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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. Placebo

    USMC Vehical MODs

    If a group of people are working on a mod and then Bis also release or plan to release something similar quitting makes no sense to me at all, they can simply alter the focus of their mod to something else And you don't need to worry about the team working on the Nam mod, the reason you don't hear any news is because they're so busy, no news is good news and all that
  2. Placebo

    Robert Deniro's holiday pictures

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Black Knight @ Feb. 02 2002,13:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">here is an example : http://www.geocities.com/canadiansinaction/screenshots/jan30_2002.jpg I am useing a Vodoo 5, so maybe that could be a problem and i have to use a program to take screenshots like hypersnap. Is there any other programs that you think are better?<span id='postcolor'> I couldn't view the pic on that URL..... Anyways in Hypersnap there are plenty of options to play around with... Go to capture/capture settings, in "crop and scale" change it to something like 640x480 (pixels) or 800x600, then in "quick save" click "change" and select jpeg and then change "quality factor" to 75%. Below is an example of a Hypersnap grab of 800x600 at 75% quality, file size is 61kb which is around the max I aim for when making pics
  3. Placebo

    Robert Deniro's holiday pictures

    The two main ways I reduce the file size of pics is resizing and jpeg compression, here are two example of reduced filesizes with Pukko's 1st pic.... Changing the jpeg compression to 50% reduces the filesize to 50kb from the original 125kb, the resolution of 1024x768 remains the same but you can see that the quality of the picture is reduced a fair bit....... Resizing to 640x480 combined with a jpeg compression of 15% results in less of a loss of quality while the filesize is still a nice 45kb I use Paint Shop Pro 7 for my image editing
  4. Placebo

    Patch downloading

    Yeah it will be slow from here, they got big server probs still....... Here's some mirrors getright found...... ftp://ftp.planet.nl/pub/planet/games/patches/ofppatch_upgrade_1_20.zip http://tiedostot.pelit.fi/25/295/11825/OFPPatch_Upgrade_1_20.zip ftp://downloads.codemasters.com/upgrade/ofppatch_upgrade_1_20.zip http://ftp.gamesweb.com/pub/add-ons/OFPPatch_Upgrade_1_20.zip ftp://ftp.barrysworld.com/pub...._20.zip http://www.imgroup.com.pl/flashpo...._20.zip Fastest would seem to be Barrysworld and then planet.nl but of course it may be different for you I'll move this to troubleshooting as it's not really a news discussion topic
  5. Placebo

    Patch downloading

    Yeah it will be slow from here, they got big server probs still....... Here's some mirrors getright found...... ftp://ftp.planet.nl/pub/planet/games/patches/ofppatch_upgrade_1_20.zip http://tiedostot.pelit.fi/25/295/11825/OFPPatch_Upgrade_1_20.zip ftp://downloads.codemasters.com/upgrade/ofppatch_upgrade_1_20.zip http://ftp.gamesweb.com/pub/add-ons/OFPPatch_Upgrade_1_20.zip ftp://ftp.barrysworld.com/pub...._20.zip http://www.imgroup.com.pl/flashpo...._20.zip Fastest would seem to be Barrysworld and then planet.nl but of course it may be different for you I'll move this to troubleshooting as it's not really a news discussion topic
  6. Placebo

    iFeel Mouse Freezing!

    Well in that case right click it and select "Open with control panel"
  7. Placebo


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([s.I.S.]Necromancer @ Feb. 01 2002,12:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What is ASE actually??? never heard of it before... btw....Gamespy blows imo. I use "All Seeing Eye".<span id='postcolor'> You just answered your own question
  8. Placebo


    He's just an excitable lil chap
  9. Placebo

    why is forum so slooooow

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (dazmorg @ Feb. 02 2002,12:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">no one seems to be doing anything about it, and this thread is about to get closed by placebo.<span id='postcolor'> Yes people are trying to do something about it, Bis have already commented about that. And yes I am closing this, so I guess you got something right
  10. Placebo

    Patch downloading

    Would help if you said which patch and where you were downloading it from? If somewhere you're downloading from is slow all you need to do is find a mirror, Opf patches are mirrored to lots of sites
  11. Placebo

    Patch downloading

    Would help if you said which patch and where you were downloading it from? If somewhere you're downloading from is slow all you need to do is find a mirror, Opf patches are mirrored to lots of sites
  12. Placebo

    Tom Clancy live TV interview on Feb. 3rd

    Someone ask him how it feels to have his name on a shower of shite like Ghost Recon
  13. Placebo

    Tom Clancy live TV interview on Feb. 3rd

    Someone ask him how it feels to have his name on a shower of shite like Ghost Recon
  14. Placebo

    Anyone 30 yrs old or more??

    Being 29 I couldn't possibly comment on these questions
  15. Placebo

    Robert Deniro's holiday pictures

    Please edit your pics so they're less than 100kb each
  16. Placebo

    when is dod 2.0 gonna be out?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Brentk @ Feb. 01 2002,04:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hey placebo get dod(dont know why i just said that)<span id='postcolor'> Actually at the request of a friend I prolly will host a DOD server from time to time when I have cable
  17. Placebo


    IMO these forums are not the place for such matters, they should be dealt with privately by the Server admins and the individuals. Moving to MP
  18. Placebo


    IMO these forums are not the place for such matters, they should be dealt with privately by the Server admins and the individuals. Moving to MP
  19. Placebo

    Testing my new avatar

    Correct. If you want to test your avatar/sig send yourself a PM. Closing
  20. Placebo

    What OS do you like best?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Feb. 01 2002,09:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Human biology and propagation? Â <span id='postcolor'> Home made skin softener collection
  21. Placebo


    Well she was blind and had a wooden leg so a car would have been a smidge impractical
  22. Placebo

    1.42 Problem

    That's the exact same mobo I use right now, I like it, plenty of overclocking options which I myself like, it's stable, seems to perform well
  23. Placebo

    iFeel Mouse Freezing!

    Ahh you should have replied in the post saying so It's fairly straight forward, no certainty it will solve your problem but Wreck-It is a smart fella so he could be right Download the file he links to, open the zip, extract the file somewhere, double click it to start it, click the direct input tab, move the "Debug Output Level" slider to the far left (ie the "less" side) while you're in there you may as well check all the tabs, ensure that the slider is to the left for them all, click "apply" then "ok" and you're done, might need a reboot, not sure (best to do so anyways) then just give it a test and let us know how you got on
  24. Placebo

    GF2 Ti Hardware T&L or not on 1ghz processor?

    LMAO oops I deleted one of your doubles and you deleted the other?? I have your post in my clipboard should you want it back LMAO okies I've put it back in place of your "dammit"
  25. Placebo

    GF2 Ti Hardware T&L or not on 1ghz processor?

    Just out of curiosity, have you OC'd your CPU? I'm assuming it's AMD?