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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    Questions about the Hind, this is NUTS!

    Why did you post this thread here and in OT? I've deleted the one in OT
  2. Placebo

    Calling all voice actors...

    Moving to FanPages
  3. Placebo

    Calling all voice actors...

    Moving to FanPages
  4. Placebo

    Question for GF2 owners

    Moving to Troubleshooting
  5. Placebo

    Question for GF2 owners

    Moving to Troubleshooting
  6. Placebo

    Problems in Pathfinder Mission, Help!!

    http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/1985/pathfinder.htm Moving to OM
  7. Placebo

    Problems in Pathfinder Mission, Help!!

    http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/1985/pathfinder.htm Moving to OM
  8. Placebo

    "Hans" undercover

    You running 1.42? That was supposed to fix the getting into a boat bug....... The way I did the mission was to go straight to the boat and forget about the officers........
  9. Placebo

    You won't believe this - I need mirrors yet again!

    Bis/CM cannot financially help out a fan site, if they help out one then they have to help out everyone otherwise it would look like favouritism
  10. Placebo

    Israel and the Palestinian

    Hi Ahmad Bye Ahmad
  11. Placebo


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dangus @ Jan. 19 2002,16:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Spell my name right! its bad enough most people dont know how to say it right! grrrr.<span id='postcolor'> Looks like a moderator fixed it lol<span id='postcolor'> As if I would do such a thing, errrr I mean "we" DOH!!!
  12. Placebo

    Resuming the diferences bettwin M16 and Ak74

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Jan. 19 2002,15:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would have posted the image for the ocsw, but it was 160k or something <span id='postcolor'> Here's a forum friendly version I made earlier
  13. Placebo


    http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/ What were your thoughts on Red Hammer? Total votes: 651 Answer        Votes    Percentage I totally loved it!   239     36.7% It was cool      224     34.4% It was OK       112     17.2% It sucked!       76      11.7%
  14. Placebo

    The Moderators are Corrupted

    What makes you assume he's the only one facing the consequences?
  15. Placebo

    The Moderators are Corrupted

    It makes no difference who is doing it, the consequences apply to all.
  16. Placebo

    Who said Brdm Wasnt armoured enough

    dkraver please limit pics to a max of 100kbs, thanx
  17. Placebo

    What makes a good mission?

    Didn't we have one of these threads a couple of days ago? I'm sure it's there somewhere
  18. Placebo

    The Moderators are Corrupted

    Contrary to popular belief off topic and this forum as a whole does not exist solely for the benefit of half a dozen people, this forum is for the Operation Flashpoint community as a whole, not for any one individual or "group". We do the job we do for the community, we do it the way we do for the community, if you believe that the fact you've been around for a certain amount of time gives you some special priveledge then I'm sorry but it doesn't, life doesn't work like that. Frankly I could care less what you think about me, or the fact you think I'm specifically picking on certain individuals, which is nonsense, the reason certain individuals are having more posts/threads deleted than others is simply because they're posting more posts/threads than other people, specifically more pointless posts/threads than other people. I will continue to moderate here until I'm told by my employers that my services are no longer required, and I will continue to moderate the way I moderate until that time, should it come.
  19. Placebo

    Graphic images.......

    It was pinned in the hope that people would actually notice it and pay attention to what was said As for paint packages, Jasc do a demo version of Paint Shop Pro, it's fully functionable for 28 days I believe EDIT: If you want to check it out here's the URL to download it http://www.jasc.com/download_4.asp?prod=001
  20. Placebo

    Graphic images.......

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Jan. 19 2002,01:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It is if you hate paint.<span id='postcolor'> MS Paint? Oh no you don't want to be using that, it's a terrible paint package, you want something like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop
  21. Placebo

    SA-80 or not SA-80

    No it's for all formats, and I was under the impression the top 2 are USA and Japan........
  22. Placebo

    Graphic images.......

    And then if we were to say, "oh go on then 110kb is ok" someone would say "well how about 120kb, it's only 10kb more" etc. etc. etc. Personally I think 100kb is plenty, most pics I post tend to be around the 50kb mark which still leaves a nice image quality. If someone wants to post a big image then they can either post the url only or make a smaller thumbnail version which when clicked points to the larger image, it's not difficult
  23. Placebo

    Doh did a stupid thing

    Well it depends what OS you're using, for NT based kernels it's tools/folder options/file types, scroll down to sqm, click on it, delete it, go to an sqm file, and it won't be associated with anything so you right click and select "open with" and can then choose what proggy you want to associate it with. I can't really remember the process for 95/98/ME, something along the lines of view/file types then the same steps as above, you'll have to play around or wait for someone with an old OS to reply
  24. Placebo

