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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    Hosting on a multihomed host? Ports needed?

    *delete user confirm y/n* Muahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaaaaa.....
  2. Placebo

    1.42 Problem

    rolex(_,_) are you running version 1.42 of Opf?
  3. Placebo

    Home made Prison

    Looking very nice.........castle aint bad either
  4. Placebo

    Yes! Yes!! Yesss!!!!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (URKET @ Jan. 30 2002,08:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">They should have enough money by now to let it out for free. <span id='postcolor'> Why should they give us it for free? Bis are a business, writing software is their job, we're not entitled to something for free simply because we've bought something from them in the past..... They've already provided plenty of new units/weapons/missions for free, not many other companies would dream of doing something like that.......... Opf gives people 100s of hours of entertainment for Å30....... Max Payne gives around 10-15 hours of entertainment for the same price, will they give an addon for free? No they won't....... Is the new Ghost Recon addon going to be free? no it's not and that's being released about 3 months after the release of the original game........
  5. Placebo

    Idiotic CD Detecting Patches

    There are a fair few fixes that can be tried to resolve the problem, I solved it by removing "Daemon's Tools" and the patches installed perfectly, have a rummage through Avon's FAQ, there's plenty of tips in there However if you've tried all the fixes and nothing works then contact Codemaster's Tech support, Email them every day until you have a response
  6. Placebo

    Hi i'm new here and have 2 questions

    Typical woman, assuming every comment a man makes is about you
  7. Addons forum especially is getting overly clogged with polls, so in recognition of that we've decided on a couple of poll "rules" 1. Polls without the option for replies get closed after 3 days if still active. 2. Polls with the option for replies get closed after 3 days unless the replies are still active (ie there is still an active discussion going on), when there hasn't been a new reply for 24 hours after the 3 days is up they get closed ("bumps" of course do not count as active replies). I'll post this here in Addons & Mods (as it seems to be the most poll filled forum) and also post it in News Discussion.
  8. Placebo

    1.42 Problem

    Can you elaborate a bit more, when you say "now the game won't start at all" what happens exactly? CD drive gets accessed then nothing else? Banner shows up then nothing else?
  9. Placebo

    How old are you?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Jan. 30 2002,13:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL placebo there's a great picture of you in this thread. <span id='postcolor'> That's not me This is me...........
  10. Placebo

    Hosting on a multihomed host? Ports needed?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (4ntifa @ Jan. 30 2002,08:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hate myself for doing this... <span id='postcolor'> As you should
  11. Placebo


    Umm yes ok sure Closing.
  12. Placebo

    Short name of Independence Lost

    IMO "IL" is clearly the best and simplest option
  13. Placebo

    Independence Lost

    RavenDK your avatar doesn't show for us as Geoshitties doesn't allow the external posting of pics, feel free to use this URL http://obecalp.virtualave.net/profil_billede_ravendk.jpeg
  14. Placebo

    This morning's beauty!

    Helen is indeed a fine bit of English crumpet
  15. Placebo

    How old are you?

    Playing puter games isn't a sign or indicator of immaturity... It's a proven fact that playing computer games sharpens the reflexes, it's also a proven fact that playing computer games improves certain logic parts of the brain, it's also a proven fact that as one gets older keeping the mind sharp and active improves the chances of retaining mental cognizance, thus the older we get the more computer games we should play
  16. Placebo

    Hi i'm new here and have 2 questions

    Moving to Troubleshooting Welcome to the forum BTW
  17. Placebo

    Hi i'm new here and have 2 questions

    Moving to Troubleshooting Welcome to the forum BTW
  18. Placebo

    What to fix in the next patch

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hidden @ Jan. 30 2002,11:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Luckcily I´ll get a fast connection in a week -phew-, finally I can join the bunch of crybabies complaining about bad mp code  Hidden<span id='postcolor'> LOL I hear ya bud I'm getting Cable today (assuming they turn up) Must say I'm rather moist with excitement
  19. Placebo

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    This has gone OT so I'll kick it over there now
  20. Placebo

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    This has gone OT so I'll kick it over there now
  21. Placebo

    Why in the h*ll is this forum.....

    Your wish is my command Closing
  22. I thought it was a HL mod (Old IRC joke )
  23. Placebo

    PLANET OF WAR MOD preview pic

    You'll be old enough to buy alcohol when it comes out
  24. Moving to the conspiracies forum.........DOH!!! we don't have one He certainly was a persistant lil chappy that interviewer Curious as to who the supposed "ex Bis employee" is/was, methinks someone is getting Bis & 7th mixed up
  25. Placebo

    Slow Forums?

    LMAO you trying to make my head explode or something Yeah it does seem to be picking up speed, but there is clearly some problem there as it goes very very slow for a couple of hours, then picks up, then goes back to being really slow again, as I said Bis have been made aware so one can only hope it gets sorted soon Thanx for making me chuckle anyways Closing