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Posts posted by panther42

  1. Enhanced MMA Air Support Console…


    Designed for use with MMA script suite.

    Mandoble’s MMA Air Support Console is one of the best for custom configuration. I have taken this a bit further, and have customized the options available, and added some new ones.

    This is a highly modified MMA Air Support Console tailored for US use, which features the following:

    Pre-built and easily customized options for Air Assault, Reinforcements, Reinforcements with vehicle(new), Evacuation, Vehicle Supply, Ammo drops, and more. (Can be changed to your side of choice).

    NEW - If you want ground reinforcements or assault missions delivered with the MV-22, well you’ve got it. Customized code using Mandoble’s own mando_land script(edited).

    NEW - Reinforcements now available with a vehicle delivered also. Reinforcements will mount vehicle, and then join the players goup. Available for jump missions or landing.(select Jump or Land on ASC).

    NEW - Integrated PXS Satcom into the ASC. (must have script folder or addon)

    NEW - Integrated LDL armed reconnaissance UAV into the ASC (must have script folder or addon)

    Option for LDL rotating AC-130 via console setup

    NEW - Added scripting to deter helicopters from flying past your location before landing

    NEW - Added checks for best suitable location for landing missions(I previously had helicopters landing on buildings)

    NEW - Added global variable mando_airsupport_pack, to enable adding backpacks to weapon crates(this was a request some time ago from someone using Invasion 1944)

    Escorts added to missions(Helicopter gunships and Fighter Jets)

    NEW - Jump mission units now use edited mando_chute script. This enables units to land within a specified distance from the LZ, not scattered for miles… If the direction of plane is into the wind, the paratroopers can utilize the wind to help guide their descent.

    US Helicopter crews filled according to correct vehicle role via pre-built configuration. Crews use DaveyGary’s Helmets and maxillofacial shields(If you use the advanced test mission)

    Default test mission requires the following:

    Combined Operations & BAF

    Mando Missile ArmA for Arma 2 by Mandoble

    CBA: Community Base Addons for A2, OA and CO

    AC130 Script by LurchiDerLurch

    Satellite view (SATCOM) by PIXEL ART STUDIO

    Advanced test mission requires the mods listed above plus:

    daveygarys Rangers with ESS Tactical Sunglasses and backpacks

    Tier One Operators by McNools

    Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) by Meatball0311

    USAF CSAR Units by Soldier2390

    Australian SOTG – Commandos by Sabre

    Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) released by EMERY (if you already have it…)

    OH-58 Kiowa Warrior by southy

    US Army Blackhawks by yurapetrov

    US Navy Seahawks by YuraPetrov

    CH-47 Reskins by SyNcRoNiCzZ

    USEC CH53E by Rocket

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E by konyo

    Boeing B-52H Stratofortress "BUFF" by Gnat

    TF86 Navy SEALs Pack by ardvarkdb

    F/A 18 Super Hornet by John_Spartan & Saul

    AH-64D Apache Longbow by Nodunit & Franze

    Provided test mission ONLY includes files written by me, and edited MMA files. LDL AC130 and PXS Satcom are NOT included. You can run these as script folders or @mod


    Make a backup copy of mando_missiles/mando_bombs/mando_airsupportdlg.sqf and mando_missiles/includes/mando_airsupportdlg.h

    Options below are (an array of [key, value]). Parameters are tagged/labeled, which makes reading code easier and the order of the parameters doesn't matter - see ASC_options\p42_ASCoptions.sqf

    KEY ----------------------VALUE

    TypeMission – “amâ€, “evâ€, â€pa†, “reâ€, “rvâ€, “ve†– am(ammo), ev(evac), pa(airborne units), re(reinforcement), rv(reinforce w/vehicle), ve(vehicle)

    TypeINF – airborne assault infantry type

    TypePA – airborne assault, reinforcement, reinforce w/vehicle, and vehicle request “jump†type aircraft

    TypePAL – airborne assault “land†type aircraft

    TypeAM – type of aircraft for ammo supply missions

    TypeAMbox – type ammo box – default is mando_airsupport_type_ambox

    TypeAMboxName – ammo drop name given in my_console_setup

    TypeAMmagz – ammo type(s) to be added to ammo drop crates

    TypeAMweap – weapon type(s) to be added to ammo drop crates

    TypeAMpack – backpack type(s) to be added to ammo drop crates

    TypeEV – type of aircraft for evacuation missions

    TypeVE – type of aircraft for “land†vehicle supply missions

    TypeVeh – type of vehicle delivered during vehicle supply missions

    TypeRE – type of aircraft for “land†reinforcement and reinforce w/vehicle missions

    TypeREinf – Reinforcement infantry type

    TypeRVveh – vehicle for Reinforcements w/vehicle missions

    TypeRVinf – Reinforcements w/vehicle infantry type


    [["TypeMission","pa"],["TypeINF","US Paratroopers"]]execVM "ASC_options\p42_ASCoptions.sqf";

    This will set the airborne units to US Paratroopers.

    TypeINF, TypeREinf, and TypeRVinf can also be changed using your own array of units:

    [["TypeMission","re"],["TypeREinf",[ "FR_TL","FR_AR","FR_GL","FR_Marksman","FR_R","FR_Corpsman"]]]execVM "ASC_options\p42_ASCoptions.sqf";

    Pay attention to Reinforcements in my_console_setup. Regular reinforcements are:


    Reinforcements w/vehicle are:


    I have also labeled reinforcements w/vehicle (rv) with the vehicle name at the end:

    "BAF Supt (Jackal)"

    mando_airsupport_opt5_array = ["MH-6J Littlebird","UH60M","UH1Y","AW159 Lynx BAF","BAF Merlin HC3 D","CH47F"];

    must match this:

    case "MH-6J Littlebird":

    in my_console_setup

    which must match this:

    case "MH-6J Littlebird": (in p42_ASCoptions)

    Look through the files to see what I mean…

    "Jump" missions are best suitable for 270 - 310 ingress min alt - you can try others


  2. hi, i would need some help to get the mando script suit working.

    I followed all the instructions from the .pdf included.

    when i start my misison i can only see the MMA Score. but no mando initialization message and no TV camera option.

    Show us what you have in your init.sqf and description.ext (in spoilers with code tags please...)

    What Mando initialization message are you looking for? No TV camera option?

    What type of plane/helicopter are you in?

  3. Our group plays using KAI now.

    Prior to that we played using a mix (smart ai, in sig), which is a mix of some of the mods mentioned in your poll.

    It would have been better to put an option 'Other' as a choice in the poll too.;)

    Well, I would say since you have not made this available to the public(at least I cannot find anything) it doesn't count anyway.

    Why make a poll which includes options no one else can use?

    I have been waiting ChrisB for you to release something...;)

  4. I don't recall the parameter function in Arma2. I think he used TAG because he was posting an example. In any case, I'd use a function as tryteyker suggested since the code will most likely be ran at any given moment, multiple times.

    I figured he did, but wanted those who were newer to scripting and reading this to be aware of the "TAG's" (I've seen several dialog's with your ICE tag in them...good way to keep track of your work)

    No problem _qoR. That's what we're here for.

  5. Is that BIS_fnc_param in A2??

    On a side note...the TAG in the function name is supposed to be your TAG(like p42 for me), not just the letters TAG. There was an OFPEC TAG database, but since OFPEC has been offline for sometime, no one knows which ones were taken. It was a good initiative.

    I only say this because I've seen many scripts/functions with the letters TAG left in it...

  6. Pass the menu item in the addaction arguments to the script which gets called. Then do a switch...do for the passed argument.

    something like this:

    this addAction ["Recruit Dopey","scriptX.sqf","Dopey"];


    this addAction ["Recruit Sleepy","scriptX.sqf","Sleepy"];


    _recruit = _this select 3;
    switch (_recruit) do
        case "Dopey": {do whatever here};
        case "Sleepy": {do whatever here};
        case "Happy": {do whatever here};

    Is that what you mean?

  7. You don't need a "name" for your truck. You already have a reference you can pass in your addAction arguments.

    private ["_unit", "_id"];
    _id= _this select 2;
    _Unit= _this select 1; 
    BombMaker_N = getpos glbuilding nearestObject  272072;
    BombMaker_C = getpos glbuilding nearestObject  33531;
    hint "vehicle spawned"; 
    BombMaker_N removeAction _id; 
    _BombTruck_N = "Ural_TK_CIV_EP1" createVehicle getMarkerPos "TruckSpawn_N";
    _BombTruck_N setDir 120;
    _Unit addAction ["<t color=""#FF0000"">" + "Detonate Truck Bomb", "Truck_Bomb\Detonate_Truck_Bomb_N.sqf",[color="#0000FF"]_BombTruck_N[/color]];
    sleep 1800;

    and then in your detonate script:

    _truck = _this select 3;
    "ACE_PipebombExplosion" createVehicle getPos _truck;
    hint "boom";/// verify script runs

  8. // spawnpos is my marker
    _spawnPos = getMarkerPos "marker_1";
    // the animal belong to which side ""WEST", "EAST", "GUER", "CIV""
    _group = createGroup West;
    // spawn the animal at my pos
    [color="#FF0000"]Goat1[/color]= _group createUnit ["Goat", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"];
    // hide the created marker "u can use this line in ur init.sqf too
    "marker_1" setMarkerAlpha 0;
    _spawnPos = getMarkerPos "marker_2";
    _group = createGroup West;
    [color="#FF0000"]Goat1[/color]= _group createUnit ["Goat", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 1, "FORM"];
    "marker_2" setMarkerAlpha 0;

    This will spawn two goats at two markers but this trigger, set to "repeatedly" will only move one goat (the second one spawned):

    Con: player distance Goat1 < 3

    Activ: Goat1 domove detposATL barn

    You are overwriting the reference(name) of the first goat created with the same reference(name) for the second goat...Goat1

  9. for one, you have the command wrong...

    it's countEnemy, not enemyCount

    Right, so I still dont get why using this code
    hint format ["%1", guy1 enemyCount list trigger1];

    my returned number is alway 0.

    I created a group of enemies in the area of trigger1 and let guy1 move towards them, expecting it returns 3 or 4 when guy1 detected them.

    hint format ["%1", guy1 countEnemy list trigger1];
