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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Arma 3 Linux Version ?

    Okay, there's clearly a problem in this thread, and instead of reading back to the beginning and handing out infractions for ever abusive comment, I'm going to put it to you, the people using the thread: There is a reason why trolling, flamebaiting, and abuse are mentioned in rule number one. And there is also a reason why we ask people to report rule violations. If someone is trolling, for instance, instead of calling them a shill, for example, and breaking the rules, perhaps you should report them. Likewise, if someone is being abusive and calling you pejorative names, you don't have to accept that. If these problems do not stop immediately, and if rational discussion doesn't replace the name calling, I will go back and administrate every rule infraction in the thread. Please report rule infractions and do not engage them. Replying to rule infractions is considered spam.
  2. select a whole wheel object. Press c to centre the pin on the selection. Press shift + c to use the pin. On the top bar: Create\Proxy Fill in a path to a destroyed wheel object. For instance: ca\wheeled\data\damagewheel\damagewheel_n.p3d where n is a number between 1 and 6. You might have to try a few of them to figure out which one makes sense. The path may vary if you are using OA or Reinforcements. Select the proxy and create a named selection that fits with your wheel unhide naming scheme. Do that once more for each wheel. Select all your wheel proxies and copy and paste them into each resolution LOD.
  3. A proxy object is a thing in your model file which refers to another model. They look like weird right triangles. In your named selections dialogue, they appear as proxy:some\path\to.p3d. Type= "hide"; means the animation type is a hide animation, as opposed to a translate (move), or rotate animation. Source = "HitLFWheel"; means that the values that drive the animation is something called HitLFWheel. This is correlated to two entries in your config.cpp. There ought to be a class hitpoints class, and a class animationsources class both called this. The animationsources class creates an animation source based on the state of damage of the part described in class hitpoints. Selection = "levy predni"; The named selection to be animated is called levy predni. MinValue = -1.00; This denotes the minimum value of the animation source to drive the animation. Max Value = 0.00; This denotes the maximum value of the animation source to drive the animation. SourceAddress = Mirror; Describes what happens when the animation source is outside of the min and max value. For this animation, it would mean that between -1 and 0, levy predni would hide. Between 0 an 1, it would unhide, and between 1 and 2, it would hide, etc. HideValue = 0.02; Says exactly when the hide value will be performed. For some reason, this value means it will be performed at -0.98, and again, because of the mirror, at 0.98. What this code does is sets up a mirrored hide animation in the negative range of a hitpoint animation source. When a vehicle part gets damaged, its hitpoints increase between 0 and 1. Since the animation is mirrored from the -1 to 0, between then normal values you get from the hitpoints, 0 to 1, it becomes an unhide animation. At 0, the animation state is hidden, and it unhides when the hitpoint has 0.98 damage.
  4. Do the unhide wheel proxies point to broken wheel models in ca\data?
  5. max power

    AH-64 Pack

    yeah, I guess the exhaust hits it and there's also all kinds of spinning crap in there.
  6. max power

    I think I've been ripped off

    If you bought the game off of steam, you have to run each of the games and DLC's on its own one time to unpack them.
  7. max power


    There is something about nominative fair use when you draw something, say, you're allowed to identify what you drew so long as you aren't implying the company's endorsement. This issue is a little murky and seems to vary from place to place. I think, though, that if an addon maker makes an hk416 that you're allowed to identify it is an hk416. It would be unfortunate if this was not the case, because then practically no addon maker would be eligible to enter an agreement with SWS. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/04/liberate-b-24-liberator http://www.blendernation.com/2008/04/30/eff-goes-to-aid-3d-modelers/
  8. It's a control you can set. When you press the button for force trim, it 'recentres' your controls so you don't have to keep holding the joystick over.
  9. max power


    I don't think they take ownership. I think it's integral to differentiate between ownership and retaining certain rights. SWS forces you to give Valve certain rights (pretty much all of them), but it I think that doesn't preclude the person who produced the work from doing whatever they want with with their stuff as well. Say you gave me something and agreed to an 'irrevocable, do whatever I please with it license'. After that, I could do whatever I wanted with your stuff, and you would be powerless to stop me. I guess the question is that if what I got the rights to distribute was a virus, would I be accountable for the virus I was distributing. I think I would be considered the victim of fraud or something similar.
  10. Use whatever names you think are best, but you will probably want to make sure all of your names for things are consistent. Wheel_L1_hide is the wheel model that gets hidden, first row from the front on the left (front left wheel). The latest vehicles have wheels named wheel_1_1_hide corresponding to side 1, row 1. These are just naming conventions. The skeleton array in the model config is a hierarchy. If my shoulder was a root of a skeletal hierarchy, when I moved my shoulder, all other joints move as well. When I move my elbow, my wrist and fingers move as well, down and down the hierarchy. The skeleton is denoted as a list of bones and their parents. "shoulder","", Would indicate the shoulder is the first bone because it has no parent. "shoulder","", "elbow","shoulder", "wrist","elbow", "thumb1","wrist", //thumb "thumb2","thumb1", "indexfinger1",wrist", //indexfinger "indexfinger2","indexfinger1", "indexfinger3","indexfinger2", Would be an example of how you describe a skeleton hierarchy of your shoulder to your hand and a couple of fingers. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Howto_Model_Config
  11. max power


    Hmmm.. Is it possible to create malware in a mission script? I think that's a good point.
  12. Yeah, now your hitpoints are working. To get the tires to change to destroyed wheel models you have to create an animation in your model.cfg to hide the wheels and unhide wheel proxies. In order to do that you may have to set up a skeleton heirarchy. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?95087-Arma-2-track-and-tire-dammages&p=1594647&viewfull=1#post1594647 http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config
  13. max power


    Someone who is using someone's IP improperly doesn't 'own' it. You aren't eligible to enter into an agreement with SWS if you do not own the IP you're sending them, so I guess they would never be responsible for something like that. The uploader would always be the closest thing to liable that can result from something like that. If they changed something and it ended up blowing up computers, they could probably be held responsible for that if it could be proved that the exploding computers were caused by those changes, or something like that.
  14. This is caused by changes in main rotor torque. It is a feature. The reason the hind pulls the opposite direction is its main rotor rotates in the opposite direction. You might have noticed that there are all kinds of crazy force imbalances at different power settings / airspeeds. You can set the helicopter for a particular flight condition using the force trim.
  15. max power


    Responsible in what way? I think they fall short of taking ownership of it, they just take revocable rights to modify, distribute, and maybe some other things if you are eligible to agree to their terms.
  16. Your hitpoints classes aren't in class hitpoints.
  17. Your hitpoint named selections do not correspond to the hitpoints classes you're inheriting from the humvee class.
  18. You need named hitpoints in the hitpoints lod and hitpoints defined in your config.cpp
  19. As a material to the faces that would react to the bullets in the way described in the rvmat filename. Glass rvmat on the glass faces, and metal rvmats on the metal faces.
  20. To the faces of the components in your firegeolod.
  21. Your fireGeoLod requires penetration rvmats that reference Bisurf files, and the damageable locations require a hitpoint lod. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/LOD#Fire_Geometry http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/LOD#Hit-points http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Damage http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_RVMAT#Surface_physical_properties The penetration rvmats should be in your armaroot\data\penetration\ folder. Assign an appropriate one to different surfaces of your firegeolod. Check out the example models for valid hitpoints and firegeo lod setups.
  22. max power


    I think that was also already covered. If you don't understand it, why don't you leave that to the people who want to discuss it?
  23. max power


    Thank you for your contribution. I think every addon maker who has expressed concern has already stated their intent to do just that well before you chimed into the conversation. If you don't have anything t contribute but ground already covered and flamebaiting images, please just move along and let the people who actually have something invested in this have a civil discussion. The next person to make a derogatory comment in this thread gets the fullest infraction I can muster. This goes for either side, but especially those who have recently made such comments.
  24. max power


    I don't know if you contribute something in a free patch is the same as a paid DLC when it comes to commercial vs. non-commercial. That would be between steam, the addon maker, and BI. I'm not clear on the process of taking an addon into a game but I would imagine that the addon maker is part of the decision making process, but I don't know. I think if it was found that the addon maker mislead the other parties into thinking that the content was free to publish and BI took offense to that, the addon maker would then be liable. I suspect that BI would choose a non-court solution for people braking the non commercial clause but it is within their rights by the wording of their tools license AFAIK. I can't really see valve putting content into BI's game without BI knowing about it anyway.
  25. max power


    Well, that's part of it. That means that addon makers have some semblence of a basis for complaints of abuse. Now we have to figure out what the pragmatic application of the license is. Like, was this license in effect in past ip disputes, and how is this actually supported by valve's staff?