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Everything posted by Placebo

  1. How much was the postage from Thailand to India?
  2. Thanks I tried both of those: (Pics spoilered so they don't kill the thread) Not sure I really understand what either of those mean but some of the bars go higher toward 500mb/s so I'm guessing that's a good thing? ;)
  3. Everyone gets to ask one dumb question a day right? Here's mine! ;) So I buy a new SSD http://www.kingston.com/us/ssd/vplus/#svp200s3 it says it has the following specs: Sequential reads: SATA Rev. 3.0 - 535MB/s Sequential writes2:SATA Rev. 3.0 -120GB – 480MB/s Sustained Random 4k Read/Write2: 120GB – 20,000/44,000 IOPS Max Random 4k Read/Write2: 120GB – 85,000/55,000 IOPS I run AS SSD Benchmark and get this: My motherboard is an ASUS M5A97 motherboard which is Sata3 and I'm using Sata3 rated Sata cables to connect it to the motherboard I think this was the result from when I was using the generic MS Sata driver on my old Sata2 motherboard: So despite upgrading to a newer supposedly much faster motherboard the SSD speeds have actually pretty much gone down, and either way the speeds I'm getting are nothing like the supposed 535MB/s reads and 480MB/s writes advertised? Am I missing something obvious here and/or being dumb or is something not configured/working right in my system?
  4. Spam deleted and infraction +1 handed out, if you must act the moron do it on some other forum please, thanks. Now let's try to get back on topic please.
  5. In just 5 days? That's pretty impressive! :)
  6. If you're playing with 50 people and 1 person is using an illegal game you all see the message, you should only worry if your game becomes affected by elements of the anti-piracy protection.
  7. Placebo

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    Do you meet the minimum requirements of a Shader Model 3 graphics card?
  8. Placebo

    Op Arrowhead, buddy as all get out

    You should be thankful that's only for the first two posts, on the TVRage forums it's the first 20 posts, now that's annoying!
  9. Flamebaiting post deleted. Looks let's clear this up once and for all, to keep things simple, in World War 2 as we all know there was a lot of bad stuff done by a lot of bad people, on various sides, not just the "evil Nazisâ„¢", we've spent the past 70 years dwelling on that stuff and hopefully learned lessons from that stuff, however this is a game, Units for this game are simply a group of gamers, everyone has to pick some side to take, some Unit name to use, sometimes those will be Units that have only done good stuff (or at least only ever get press for the good stuff), some will be Units that did some bad stuff as well as good, some will be Units that did a lot of bad stuff, fact is as I said this is a game, these are gaming forums, the people using these forums are gamers, that is how we will address the Units, how we will address each other. We won't make hollow, shallow, pointless accusations and comments of insensitivity and disrespect, we will take the people in our community on face value and offer them respect and the hand of friendship, if they then turn around and do or say something that doesn't warrant our respect, then sure that demands a closer look at their true actions and beliefs, but then and only then is it right to draw our attention to a potential issue.
  10. To be honest starting a new thread is the least correct option, you have the existing Czech DLC thread or the existing store sale thread but in answer to your question, I don't believe there will be a steam pre-order no :)
  11. Other than 1. finding the disc or 2. contacting the publisher of your version and seeing if they have a disc replacement service, there's nothing you can do besides buying a new one.
  12. So basically the biggest youtube channels are posting all these videos without permission and youtube are doing nothing yet for the average joe bloggs youtube are whining because they want a real signature from one of us on the document? Does it have to be a hand signed one as in we print it out and rescan it or just a digital one? Either way anyone who needs a signature Email me and I'll sign it for you: [email protected]
  13. Yep Rellikki deleted all his replies because he'd gone back to every post he made and edited them to say "F.U. Bis"...
  14. Hmm I think I'm getting it from multiple objects, need to test further just haven't had time!
  15. Placebo

    Iron Front Sub Forums

    Sorry for the delay I don't tend to come in here so missed the replies, do you mean essentially a squads and fanpages forum? But calling it units rather than squads as it's a little more era accurate? (Feel free to PM me when you've replied so you don't have to wait another month!)
  16. So we should now have most if not all of the sub forums we'll need for IF, I'll move as many threads from general that obviously belong to another sub forum, if I miss any please PM me or just use the report post function :)
  17. Placebo

    Place to download my CD Key ?

    This does sound a little fishy, maybe it's not but as a precaution I'll close it, I can easily be reached if there are any questions/concerns about any CD Key related matters (or anything else) [email protected]
  18. Forum subtext is negated by forum rules: I'll close this and copy your opening post into the correct thread :)
  19. I have an ATI card and also need to do some tweaking as I was getting some really weird stretched polygons in DayZ when I zoom into the distance, will grab some screenies shortly but presumably that kind of issue will ring a bell for someone? ;) Windows 7 64bit, 8gb ram, ATI Catalyst 12.6, 2gb ATI Radeon 6900, patched OA with latest beta :)
  20. Placebo

    Cannot purchase Arma 2 CO

    Try selecting paypal as your payment method, it simply acts as a payment portal and won't force you to create a paypal account, with some "tricky" credit/gift cards it has helped people be able to place their payment ok :)
  21. Placebo

    Will my computer run this game?

    Please look around before starting new threads, it's a rule here to avoid duplicates such as your thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?72181-Will-my-PC-Run-this-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-System-Specifications
  22. You'll be able to install it on your new PC yes.
  23. If you run any of the games from standalone shortcuts they need to be set to run as admin as well.
  24. Vague title and posting in the wrong forum, not the best of starts, also no system specs posted... I see you cross posted as well, so three forum rules ignored, not your day is it? Fixing title, moving to troubleshooting, please post your system specs and any error messages
  25. Placebo

    Empty TDM and DM servers?

    Moved to MP, please look before starting new threads that you're putting them in the correct forum :)