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About orionthedark

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  1. Hello all. Is there any simple way to explode/detonate a vehicle, say, helicopter in flight. If I use setdammage command, it just makes it ditch to sea. I found mid air explosion from FAQ but I look slightly different thing. I want the detonation to destroy the helicopter not just appear in mid air. More flashy explosion , more smoke and noise, the better. Any insights? My gratitude in advance, Orion
  2. Hello everyone. In my mission I need to have ** civilian ** plane take off Nogova airfield (Yes, I am using one at desert in Southwest Nogova, the working runway ). I have placed plane on taxiway and made waypoints, take off starts nice but every time plane makes low altitude 90 degree turn and crashes just after take off. Skill of pilot is as high it can be. I have not had this problem on other airfields like Everon and the other type of planes, A-10 and SU-25 can take off just ok. Any ideas how to make it work for civilian plane? ( I am talking of the civilian plane that comes with original game. Not any mod or add on) Thank you in advance, Orion (Edited some details)
  3. orionthedark

    In screen text

    Hello everyone I checked the FAQ and tried to search the solution for problem, but was not sure of correct terms so I did not find anything. If this has been answered lots of times before, I am sorry. Also I didnt find anything that seemed suitable from OFPEC. *) Sometimes in missions you see white large font text in middle-low part of screen, usually describing conversation (like subtitles kind of) How do I add that kind of text to my missions (not in cutscenes, but during missions) ? *) In many tutorials and posts here it is often recommended to reduce number of triggers in missions to make it more performance friendly. I am not good in scripting so I use triggers to perform most things in missions (radio traffic, alarms, checking conditions etc). What exactly is too much ? Like is 30 triggers in mission too much? I understand answer most likely depends on lot of factors, but is there any kind of rough thumb rule? Thank you in advance , Orion
  4. Hello everyone from new forum member. I have purchased OFP: GOTY edition while ago, and loved it very much. I have recently started learning mission editing, and found this forum and OFPEC to be of great help. I have several questions though. I have tried to search forum/ FAQ, but no luck with these particular topics. Should they have been answered hundred times before and I have missed them, my regrets. 1) How do I place units to watchtowers in bases? 2) I have noticed both trigger and waypoints have "Activation" field. If I want something to happen at certain waypoint, which one should I use? Waypoint or trigger activation field? 3) Scenario: I want trigger to be activated when certain area, say, city is cleared of enemies. I have tried using "not present" option in trigger but I am pretty sure it doesnt work always. Any other ways to declare when certain area is free of enemy? Many thanks in advance, Orion