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About privateydb

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. privateydb

    Hind attack help

    i need help on the Campagin mission 'Hind Attack'. I can get my squad up to just outisde the base, but if i go into the base i get spotted and killed,likewise with my team.can anyone tell me what to do?
  2. privateydb

    Parachute question

    yep works like a charm. muchas gracias...
  3. completing my series of really stupid questions, what do i put in a trigger to make a unit parachute out of a chopper at a certain location. thanks....
  4. privateydb

    civilian question

    i found the answer on a tutorial....and then I gave up on that mission. But i got another one now,and more questions....
  5. privateydb

    civilian question

    i got it. sorry bout that... but what's the short name for LAWs and Mortars? Anyone? (Edited by privateydb at 1:28 pm on Dec. 24, 2001)
  6. in my mission,I want a West to be disguised as civilians and attack a Russian base. Is this possible? How do I arm the civilians and will the Russians be enemy units? thanks again...
  7. cool. thanks a lot fellas...i think i can manage that much.
  8. another question that any help with would be greatly appreciated.... how can i have a unit wait in a certain location for the player and upon a certain trigger's activation,attack. my scenario involves the player and his unit arriving at a roadblock before a small town. When the player gets out of his truck,the East forces attack...
  9. privateydb

    chopper question

    thanks a lot,that's my chopper questions done...
  10. privateydb

    chopper question

    one more question....how do i get the choppers to have their lights on as they fly overhead? thanks again....
  11. i basically want a few Eastern choppers to fly over woods where the player is and open fire on him. But whether it's because they can't see him or whatever,they just fly to the area and don't fire. Can anyone help me?
  12. i've read turorials and followed their advice,but i still can't get it to work,so can someone please answer my 3 questions?Please...for Christmas.Please.Please.Go on.. 1) What do I type in the init field to get a US or Russian flag on the flagpole? 2)How can I give radio commands to make other units join me e.g. air support? 3)How can I get messages from Papa Bear to me? I don't care if they're blue or not,I just need the order to come in... thanks a lot
  13. i've read turorials and followed their advice,but i still can't get it to work,so can someone please answer my 3 questions?Please...for Christmas.Please.Please.Go on.. 1) What do I type in the init field to get a US or Russian flag on the flagpole? 2)How can I give radio commands to make other units join me e.g. air support? 3)How can I get messages from Papa Bear to me? I don't care if they're blue or not,I just need the order to come in... thanks a lot
  14. privateydb

    stoopid question.....

    hey i'm getting there.muchas for the info by the way
  15. this probably a really stoopid question,but how can i make the player say something in the radio section. e.g. when the player gets to a certain waypoint,i want him to call Papa Bear and report his status....and how can i get Papa Bear to reply properly? take it slow,i'm new to this editing business