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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    Ram= more speed?

    Yup I agree with MrLaggy your upgrade priorities should prolly be in the order of Ram then GFX Card then CPU, and if you're on a budget look at AMD, you can get 1ghz CPUS very reasonably these days, but then of course you're prolly looking at a new motherboard, first thing to do is probably identify your motherboard and find out what the maximum it will accept CPU wise
  2. Placebo

    SCUD missle launchers

    Works fine for me......... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Scud Launch/Trajectory Scripts by DutchBoY A set of scripts to simulate a complete scud strike, from launch to impact. Includes 'scud-cam' (camera attached to the missile). Check out the example mission to learn how to best use these scripts. From the author: This Script REQUIRES gunslingers objects addon. How to use the example mission: -Go to the map -Click on "Launch Scud" on the radio -Place marker on map to specify target -Scud launches and detonates at target Has "ScudCam" which can be toggled on and off You are limited to three scuds. I did this so we wouldn't have a balance issue (when I convert this to multiplayer) Also, the reason I used three different scud objects, is so the scud would stay at the target, smoldering after impact. Thanks to: snYpir for the user marker detection script. Gunslinger for the unofficial addons. Many unknown script authors. If you have advanced questions, email me at [email protected] Enjoy! download the example mission.<span id='postcolor'>
  3. Placebo

    The lines between crosshairs/realism

    Itan200 Feel free to use this http://obecalp.virtualave.net/itan200_logo_s.jpg
  4. Placebo

    IMMERSION - 14th_Fly's Opus *YES IT'S ON TOPIC*

    Please don't attempt to taunt the moderators, we tend to respond simply by removing posting rights, and then nobody wins
  5. Placebo

    who deleted

    There's a phrase judges are fond of, "asked and answered" thus I'm closing this, no point beating a dead horse (or fox if you're a cruel upper class bastard )
  6. Placebo

    Please insert the correct CD-ROM problem....

    Keko you using 2k or XP? If so try this http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ps/Aspi/aspi.win_98.me.2k.xp.zip If it won't work automatically manually copy the files to the correct direcs, if you look at the bat file you will see which file is to go where, reboot and it "should" be installed properly.
  7. Placebo

    Ram= more speed?

    Your processor, ram & vid card are holding you back, as well as putting more ram in a better vid card would help compensate for your processor
  8. Placebo

    whats everyones problem?

    Have you tried following any of the tutorials? There's lots out there Moving to ME
  9. Placebo

    whats everyones problem?

    Have you tried following any of the tutorials? There's lots out there Moving to ME
  10. Placebo

    questio to BIS

    Yikes I never even noticed that /me slaps me...... I'd seen it load slow but thought it was on a crappy server
  11. Placebo


    To be honest I really like the rain as it is in Opf, IMO it's the closest attempt so far at recreating rain, all other games I've played make the rain so obvious you can count every drop, real rain isn't like that and IMO Opf has done it very well. Change of seasons again would be excellent if it could be implemented, as would footprints in the snow, this would be excellent when used tactically, making a false trail to set up an ambush, tracking the enemy as mentioned above etc. It's prolly too late to program the AI to deal with it but in this version it could be cosmetic and implemented fully in Opf2 perhaps?
  12. Placebo

    Ghost Recon vs OFP

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (S_Z @ Jan. 12 2002,12:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One more thing...please dont say the game is crap if you only played the demo...<span id='postcolor'> I've played the full game through to the end so I stick to my assessment
  13. Placebo

    MY GOD He's TINY!

    "Almighty"? LOL naaah that's a smidge too omnipotent even for me , I prefer "Ãœber Verwalter"
  14. Placebo

    Multiplayah Ease!

    Moving to MP
  15. Placebo

    Multiplayah Ease!

    Moving to MP
  16. Placebo

    Usage of this forum

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 12 2002,09:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Placebo you've become a true spammer <span id='postcolor'> By definition a moderator/admin can never be considered a spammer.........however if you wish I'd be happy to delete my post count on a daily basis* *what's good for the goose is good for the gander
  17. Placebo

    Multiplayer Maps

    Moving to MP
  18. Placebo

    Multiplayer Maps

    Moving to MP
  19. Placebo

    Maybe you already know this....

    I would be more likely to believe Bis myselfs, what have they got to gain by lying and saying there is no SDK and probably never will be?
  20. Placebo

    Ghost Recon vs OFP

    As someone pointed out on another of these threads somewhere else on here, what use are sniper rifles when because of the engine limitations you can't see beyond 100m or whatever anyways
  21. Placebo


    Well if you don't say anything again like you said before then nothing of course
  22. Placebo


    Ignore him, he was being pedantic about the incorrect spelling
  23. Placebo

    Ghost Recon vs OFP

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Coins are not very good for that purpose. Â <span id='postcolor'> LOL I had a feeling that was coming I toyed with the idea of typing "one euro note" but as I don't care for the euro I have no idea what denominations they come in and didn't want to sound as dumb as I usually do EDIT: I agree mostly with what Dave just said, I used to play Rogue Spear a bit, not a huge amount but I did enjoy it, IMO GR doesn't deserve to be uttered in the same breath as RS, it's a clear pile-of-shite-rush-job-rip-off-our-loyal-fans type release, guess they've taken a leaf out of the books of EA and Eidos.........
  24. Placebo

    Screen shots and the voodoo 3....

    Hypersnap with "special features" enabled
  25. Placebo

    Ghost Recon vs OFP

    If I had a euro for every one of these threads I'd have enough to whipe my arse with How do I feel about both games? Well the reviews of GR IMO show beyond any reasonable doubt how corrupt certain games magazines/websites are, GR is (as I've said many times before) utter crap compared to Opf, the only positive thing I could say about GR is that the grass/trees/bushes that move in the wind are rather nice, but then it doesn't cost Å30 to look out my window on a windy day