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Everything posted by pzvg

  1. Also, I'd scale that turret 1.2,1.5,1.7 That way, the dimensions would be closer to the APX turret that they used.
  2. Umm, seems to be some question as to authorship, I wish these websites would start holding releases for a day or two until they check the facts, In the past month, I've seen 5 "addons" that were ripped from 3Dcafe, and 2 that were outright stolen from other mod sites. Pathetic way to style oneself.
  3. pzvg

    World war i modifcation

    Do a search under the heading NOMANSLAND MOD
  4. pzvg

    Side cars

    Harley "WJ" series scout/liason bikes Indian "Scout/C" scout/liason bikes Oh, and btw, those modern POS's aren't THAT much faster on a dirt road than a 1940's model (know for a fact)
  5. pzvg

    Vit's new tank

    Update, our boy seems to be getting careless, "his" news chopper is a direct download from Free3D, he didn't even reskin it, sloppy, very sloppy
  6. pzvg

    Usefull vehlices

    Well, I was doing a few odd things now that I got my hands on O2, but I guess bulldozers,road graders, and the occasional armored recovery vehicle is just beyond the average "dewd" who thinks militaries consist of 1,500 snipers and a general. Fine, keep 'em for myself, you want one? MAKE YOUR OWN! people have no appreciation.
  7. pzvg

    Vit's new tank

    To clarify a bit better Panzer in it's descriptive form for armor came from the German designation for their tanks, ie; panzerkampfwagen which translates literally to "armored fighting vehicle"
  8. pzvg

    Tank Idea

    Lebensraum, german literally "living room" or breathing space, the pretext of which (pretext, big word, look it up) is why Hitler invaded Russia, surprised even an ass like you didn't know that. As for some of you's definite anti Zionist leanings, If you so convinced they suck, go take the Isreali's on, I'd love for you to learn what so many dips**ts before you have. And as for your little dig against my service vs the little yellow people, I'd gladly give 'em a rematch, only this time we get to use all of our power in an attempt to win, Not playing political pattycake, should be interesting, if rather short. BTW greg (gregor) Pretty obivious you hate the US, So from me to you, just go play in traffic, that is, if you actually live in a country that can afford enough cars to HAVE traffic.
  9. pzvg

    M2A2 Bradley problems

    Not to rain on your parade fix, but, I'm not fearless, I've known fear and we've become very close:) And realism has it's rewards, eg; it makes you think a little harder before commiting acts of dubious value. I know a lot of folks would rather have more Fun than reality allows, so be it, you did buy the game. Myself, I'd like a little more reality, 'cuz that's where tactical thinking shines. Btw "Leader" is a tad strong, I at no time attempted to guide,force, or persuade you to change your mind, I simply provided knowledge that I was in possesion of, What you choose to do with that is your lookout mate.
  10. pzvg

    Many of you have horrible ideas

    To the presumed ROTC grad. Being that you are in fact fine 2nd Loot material, (As in you're arrogant and have your head firmly up your third point of contact) Let me grant you what to this grunt would be considered a massive boon, I'm gonna let you in on a grand secret. Your opinion is as valid as any dogturd, The mere fact that someone with all the right qualifications to be a pompous ass objects to anything serves to validate it, rather than discredit. Now before you dig out your Roget's to compose a scathing riposte, let me forestall your vain effort by adding that I in fact, merely posted in order to enjoy my favorite game, which is pulling aside the Bar to reveal the jackass underneath, and I could care less for the whinings of a ROTC OCS candidate wannabe, with no time in service,no time in grade, and not enough military sense to pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. Christ Boy, I've recycled morons in BT with more on the ball than you. Go away before you embarrass the US military.
  11. pzvg

    M2A2 Bradley problems

    Having seen up close what a Shaped charge ATGM (In this case from a camera inside a M2 being hit by a Law 80 at Aberdeen) does inside an APC, you couldn't be further from the truth, It's actually considered an AOG (Act of God) if anyone lives thru a penetrating hit. Try this, next time you're riding in back of the Brad in OFP, look around, note how close to you the rest of the guys are, then Imagine a Tongue of hot Plasma at around 7200 degrees and around 7 inches in diameter, suddenly joining you in that space, It AIN'T pretty.
  12. pzvg

    Tank Idea

    Mistake nothing, At low level, moving around 300KIAS, you can id something as man-made in the time you have to shoot, period. That's why they ask if there are friendlies in the AO, an armored box is an Armored box on first glance. And let's not be too hard on the USAF folks, the only reason your nations aren't known for bombing the wrong target is due to a relative lack of bombing of any kind whatsoever in recent history, dig? P.S. 66mm LAW is old crap, same RPG7V, neither one is worth a d*amn against ANY MBT built after 1979. Oh and Russian tanks do have better gas mileage, trouble is the tracks don't last long enough to make that mean much, although they're improving in that field too.
  13. pzvg

    M2A2 why no AP ammo?

    It's an omission, the M2 uses API and HE, (API, Armor piercing Incendiary) and BTW the ROF is still too high (should be 300 Rd/min, looks in game to be 750)
  14. pzvg

    I demand accuracy

    Hehe naw, just make the ultra realism, have the spool lock up 15 seconds into flight 2/64-SST CAT '85
  15. There are actually two versions of the A1, the interim version was a simple retrofit of the 120mm smoothbore gun vice the 105, and an updated GPS (Gunner's primary sight) with new computer to handle the different ballistics of the gun, the later version which in documents is considered the "Real" M1A1 had upgraded armor, suspension,fire suppression, and engine enhancements, this is perhaps the reason for the conflicting dates I've seen on several sites, (and even military documentation as well)
  16. Actually the M1A1 was just being intergrated into USAEUR forces in '85 with 3rd and 8th ID (having smaller tank forces than Heavy Divisions) turning over there M1's on a platoon exchange level. I was there, the paperwork alone was a freakin nightmare