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Everything posted by ozanzac

  1. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    I kinda meant as in all new models, not reskined BIS units. Mayby some weopons, but not huge differences to the original stuff. Believe me, I remember those days pretty well. . And for some kinda strange reason, reskinning the Original BIS units with some extras attached is experiencing a resurge again lately...., but I don't mind much.
  2. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Whoops, I meant This PC-9. Freakin Clipboard.
  3. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Skairkro, I think I speak on behalf of all true blue aussies. Keep with the Aussie stuff. There simply just isn't enough of it out there. And besides, any addon you make could be reskinned for some other Nato country anyway. I don't think Australia has designed it's military plane since the 'Boomerang' in WW II! Have you thought about a BaE Hawk? I know Kegytys has already made one, but it was one of the first (ever!) addons for Flashpoint, and had an un-feasible loadout. ( Sidewinders and a cannon) A Caribou would be nice, seeing as they'll still be in service for a while to come. (Bloody budget Blowouts) Then theres a Macchi trainer, or Pilatus PC-9 Even a Mirage III or Orion (To a lesser extent) Then there's the Navy Helo's, but thats not really my style! What do ya reckon?
  4. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Mmm, I bet it woulda been good. Say Thud and Blunder, what is/was your occupation? Love hearin those sortie stories and the like...
  5. ozanzac

    Not using islands?

    Whatever the case. Bigger maps= Bigger campaign = Bigger Realism = Bigger fun. Isn't that what we all want! Can't wait, no matter what the outcome.
  6. ozanzac

    Again sad news

    From to subs, to Lincoln Convertables to Harriers. Klink, your work was fantastic and innovative, and I eagerly await the addons that you yourself are unable to finish yet the signature of your fine craftsmanship will be all over them. Take Care Mate.
  7. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    If only it were a TV guided Maverick, then we'd have the vision to prove it!
  8. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    An f-111 also scored a monouvre kill over an Iraqi Sukoi or Mig, can't remember, back in Gulf War 1. For those that don't know. The moanouvre kill is when a persuing aircraft crashes as a result of defensive manouvres, IE, the mig smashed into the ground whilist attepting to engage the "Raven", (official EF-111 name). All it did was switch its powerful ECM on. This scrambled the Iraqi flight computer and bang, whaddaya know, the indicated altitude isn't the true altitude anymore. Amazing yet true.
  9. ozanzac

    Is a ps2 worth buying ?

    Get an x-box just for the multiplayer experience alone. Plus, u can connect it to a hub and have multiple x-boxes running the same game for up to 16 people (I Think thats the max, dunno though). Me and me mates used to do it every couple of Friday nights. Awesome fun. PS2 is allright, but lacks the modability that the x-box has, and nintendo.... well, their stuff is mostly kiddy Mario stuff, excluding the EA brand. (EA and Nintendo are in bed togeather. X-Box, more fun, more modability. Closest console to the freedom of a PC. Don't forget, X-Box live,....
  10. ozanzac

    I'm all out of ideas

    This might be a little late, but heres one for later. Using Winter Nogojev. (Intro):You and a small band of black ops (or even BAS Rangers or Delta ops or whatever the hell you like), are assigned to a small roadblock on a fairly isolated road (North or south coast) After an unexpectd russian advance (tanks, air support, infantry) The leader, (James Gastovski) decides the best option is to retreat on foot throgh a forest into a clearing where chopper (MH-6) evac is possible, or even make it so the chopper lands in some heat like on one of those 4 story apartment blocks in a town, and the 5 or 6 man team make it out alive. (Mission.) After receiving intel that a russian chopper has come down for mechanical reasons, and that a repair crew is on route. The team takes out the chopper crew and Then waits for the repair crew. The dead pilots (buried by hide body functon), then assume the pilots left the scene for a bite. Then the BlackOps attack the crew and commandeer not the chopper, but the repair truck, and use it to infiltrate a main Southern base to obtain some intelligence, (possibly bug a residence some how) and then depart the scene having not alerted any base defences (or the base could be alerted). If this happens, either before or after the placing of the bug, the main objective ecomes to survive. (Search partes, choppers, the works). If they survive, mission without placing the bug, mission fails. The black-ops request evac, but no response. (Outro of a night Russian attack which anhilates an american base) If they do place the bug. Mission Success, possibly leading to another mission, following up on the gained intelligence. (Mayby a counter-attack to the one that in the lose outro which destroys the American base.) Or something along those lines. Take it or leave it, anyone's welcome. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it
  11. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Would only wanna see an EF-111 if it was functional. I.E. If it did jam enemy radars, otherwise it would probably just gather dust. I spose it could be used for a background role in missions, like scripting that the jamming did actually jam radars. This would be good for covert insertion of Special Forces behind enemy lines, like as in an intro to a mission, but the plane itself would be only be of use in the mission upon extraction. Play with the idea and see what you come up with.
  12. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Hell yeah! Thats it. If that don't put a smile on ya dial. Not alot will!
  13. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    It's not as dangerous as you think. The afterburner ignites the fuel mist. And Jet grade fuel mist is very flamable! It wasn't at really low altitude. It was spectacular though, I can asure you. The length of the flame was was about the same as the lenth of the plane itself. But come to think of it... It might have been at surfers paradise at Indy a few years ago. Probably, was as well.... Yeah it was too. They did it flying along the coastline, on the back straight. I got it mixed up. Sorry, been to too many street races with fly overs.
  14. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Lovin the addon, no doubt. The afterburner is awesome to use at low altitude. Once completed Skaircro, this will be a must have ofp addon for all the flashpointeers. I'm gobsmacked. Keep up the awesome work.
  15. ozanzac

    F-111 beta 2 is ready to go!

    Fuel dump is also a real crowd pleaser. When an F-111 did it over the Grand Prix in adelaide when I was a kid, it scared the $#!t outa me. But it was truly mesmarising! The noise, oh the noise.... It was fantastic!!
  16. ozanzac

    F-111 user input for next beta

    Skaircro, alert opflashpoint.org of your new Beta. They oughta publish it fast, seeing as it's aussie.
  17. ozanzac

    F-111 user input for next beta

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum but been with the community since the very beggining (Before V1.1 was released) Well, the fact of the matter is, these aircraft, put up against a formidable fighter, simply don't stand a chance to defend themselves should they directly come against an attack. They are Strategic bombers (They bomb buildings and infrastructure) and as such, defence for these aircraft come only in the form of armed escorts (or a defensive, tail positioned cannon). It's the role of the escort aircraft to suppress opposing forces, be it from ground or air. The F-111 is a tactical bomber (it targets tanks e.t.c.) , and as the F-111 is relatively nimble compared to the other, larger, bombers, it's capable of at least having a fighting chance against an attacking fighter, thus it has a defensive capability, though this is limited to only 2 short range Sidewinders and an optional cannon. The others simply do't have a chance. Also, Skairkro, got your reply, I'm sorry to say I didn't know that this topic is on the forums. I eagerly await this release