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Everything posted by ollem

  1. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    Recently there is some unexpected behavior (could be aka bug) in ARMA 3 BETA with the unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE" command to make AI go prone. Units that have been ordered using this command get into some weird state where they keep lowering and raising their weapon. Unfortunately UPSMON is using this command at quite a few places, so this explains some of the weird behavior I've noticed with UPSMON recently :-/ BIS has implemented some improvements in AI stance behavior, so I'm currently considering releasing a UPSMON version which will have all stance changes disabled. Setting the AI behavior to COMBAT or STEALTH should already make default BIS AI behavior make the AI go into different stances if applicable.
  2. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    I understand the cause of this error and should be able to fix it. Unfortunately very limited time at the moment so please be patient.
  3. ollem

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Yes it does: please refer to the start post of this thread. Just start ArmA with CBA, ACE and MCC mods, go into editor, place one playable unit on the map and start 'the mission'. MCC should appear in your action menu. Please make sure you try with ArmA 2 MCC version and not the ArmA 3 one.
  4. Recently there seems to be unexpected behavior (could be aka bug) in ARMA 3 BETA with the unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE" command to make AI go prone. Units that have been ordered using this command get into some weird state where they keep lowering and raising their weapon. While TPWCAS is using this command I recommend to turn it off in ArmA 3 until I've implemented a workaround.
  5. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    Each building model has a number of spaces defined which can be used by AI to position themselves. The ArmA command 'buildingPos' is used to determine these spots. If in A2 the AI would not take a spot already taken by another AI, this *might* be linked to an A3 issue while the fortify UPSMON code for A3 is still the same as A3. However, due to latest BETA changes it may still be related to UPSMON code. I will put on todo list to have a look at it: I had a quick look at the code and do see some things that need some closer look anyway.
  6. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    @Taxen0: Please give the updated code a try and let us know if/what kind of errors you get. There is quite a lot of functionality in UPSMON, and no single person is really capable to test every single feature. E.g. I only use UPSMON in MultiPlayer, and nearly only use UPSMON in combination with MCC, not really interested in surrender options, and don't use the template functionality. So please keep those error reports coming.
  7. ollem

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Latest Notepadd++ has a nice new feature: Enhance delimiter selection (Ctrl + Mouse Double Click) - add GUI settings in Preferences dialog. By default it's set to ( and ) but if changed to { and } and tickmark multiline finally a fast and easy way to see if the pairs match.
  8. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    I'm planning to do a significant update of UPSMON for A3 specifically. Based on the various updates around I've started to make a 'best of breed' and have added and will add some changes - unfortunately my time is limited so may take a while :-) So therefore, just like BIS I will share progress - including disclaimer and hoping for feedback in case of issues. Updates: - merged updates/fixes collected.made by Beerkan, Shay_gman. Ligthert, and others - should have fixed _surrender bug - rewritten/modified small parts of some code/functions New: - added UPSMON diver support - divers will patrol zone, and if next wp is on shore they will move out of the water (and return if wp is in water again). In case of enemy reports they will leave the water and engage. Known issues with divers: - diver will board subs if they need to travel longer distance, but this only work for empty subs now - sub will move to shore if wp is on land, but divers do not disembark in that case (in case of enemy alerts they should leave subs) - sub will not dive under water for now https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/_UPSMON/UPSMON_520b1.zip
  9. I recall seeing this particular behavior before in the early days of tpwcas. If I do recall well this seemed to be related to skill setting dropping too low. Could you please verify the following settings? // 8 AI SKILL SUPPRESSION. 0 = SKILLS WILL NOT BE CHANGED, ONLY STANCE. 1 = SKILLS AND STANCE CHANGED UNDER SUPPRESSION. tpwcas_skillsup = 1; // 9 MINIMUM SKILL VALUE, NONE OF A UNIT'S SKILLS WILL DROP BELOW THIS UNDER SUPPRESSION. tpwcas_minskill = 0.15; Could you perhaps try to increase minskill or maybe even check with tpwcas_skillsup = 0; to see if that solves the issue?
  10. confirmed - you are right. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. The error seems to be caused due to fact original accuracy value of AI hasn't been stored yet after spawning when they are being shot at. I will investigate.
  12. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    I've seen this error too and already been working on a fix and almost have it nailed. In my case I believe the error was related to civilian AI managed by UPSMON. Could that be the case for you too?
  13. readme line 62: Changes version 5.0: - update: fixed error messages which appeared after latest A2 beta patch :p
  14. tpwcas_init.sqf line 51: modify to tpwcas_debug = 0; //DEBUGGING. 0 = NO DEBUGGING, 1 = DISPLAY COLOURED BALLS OVER ANY SUPPRESSED UNITS, 2 = BALLS + BDETECT LOGGING. if(isNil "tpwcas_debug") then { tpwcas_debug = 1; }; ---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:16 ---------- Thanks for the feedback! ---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 13:17 ---------- I've to admit I didn't notice it yet. I'll have a look at it later and see if I'll spot this too.
  15. An A3 MP/SP compatible version of the bDetect framework is already available in tpwcas ai suppression mod/script http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143797-TPWCAS-TPWC-AI-Suppression-System&p=2267043#post2267043
  16. Arma2 updated version compatible with recent A2 beta: tpwcas5.0.zip Link contains both pbo and script version for ARMA 2 only! Note: I only briefly tested this version: it started without error messages for me, and debug balls told me it it should work.... Please share results to let us know if it really works. Thanks!
  17. For the daring and impatient ones only!: ArmA 2 updated Beta script version for latest ArmA2 patch. Fully untested but based on the A3 updates so fingers crossed it should work :P Arma2_script_version_50b.zip (update: link removed due to (beta) .pbo + script release below) feedback appreciated.
  18. This part of the code is triggered when throwing grenades, shooting AT, etc. I'm at work now so can't verify, but changing line 631 should fix it: || !{ (alive _projectile) } to || { !(alive _projectile) } I've updated the .zip file again to include this fix: tpwcas_a3_v05_script.zip
  19. Oops.. those lines shouldn't have been there anymore - updated the file - please download again tpwcas_a3_v05_script.zip
  20. Updated version which should no longer kill the system: tpwcas_a3_v05_script.zip ---------- Post added at 09:07 ---------- Previous post was at 09:06 ---------- I won't forget: I actually already have updated my rusty ArmA2 to latest level - haven't started it yet. Once the A3 version works again, it should be easy to fix A2 version too.
  21. ollem

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    Same here: I'm also a 47 yr old commodore 64 vet. First pc was a 386sx with 4 x 256kb of ram: those were the ms-dos days of using himem and loadhigh to be able to just have enough memory to run flightsim game like Falcon 3
  22. i've found the issue: it's the debug flagpoles which are spawned by the search-cover and civie-run functions.. The class name has been changed and trying to create this non-existing object just simply kills the system. Updated code by tomorrow.
  23. That's weird.. too bad. I have to admit I haven't tried SP for a long time... could be related to SP vs MP - will have a look at that. Any chance to share your mission file? === UPDATE 1 === I'm facing the lock ups too - something has been really messed up in the latest update.... stay tuned while trying to fix it === UPDATE 2 === The lock up issue seems to only occur with debug enabled (1 or 2) - without debug the code seems to be okay I'll continue the bug hunt... ---------- Post added at 07:20 ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 ---------- Many thanks for the hint! I'll add the debug smoke back in again - once I've sorted out the issues reported by e.g. tpw
  24. Made a few more changes which should (hopefully) eliminate all the error messages: TPWCAS ArmA 3 Beta script version: tpwcas_a3_v03_script.zip (==> UPDATE: link removed due to errors in code) Made a few more changes which should (hopefully) eliminate all the error messages: E.g. Fixed the _dist error reported by Tinter Due to a change in 'smoke generation' in Arma 3, I completely removed the debug smoke entries. So no more debug smoke for 'find cover' and no smoke for Civilians running away. This should fix the reported cannot open object ca\data\cl_basic.p3d error messages.
  25. ollem

    UPSMON for arma3

    I faced that issue too and fixed it as follows: UPSMON_init.sqf - around line 205: replace KRON_relPos = {private["_p","_d","_a","_x","_y","_xout","_yout"];_p=_this select 0; _x=_p select 0; _y=_p select 1; _d=_this select 1; _a=_this select 2; _xout=_x + sin(_a)*_d; _yout=_y + cos(_a)*_d;[_xout,_yout,0]}; with KRON_relPos = {private["_p","_d","_a","_xx","_yy","_xout","_yout"];_p=_this select 0; _xx=_p select 0; _yy=_p select 1; _d=_this select 1; _a=_this select 2; _xout=_xx + sin(_a)*_d; _yout=_yy + cos(_a)*_d;[_xout,_yout,0]}; around line 370: replace { if (!isnull _x && alive _x && !captive _x ) then { _npc = _x; _targets = []; with { if ( _forEachIndex > 0 && {!isnull _x} && {alive _x} && {!captive _x} ) then { _npc = _x; _targets = [];