bother if I was them. Also, instead of +1ing a thread with a provocative title, perhaps a better way to go would be to search for tickets on the feedback tracker. If appropriate ones don't already exist, then you can make new ones. http://feedback.arma3.com/