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Everything posted by pang
thanks for your reply matthijs, i altered the content of the scripts as you described. now this error appears </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dummyvehicle setvelocity _vel |#|;´: error setvelocity: type string, expected object<span id='postcolor'> man, i dont know whats going on and why only i got this strange bug; but again: would you please make a example- mission zip, where the working scripts are included? it´s slowly getting frustrating... Â
awesome addon no doubt, but i cant get them working in mp games aswell... i copy&pasted the mpmission script from the cocoss doc into my "swim.sqs", activated the init.sqs as discribed and got an error message, when i previewed the mission. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">´goto|#|´: error invalid number in expression<span id='postcolor'> i´d be very kind if you could publish a mp-mission template...
hey poet  had some games tonight over at the server and we played: *artillery crumble: -ppl dont really get that there are guards, that alert the hostage killer guys -arty kills hostages *war pie: -mission wont load... goes straight back from the mp-setup screen after hitting "ok" to start to mission selections. maybe there´s an addon stuck in the mission.sqm file. open it with the os-editor and delete it from the addon- list on top that´s it so far, i´ll keep ya updated. here´s a suggestion: maybe add some rotorwash scripts to the missions that include helos. i got a modified rotordownwash effect by TJ (water fx looks more accurate; dust stays a little bit longer in the air), that i could send over to ya, if its fine with him  PM me for any questions, cheers, pang Â
yes, its a good idea to have the facemask off by default. a little suggestion for the ranger/delta update: how about adding a small space for a squadlogo on the "soldier" model -if its possible? that´d be just a small eyecandy thing, but hey a cool feature...
i´ve got to confess that i´m not a big fan of the roadway feature aswell. no question, its a great a engine enhancement, but there are still weak points in it. its just a matter of the current game engine thought. so scorpio, i´d suggest you whether release it completely w/o the roadway, or add it later on to the chopper. noone really uses it and in multiplayer games, some pilots even dont get how to use it, or just fly around, as soon as you walk inside
huh? did i? hmm must have been sleepwalking again btw, is this the new "superblast2000" downwasheffect that blows away whole houses? anti- spam- attachement: ksk troop in a firefight on sarugao island i ask myself if those lovely ofp:hk units are going to be updated. like no tracers on handguns, animated goggles to cooperate with the bas effect etc. a sarugao 1.75 version would be most appreciated too... well, i think i gotta stay with the old-school style, which still kicks ass
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Spy17 @ 10 May 2003,17:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think BIS should make the game physics as close to the real world physics as possible. In reality it is possible to fly that fast.<span id='postcolor'> this is still a game and not the matrix, m8 i dont think it makes any sence to have a plane that flies mach 2... just make it fly 900 maximum, if you ask me... ofp isnt suited for air-air combat anyways, so rather make a small bomber/ cas plane if you have to make a plane...
goob, i think those units are supposed to represent other ranger/ delta divisions, like the 10th mountains.
i agree with pfc_mike. it sucks, having every weapon from a pack ( !!! ) in a seperate pbo. as for the update thing: theres a programm to make update files... clickteam´s patchmaker
i´m a fan of this soundmod since the first day it came out. you gotta love the sounds.  just one thing: pit, would you be so kind and make a reticule fix for the mod, so guys can keep the original reticule? bam, i´d like to check it out. got any webspace where you can host it?
SARUGAO!!! d/l @ ofp.gamezone.cz best custom made ofp island out, so far. but i´d wait until cat´s afghanistan is finished... some places disappear during the update process
...but most of the other admins speak english however, just uploaded the 5th generation of your missions. i´ll keep you informed about bugs or crashes -cheers pang
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">why wait? i know the release date<span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">How...?? I mean when... AGHH, just tell me PLEASEEEE <span id='postcolor'> when they are done, silent64
why wait? i know the release date
buggs, i think you shouldnt use the ags stuff: a)the versions are going to change, which results that you´d have to update your island too b)some objects look untextured, which gives it i little poor effect c)people don´t really like to download addons just for an island i´d suggest you too to use the baracks by mapfact >mapfact< they are from a very high quality and you can easily put them into your island, because they are wrp-able. people wouldnt have to have the addonfile because it´d be included in your island.pbo going to check out the new version of trinity now. looking forward for it
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Poet @ 01 May 2003,11:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">AWESOME!!!!!  Online feedback at last!  Thanks for looking at the missions, I've worried about how certain things would work online, and not had the chance to test ... "War Pie" - does it get to the briefing screen or does it crash even before that ( I have a couple of ideas whats causing it, most probably the remove dead bodies script ... ) "Artillery Crumble" - Do you get an End Mission debriefing? In front of the captive, there are 4 guards, if you shoot one, then the other 3 will turn on the captive and shoot him, ending the mission. Or did the end happen earlier? Your feedback is really appreciated! EDIT - Where/Whats your server called, I'd really love to try this online with you if you try them again ( with fixes of course ... ).<span id='postcolor'> sure thing poet  just uploaded the 4th version of your maps to the server. feel free to join, so you could see how the missions work in mp. but be warned! this is an addon server, if you get kicked off, its because we´re playing an addon map. there´s a big addonpack (77megs) available at our website (klick my sig). otherwise, if i see you connecting and you get kicked off, i´ll put in one of your missions, so you can connect, deal?  oh yeah, one more thing: the server is called "battlefield" (which has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE C&H- MAP ....). you should find it, putting the name "battlefield" into your serverfilter
hi poet, the "war pie" mission kicks us right back to mission selection screen, when receiving game- data and the "artillery crumble" mission suddenly ends in the desert, about 30seconds afters the enemy spotted you
i like that island too, it has great potential. waterman, how about that: add the barracks addon from joerg f/ mapfact. it´s WRP-able, so you wont have to have the addon file in your folder.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ 01 May 2003,01:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">guys, all the stuff on the list is made or being made. Perhaps you could do something original?<span id='postcolor'> or something for the opposite force???
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rage_Frost @ 29 April 2003,21:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well Pooo. Seems we found a little Bug with the addon The Ver 1.2 MH-47E addon pack well not work on linux server's at all. Yea we read the read me nothing in their about it kind of sad since they make some of the best addons out their. We tryed everything to track why missions made with the addon are not working havent found out why yet. but atleast we tracked it down to this addon after 3 hours of trying to find out why some maps were not loading. After that we made a simple map 1 person and one empty Helo and boom maps wont load. I hope they make another fix so the addons well run on Linux server's soon.<span id='postcolor'> man, we were running a linux server too.... then we experienced that OFP runs very unstable at it, especially with missions including massive custom scripts. now we switched back to a plain WIN server, having a little less performance, but also less crashes. @bas crew: AFAIK linux servers have a problem with the "\" mark, maybe this causes the crashes. i once had to rewrite a script (fishions tankshock script) that used "\" marks in it, which were´nt accepted by the server. hope this helps
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (walker @ 29 April 2003,22:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hi all Just to say I am having fun putting the new divers into the "To The Lighthouse" mission I also am updating the working lighthouse for the mission. All going well. Kind Regards walker<span id='postcolor'> well, that sounds like they´d be released soon... looking forward for them
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ 29 April 2003,21:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for me, there are practically no missions being made for all the great planes. Anyone see any exciting missions with Hudson's F18 lately?  <span id='postcolor'> i once made a 2player coop mission, which also uses the mt-lb pack and the ita_aircraft bunker addon. it has one bug, that needs fixing. i´ll either post it in the "usermissions" forum or PM you, if it´s final  sry for beeing offtopic, so back in topic
well, i appreciate every good addon, whether its a civilian car or a good plane/bomber. but i voted the 3rd option, because it makes a lot more sence -to me- to use helos instead of planes. only think of the viewdistance or the mp game performance as an example... having planes in an 900m viewdistance map is plain senceless: you´d only see it for 5seconds. if you have 4 players flying a (fast) plane, most server connections cant handle the massive input of the planes current postions, which mostly results in lag (jumps). but since there are so many planes out yet (lets say about 5 of them are of top-quality, not to name them, you know them ) people wanna play with them and sometimes its great to see a plane drob its payload close to your position. but i beg all plane- addomakers: for gods sake, please stop making US planes! i know, i know, they look so cool and so on, but what OFP really needs is ADDON-BALANCING! so try to more concentrate on the east side. there are so many cool planes being made in russia, so why not make a good enemy for the already ingame west ones?
i was running it on win98 too, before i switched to win2kpro. i´m pretty happy with it now. only thinkg that some people experience is crashes to desktop when playing ofp and beeing inside ts2rc2 in combination with win2k/xp ....
the fumes work fine, until the "mpgame=true" command appears this didnt happen to the kiowas, which have the same script, except their engine position for the smoke is different