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Everything posted by MontyVCB

  1. MontyVCB

    Special Forces Weapons

    He is right jahve, the A4 is being used by cav units if i am correct? and isnt the M107 just the next generation of the M82 series? EDIT- looked it up and the M107 does indeed seem to be a improved M82
  2. MontyVCB

    realism mod , no tracers.

    Yes there are Tracer rounds for 5.56mm and i have been issued them before to be used in the SA80 rifle, but as i said you really only had 3-4 tracers per mag normally 1 tracer per every 5 rounds.
  3. MontyVCB

    realism mod , no tracers.

    well Tracer rounds are not as common as you may think, small arms anyway. In 3 years i was only ever given tracers twice. and you only normally have 3-4 tracer rounds per mag not like in ofp and arma where everytime your fire you see a tracer. Though its really up to the player if there like tracers or not.
  4. MontyVCB

    OFrP/Arma - Fist contacts

    looking sexy, keep it up
  5. MontyVCB

    Uniforms not really fair game

    If you want 'fair and balanced' gameplay i suggest you try the likes of CS:S, BF2 and BF2142. OFP and ArmA has always about realism. ok the ACU camo may make you harder to hide. So what you have far better weapons available to you as a US soldier. From small arms to armoured units.
  6. MontyVCB

    Uniforms not really fair game

    i havent since im not in the US army. But while i was still a Reservist in the British Army, I had seen some of you guys in it on exercise. Its not to good in dense woodland. Though from what I can see it looks good for desert and arid areas. @Dudester what do you want the devs to do about it? it is the current BDU used by the US army, they can not change it just becuase some people do not like it.
  7. MontyVCB

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    Yup they have been re-textured and some have had their model updated, but indeed there are CWC and RES buildings in ArmA
  8. lol It does say 'Addon Requests' on the forums description. But who cares? jesus christ you scream at people for making requests? wtf is that?! If addon makers do not want to make the requested addon, they will ignore the thread simple as that, flaming does not help the matter. And yes guys people are encouraged to learn rather than keep requesting addons..
  9. MontyVCB

    Falklands Christmas Present

    woot! downloading now thanks FLK team!
  10. MontyVCB

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    afaik the MAG, GPMG & M240 are based off the german MG42 rather than the bar.
  11. MontyVCB

    T-72 & BMP from caucasus crisis

    You cant, they were 'given' to the ORCS team to finnish, since then they have released their own BMP and T72 packs.
  12. MontyVCB

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    Will the E/A-18G feature in the release? just wondering, would be nice to see, though im not sure a electronic warfare bird would be really useful in-game
  13. MontyVCB

    ERROR with 1.02 patch

    yup im having at issue to running on a AMD 64, with xp and i cant update it from 1.01 to 1.02, did a fresh install, still got the same errors.
  14. MontyVCB

    ERROR with 1.02 patch

    yup im having at issue to running on a AMD 64, with xp and i cant update it from 1.01 to 1.02, did a fresh install, still got the same errors.
  15. MontyVCB

    Do you like this look?

    I think the M16 is a very realisitic option, the US Army are starting to phase them out, no doubt they would give them to allies and armed forces they were training. It would make sense. Since most of the US soldiers have used them. They would be able to show the RACS forces how to use the weapon quite quickly. FNC's cheaper than a Second hand M16? doesnt make much sense to me, and the M240 that the RACS forces use at the moment does not look like the modified one the US Army use anyway. I say stick with the M16 series. It is the most logical choice if you think long enough about it.
  16. From whats availble ingame already, i'd say the MARPAT is the best alround camo for the island, though it is subject to change as other addons come out
  17. MontyVCB

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    I know, but I was responding to that guy Jackal just slapped. Â ok
  18. MontyVCB

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    What i ment is that there is no way we can get an A4 in game, i merely suggested using the A2 as an option as not all marine units are equiped with new flashy gear as one might think.
  19. MontyVCB

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Well where are they gonna get a M16A4 from anyway? :P due to the poor marines lack of funding, would it not be wise to give them M16A2s? as some units are still using them?
  20. MontyVCB

    Good Military facility addons?

    hey if ya dont mind throw a copy of that mission my way when your done
  21. MontyVCB

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    so is this port a semi-official mod for ArmA?
  22. MontyVCB

    official complaint to BIS

    I have no issues with aim, its niot easy, but its not hard either.
  23. MontyVCB

    official complaint to BIS

    No matter how many times it has been mentioned before, ofp when it first came out was as bug ridden as a corpse, they will fix things. The shitty details people are talking about is an LOD bug as far what i have encountered while playing. Also the sound also tends to cut out aswell, shes it still needs work. I to think the way the UI and menus worked in game should be reverted back to the way flashpoint did it (Gun on back, salute, sit, drop weapon etc). But thats just me, but for the most part i have been loving every minute of this game, if you dont like it dont play it, most companys will refund your copy within a month of purchase. All this talk of ARMA IS SHIT is not helpful for the community..... /rant off
  24. MontyVCB

    RHS - FSB Special Forces v1.00

    very nice RHS !