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Everything posted by MontyVCB

  1. MontyVCB

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I think we'll have to wait until we see a full unit list, and/or if they take on board any feedback and make some changes. Release is over a month away still, the best way of making and paid for DLC sucessful is to release well detailed and researched units or they may not get the positive sales they were after.
  2. MontyVCB

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    In your opinion it is, there is nothing wrong with 'DLC' at all. Look at the flight sim community, they seem to get on just fine and their are countless amounts of DLC/Commerical payware floating about for it. You've still yet to justify why you should have it for free, your not entitled to it. You paid for ArmA2:OA not ArmA2:OA + free british addon pack at a later date. You've also been told that BIS plan to do both paid for and free DLC. So your arguement about BIS not doing free DLC is mute. It won't break MP either, if you want to see what games are not using DLC you use that wonderful filter tool in the MP browser.
  3. MontyVCB

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    You are, the reason it looks like an ACOG is because it's made by Trijicon.
  4. MontyVCB

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    To be fair, we have yet to see a full and complete unit list. I have a few gripes on the details and texture work however the thing isn't due out for another month. So hopefully if the guys at BIS get some decent and constructive feedback they may change it.
  5. A wild guess here, but prehaps a Tu-95/Tu-142?
  6. Fantastic stuff Rock, this really is something special you have here. :)
  7. MontyVCB

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    I would like to see a British DLC pack, and I would'nt mind paying for it either. Thats regardless of what other mods are doing.
  8. Got the horn Jonny? :D Great stuff stalker its great we finally have some British Infantry for ArmA2.
  9. Great stuff, I've always liked the ADF colour schemes, it suits both the aircraft and vehicles very well. :)
  10. MontyVCB

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I would pay for DLC, so long as I got value for money. Example being if BI decided to release the British Army as a DLC for in the region of £10 I would think twice unless the pack was a fairly comprehensive range of vehicles and units, with missions. Thats considering for your £30 you are getting 300+ units, missions etc with OA. Too many developers indeed use DLC as a cash cow to milk as much as they can from medicore titles. UBIsoft being a good example. However I am all for it so long as its done properly, if BI do it right I can see it being quite popular.
  11. Oh it takes a while if you just shoot at it, but if you have already taken a few hits from an RPG or other AT weapons thats when it can be a problem.
  12. It is a valid point Wolle, while its unlikely you could ever take out a tank with a pistol. A heavy AFV like an M1 should be bulletproof. Yet hit the tank with enough small arms fire it will blow up. Okay fair enough if you play the game properly and don't dick about in the editor thats fine, but there is an issue from a multiplayer point of view. If your tank has already had a bit of a beating, its highly annoying to watch you go up in smoke after a guy opens up on you with a PKM.
  13. Towards the end of this video there is a chap with a British Accent, if you look closely he appears to be wearing an Osprey vest. :)
  14. Its MTP not multicam, We have been using it for little more than a month. Besides the MOD had announced MTP as a complete replacement for DPM as early as December 2009.
  15. Pathy has already posted in the UKF thread that the units are nothing to do with them.
  16. MontyVCB

    Pukf - WIP

    Wow, just wow! :D
  17. Yeah it would be great to see some ACR stuff. :)
  18. MontyVCB

    How many different ACU patterns are there?

    I'm not too sure to be honest, I'm assuming that it is. Don't think the MoD would develop anything else if it wasn't part of PECOC. I'm still half expecting half the gear promised to be canceled in Labour's final effort to reduce spending. So watch this space.
  19. MontyVCB

    How many different ACU patterns are there?

    Yup MTP, though the more I look at it the more it seems to share with DPM than Multicam. Still developed by Crye though, I thought it looked awful at first but I have to admit its starting to grow on me. :)
  20. Regardless if you actually give credit or not you still must seek permission of the author. Since the thread has not been unlocked I assume the issue has not been resolved.
  21. MontyVCB

    weapon fans of the UK

    If people really want to have a firearm in this country they can apply for a shotgun licence, presuming if said person has a clean record. If not then tough shit. Thats more than enough if they wish to defend themselves. As I said before the chances of a common thieves actually having a gun is rare. If people don't want to take that chance then do the above.
  22. MontyVCB

    weapon fans of the UK

    I don't consider myself a hard man at all, but I still stand by my statement that too many people here cannot be trusted. Anyway if firearms were legal and your father had one, the odds are the would be robber would have one too. So in the end your father doesn't have that advantage at all. There is no ideal solution to this but I don't think the answer is to arm the masses either.
  23. MontyVCB

    weapon fans of the UK

    The banning of firearms has never really been about cutting gun crime, its been in reaction to massacres. Automatic & most Semi-Automatic firearms were banned outright in 1988 becuase some nut in Hungerford murdered 17 people and wounded 15 more. To top that handguns were banned after Dunblane in 1996, A man goes into a school and promptly shoots and murders 16 children and a teacher. And this wasn't Columbine or Virginia Tech where the victims were teenagers, these children were as young as 5 years old.. I'm willing to bet in America there would be tighter control on firearms if a loon went into a Kindergarden and shot the place up with an AK. Do not underestimate the power of outraged mothers.. That is why we cannot have guns here. I'm not too keen on making them legal again either. Too many people in this country cannot be trusted with firearms period, and you don't need one to protect yourselves from a burgler anyway as your average chav and pikey does not have access to a gun.
  24. Ugh actually they are not that clear, don't presume everyone can just read it and do it with no problems.
  25. Sickboy can you please release a step by step walkthrough on how to install the latest version of ACE/Six updater. I've tried to get friends to go through with it step by step yet the process has been changed since they have done it. I find all the infomation provided in the links overly complicated and of little and no help at all. I've always been a big fan of ACE but I question the logic of this delivery system, its not very user friendly for people who do not have a PHD in nerd. A point in the right direction would be appreciated.