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Everything posted by MontyVCB

  1. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    What I mean is, is still very much looks like the American Interceptor. While you can see you have edited it heavily you still get the OTV's basic outline.
  2. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    Hope that god awful OTV on the soldier model is gone too. But I await to see the results with interest.
  3. No, they are civilian models of the M40 afaik.
  4. MontyVCB

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    After the release, would a 'port' over to ArmA2 be on the cards?
  5. MontyVCB

    JMSDF PS1/US1/US2 beta

    very sexy, JSDF stuff isn't really my thing, but credit where credit is due. Awesome stuff.
  6. MontyVCB

    Project RACS

    Hey Wld427 have you seen these? Might be an an idea for a RSN flying boat.
  7. MontyVCB

    Project RACS

    Yes i think alot of you keep forgetting these guys have no dedicated modeller. So they can only use whats been donated.
  8. MontyVCB

    1st Infantry Division

    Just when you thought it could not get any better, fantastic stuff mate.
  9. MontyVCB

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    pity, they actually look prototypical from the pictures i could see.
  10. MontyVCB

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Pavehawk what british troops are you using?
  11. MontyVCB

    F35 Lightning II - JSF

    Hey mate, looks nice. But after loading it up in the mission editor it seems the pilot is not sitting in his seat correctly and at the right height so you can't see over the aircrafts cockpit instruments. Good effort though.
  12. MontyVCB


    Col.Faulkner would be the best guy to speak to about doing 85 era british forces, prehaps he can assist you.
  13. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    Afaik DMP and OD PLCE were trailed at the same time?
  14. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    Well until very recently the equipment the army used was next to no difference than the gear the were using in 85. since thats when the Mk6 and PLCE started to come into use. Since the fighting in the middle east started alot of the equipment has changed. so the 'early afghan' soldiers he did you could use for late 80s & 90s. Though the desert DPMs might be a problem :P
  15. MontyVCB

    International Politics Thread

    Where are you from? When were you born? Sorry for not reading the entire topic, but upon reading this, I had to rub my eyes to make sure I was awake, not to mention sober. I'd like to add to this. alot of people having whining about the USSR and how they miss the 'old ways'. I'd be willing to be alot of the people here were not born or too young to remember what it was like to live in Communist Russia. You can only learn so much from reading books and watching newsreels. The Russians are just as guilty a spouting propaganda as the West were. Unless you've actually lived during that time, you really have no clue to what it was like.
  16. MontyVCB

    Russian Airborne Armour Project

    You mean the one that was ported from OFP rather than something that is completely new?
  17. MontyVCB

    International Politics Thread

    Until we see the mass graves...... I wish these people would show evidence of these crimes. Or shut the hell up.
  18. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    Nice texture work so far, are their any plans to edit the body armour and webbing to make it look more prototypical?
  19. MontyVCB

    T-90 MBT

    Ok...i thought that T90s were made using old T72s...I guess you must be right...i should go do some more research..and disregaurd the T90 vids ive watched... alls i did was give  BASIC statement of what they are...if not made using old T72s please elaberate and let me know...I thought they were a budget minded tank??...guess not.. The T-90 series -are- a stopgap measure until a more modern tank can be aquired by the Russian army. It is based on the T-72 chassis. Most of the improvements have come from either T-80 series or other refinements over the years. This includes the main gun, the armour and the engine. Its not a super death tank of doom as people may claim. The T-90 is a compentant tank that is capable of meeting most demands on the modern battlefield and has put at least another 20 years use into what was considered an obsolete design. And as far as I'm aware most of the T-90s are new builds rather than conversions from T-72s.
  20. MontyVCB

    Royal Marine Commandos

    It was a common thing in the early part of the afghan conflict, you can still find some troops doing it today as alot of the fighting happens in the greenzones in Helmand. Â Not to mention it got very cold in Afghanistan, the desert CS95 jackets at the time must not of cut it.
  21. MontyVCB

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Not meaning to be picky but do you mean Mk2? As that was the last official mark, with various other versions, e.g. MKIIb, MKIIc etc. Â Nice start though.
  22. MontyVCB

    Project RACS

    Nice stuff there wld427, could I be cheeky and ask if you have any wip pics of the infantry?
  23. MontyVCB

    Project RACS

    Where would it make port? Seems a bit too big even if it is an old carrier. Those things are mainly offensive weapons anyway. And I'd be willing to bet the RACS are not in the buisiness of going half way around the world and invading other countries. As thats their main purpose now. To provide air cover for expeditionary forces.
  24. MontyVCB

    Project RACS

    The great thing with a project like this is the mission maker can choose what equipment is available to the player, so if he decideds the RACS are not in a position to own F-16s, he just does'nt add them in the mission. Keep up the good work guys.