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Everything posted by ozanzac

  1. ozanzac

    Chick Advice

    Hooahman: Brad Pitt impersonator! Show her your sense of humour!
  2. ozanzac

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    Climate change is inevitable. Continental drifts, solar radiation, and our orbit around the sun, all impact the environmental conditions we live by. It's not all human invoked, although our activities certainly have some impact upon climate and biodiversity. We are all, merely temporary guests to this planet. The mentality of let the next generation deal with it is wrong. Instead, the current generations, should be investing in looking at how we can minimise, the footprint we are likely to leave, so that future generations, aren't impacted upon by short-sighted decisions of the past.
  3. ozanzac

    Psychology of killing.

    I can't think of any circumstances, where faced with the prospect of a premature death, I wouldn't do all in my power to prolong my existance. If that meant sacrificing someone else for the sake of mine, particularly if they were an uncontrollable threat, then so be it.
  4. ozanzac


    I quite liked it! I chuckled through parts of it, just at the pure roar violence, and left the cinema satisfied, that I'd just watched something highly entertaining!
  5. ozanzac

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Well, I was thinking some basic stuff for a 'get to know your moderators' type thread. *Name *Location *Occupation *Why you play OFP / ArmA *Other interests in the community (Squads, webpages, addons e.t.c.) *Why you became a moderator
  6. ozanzac

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Just a general observation, and for the possibility of generating good PR for the moderators.... The 'changing of the guard' within the moderator ranks, has left a feeling of 'Who are the new moderators', or even 'Where did you pop up from?’ in some cases. (No offence) Having read through some of your profiles, most of you have been around since very early in the piece. But that doesn't really say much about, who you are, your backgrounds, what got you into OFP/ArmA, why you want to be a moderator e.t.c. and that particularly applies to the newly appointed moderators, because quite honestly, I'd barely come across some of you before. Now I know, that in a community of umpteen thousand members, the opportunity to get a 'feel' for everyone, isn't quite there. But, in an effort to return that cosiness of knowing, 'who is in charge', I ask that there be some sort of thread created, where the moderators give us a brief rundown about themselves, in an effort to return the past feeling of goodwill within the forum, that Placebo, had managed to build up.
  7. ozanzac

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Simple logic dictates that 350 (lets say that is the amount of really active members at any one time after a large release) people know more and come up with more good ideas then 10 moderators. Of course that doesn't mean anything when you have your own little playground to irritate people and rule over your kingdom. Also people leaving the community because of moderators/developers feeling like all-knowing Gods = loss of revenue for BIS. In a community where everyone loves the game and there are only 2 or 3 unhappy people that is no problem, after a release like ArmA that some people love and some people hate, that is troubling. Apperantly the only thing that people are allowed to post in this thread since Placebo left is something similar to "we love you moderators". As said before by Placebo, these are the BIS forums, and that means that every action of the un-paid moderators reflects on BIS' image as a company. Ok, and moderators don't have to respect members then? Just shut up and behave or feel our wrath? I was the english section moderator on OFP.info for a few years, and I too refused to accept anyones advice or feedback, strictly enforcing the rules "or else" and banning everyone that thought otherwise. It seemed to work at first... In the end, it drove members away in large quantities. Apperantly the new BIS forums moderators still have to learn that lesson. Just enforcing the rules you think are right and ignoring user-input is not always the best thing to do. There is no golden way of moderating that always works. Right you are, JdB. However, let's look at it from the moderators perspective. They operate the forum under the guidelines imposed by the owners of the forum, BIS. The moderators can't impose change on the site, without the express approval of the owners of the site, as the moderators are here to enforce the rules that are imposed by the owners. If you’re asking the moderators to change a rule, that could affect the cost of running this forum, then you’re asking the wrong person. This is an issue for the owners of the site, as they are the powers in charge. The owners response, whatever it may be, is the law, as we are all here, ‘in their grace’. If the owners handball the responsibility of the creation and modification of forum rules over to the moderators, then the ball truly is in the moderators court, and they do have the power to change the rules.
  8. ozanzac

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    I'm still using 56k... The telecommunications industry here is going through a major 'shakeup' at the moment. The, government owned almost monopoly carrier, has only recently become privatised. It owns the majority of an established high-speed telecommunications network in Australia, but has been muzzled by the consumer watchdog, from unleashing the new technology into markets (telecom exchanges) that are yet to be populated from rival carriers, who have been slow to implement new technology. Those exchanges with plans that do offer something decent (ADSL2+), are rediculously priced. Considering Australia per capita is one of the leading high tech gadget consumer markets, one would think the ISP's, would be scrambling for innovation.....but apparently, they like the status quo. As for picture limits... For photo threads, in all honesty, people should be able to post whatever sizes they like. I don't wonder into those threads because I know, that loading a page of 15 posters, if they posted 100KB images, would still take me at least 5 mins to load... and the novelty of those threads wore off on me rather quickly. I'd be happy for photo threads to go 'unlimited'....Though I'd stop short at posting something ridiculous, such as a 550MB Hyperion scene..... but as for the rest of the forum which I tend to browse, (everything but photothreads), the 100KB limit, does seem sensible.
  9. ozanzac

    Should Russia fear NATO expansion?

    To answer the original question, what do you beleive Russia has to fear? NATO isn't known for it's attack, and ask questions later stance, and I seriously doubt NATO would intervene in any Russian internal issues such as Chechnya, or use force to sway Russia in issues such as raw energy supplies to the former states of the Soviet Union. NATO knows, that's no-go territory, and it's unlikely they're going to change attitudes and think 'we can take Russia', overnight. The mindset that NATO is hostile, is wrong. The world has changed greatly in the past 25 years. Most of it, for the better.
  10. ozanzac

    The Next War

    Damn it..... you beat me to it. I was going to suggest another american civil war.
  11. ozanzac

    College Life goin down the tubes?

    I fell under a similar situation. Where my folks earned too much for government assistance. I lived off of them for a short while, then entered my full time work, full time study phase. Earned enough money to be deemed 'independent' of my parents in the eyes of the government, so I qualify for an allowance (which barely pays the bills). I'm forced to balance my personal income such that I don't risk earning too much and lose the allowance, but I gather, it's just another uni student way of life.
  12. ozanzac

    College Life goin down the tubes?

    I don't know what 'full time insurance', is, or what it refers to. Being a full time student here, entitles me to concessional discounts (movies, transport, health care, e.t.c.) There was one point in time where I was working 40 hour weeks, on top of 20 uni contact hours (4 subjects) plus assignments, tests, e.t.c, on top of a healthy social life. I was flat out, and it almost killed me...... literally. I quit working full time to a couple of shifts per week, reduced my study load less one subject per semester, (which prolonged my course an extra year). My grades got better, I had more time, I met my lady freind, and life became rosy! I'm in my last year now. (Can't be bothered doing masters/PhD (yet)..... I want to earn money! My advice: Study hard, but give yourself breathing space. If you can't make ends meet, consider reducing your study load to enable yourself to earn money. The university experience is so much better, when you don't have to walk around like Mr Tight Ass!
  13. ozanzac

    Were women the first warriors?

    Purely awesome! Who needs guard dogs when you could train a chimp to kill using weapons!
  14. ozanzac

    Second Life

    It just totally beats me why people will spare vast amounts of time to such pointless pursuits. About as close as I'd get to a 'second life', would be the occasional visit to the forum, but even then, I'm simply being me, so doubt very much it can be classed in the same manner. I can appreciate a persons will to seek a second perspective, afterall, isn't that what gaming is about, stepping back from reality and escaping into someones, other than your own shoes? But, I quiz highly the entertainment factor of a game trying solely replicate life. In this 'second life', must you contend with the death of loved ones? How does life start in this second life? How would 'owning an island' in an electronic world, make me feel better about myself? It blows my mind how people are willing to spend real world dollars not so much on, but IN a fantasy world.... Monthly land management fees.... I mean, Jesus Christ, who wants a voluntary tax?!?.... Why not play some other game and 'pretend' you own Kolgujev, or San Andreas, or, dare I say it, The Sims (another, game which seems, socially destructive). Heck, it'd be a hell of allot cheaper! Do laws of real-world physics apply, or could it be such 'I can fly, and I can shoot bolts of lightening just because I say I can'. It interests me, no doubt, but there are so many other things in life, (like having a bloody good social life! ) that come before needing a second 'ultra immersive but pretend' one! From an outsider looking in it seems rather depressing that these people couldn't find something more focussed to dedicate there time, skills and finances towards!
  15. ozanzac

    China destroys satellite with ballistic missile

    Foremost, to show that they have the capability. Satellites generally have a short used by date, and have a high failure rate. 8 years in orbit, is pretty typical, and I've read that the failure rate after 13 years for a satellite is around the 98% mark. One of the most limiting factors, is the amount of propellant onboard the orbiting vehicle. Once the propellant runs out, the satellite tends to lose orbit, and simply burns up when falling back into the earth's atmosphere anyway... There's no real fuss there.... but, destroying a sattelite up there, is the equivalent to stripping a car on the highway and scattering all the parts on the road for others to dodge. It's simply, inconsiderate.
  16. ozanzac

    "iPhone" unveiled today...

    It's nice, yes.... But, Apple products don't have a good reputation for ruggedness, and considering the hell I put my phones through (and many other real world people). I'd say there'll be a very high percentage returned for repair. This might just be apple's biggest liability yet.
  17. ozanzac

    Happy new year!

    Nothing better to life, than welcoming the new year with a bonfire bbq on the beach, with good beer, great mates and a wonderful woman. Happy new year everyone!
  18. ozanzac

    The Iraq thread 4

    Saddam's execution was irrelevant. It might close a chapter on the history of Iraq, but it will do little to address the problems the country currently faces. But, meh...
  19. ozanzac

    Goodbye Placebo

    Good luck in your pursuits Paul. You've been a wonderful asset to this community. And will be leaving very big shoes to fill. Highest regards, Nathan
  20. ozanzac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/democrats-take-senate/2006/11/09/1162661803534.html My faith in the American democracy has been renewed. Did someone say, Bananaman? Â
  21. ozanzac

    Which pointing device do you use?

    Tried one, but having been brought up on the conventional mouse, all I can say is that habits die hard.
  22. ozanzac

    The Middle East part 2

    You're beyond hope.
  23. ozanzac

    Military Humor

    Don't know if it was posted here, but absolute comedy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SII6vg1fCt4&NR
  24. ozanzac

    North Korean Nuclear Tests

    Personally, I don't think much will change as a result of this, and to be quite honest, I'm not sure why, North Korea, had to demonstrate that it has a Nuclear arsenal. They've long been under suspicion for having one, and that in itself, was deterant enough. The thing, I find most ironic, is that land on the Korean peninsular, comes at a premium. Whilist I understand quite fully, that the blast was merely a fart in comparison to some of the apocolyptic warheads in the hands of the former cold war powers, it still remains to be seen, why would they want to contaminate there own, limited land? None the less, do I think this will have an impact on my day to day life? Probably not. Unless someone decides to overreact....which I'm also hoping, won't happen. But until then, i'm gonna sit back, relax, and let someone else, do the caring!
  25. ozanzac

    Abrams and other modern armor vs RPG

    I'd like to know which round, you're in reference too...