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Everything posted by ollem

  1. tested with dedicated server, client and HC -> tpwcas debug balls appear though AI is not doing what I would expect: they remain at their location all the time Client did not have ASR_AI mod. On server I get many of following (ASR related) errors in the log: Error in expression < = (_this) select 2; ; if (_sender call asr_ai3_main_fnc_isValidUnit) exitWith {> Error position: <asr_ai3_main_fnc_isValidUnit) exitWith {> Error Undefined variable in expression: asr_ai3_main_fnc_isvalidunit File x\asr_ai3\addons\danger\fnc_sendInfo.sqf, line 4 Will test later without ASR.
  2. I've tested tpwcas with HC myself: I have to admit not the MOD but script version. tpwcas_mode = 2 is working for me. Setup: pc1: locally hosted server, me as player pc2: HC on PC 1 besides me there were 2 more AI -> client log shows EH added for 3 units Created BluFor and RedFor AI on HC -> log shows EH added for all units local to HC Logs shows bullet detection on both systems as well, so bDetect is running at both systems. me shooting at Blufor -> green debug balls (ToDo: check why they just kept standing - they should go prone...) AI vs AI -> yellow and red debug balls apeared AI shooting at me: blurring + shake. I'll test with Dedicated later.
  3. It was a test :p Anyway, as mentioned it did not impact the functionality and hence I also didn't notice before :cool: ---------- Post added at 08:31 ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 ---------- Looking at the logs I assume the following: user1 is your test player user HC_AI is your HC user. vts_x are AI local to the HC O Alpha 1-xx are AI local to the server. Is that correct? If so, I do not fully understand why 'user1' does not show up in the log as 'user1 REMOTE', just like e.g: bdetect_fnc_eh_add() - unit=O Alpha 1-1:1 REMOTE, KILLED EH assigned bdetect_fnc_eh_add() - unit=vts_8, KILLED EH assigned" It seems both HC_AI and user1 are local on the same client ??
  4. Thanks for posting your log details. So HC log doesn't show lines like: "21.255 [bDetect_a3 v1.0] Frame:22626 L0: bDetect_a3 v1.0 is starting ..." "21.255 [bDetect_a3 v1.0] Frame:22626 L0: bDetect_a3 v1.0 has started" In case of mode = 2 I would have expected that. How about your player PC log? It should also show these lines. I don't think I ever tried HC in combination with tpwcas_mode = 2, only with tpwcas_mode = 3. Could you perhaps give it a try with tpwcas_mode = 3?
  5. @Lordprimate: I'm not sure why HC is not working, but there is a small error in theHC check in init.sqf: // HEADLESS CLIENT CHECK tpwcas_isHC = !( hasInterface || isDedicated ); should be // HEADLESS CLIENT CHECK tpwcas_isHC = ( !(hasInterface) && !(isDedicated ) ); However, that doesn't explain the issue while in case of HC tpwcas_isHC would be true in both cases. Could someone post the first lines of the HC rpt log which should show the TPWCAS values as present on the HC?
  6. Please check the readme for detailed difference between mode 2 and 3. In short: 2 - for suppression effect between player-AI , AI-player, and AI - AI => this requires twpcas o be active on all clients (including HC) 3 - for suppression effect between player - (server + HC local) AI only => this requires tpwcas to be active on server and HC. I don't know if ASR_AI3 is HC compatible too -if so you need it on both server and HC I presume.
  7. TPWEBS is indeed a similar type of mod based on a smart idea. Unfortunately the concept can only work in singleplayer mode, but not in multiplayer mode. TPWCAS does work for SP, MP, and dedicated server MP.
  8. Start post now contains latest Work in Progress link for TPWCAS for A3. Currently this is the A3 verson kindly collected and packaged by LordPrimate.
  9. Lordprimate, You are absolutely right - I don't know how I messed up big time here.... update: the link I posted was for slightly updated A2 version I never released :p I'll better stay low profile while I sort out the issue :cool: Until then please continue to use Lordprimate's latest version About filtering objects: Robalo uses the following filter in 'fnc_findCover.sqf' of his ASR_AI A3 mod:
  10. The link above is a ArmA 3 only version, and it contains both A3 script and A3 mod version. link is indeed A2 verison :-( Consider it an TPWCAS A3 Beta mod: it should work, but expect a new version to be released 'soon'. I fully realize it's quite confusing having multiple versions around at the moment, but I'm a bit short in development time currently.
  11. I did have a quick look at LordPrimates mod version and noticed some lines that are still A2 and not A3, so (without having tested it) I question if it could work properly at all .. i.E. usage of 'lifeState' command: In A2 this should be matched with "ALIVE", but since ArmA 3 it should be "HEALTHY" (or "INJURED") I still need to look at the other proposed changes made by LordPrimate, and still value his input! End of August I already created an A3 mod version: tpwcas5.01.zip However, I did not release due to some issues with 'setUnitPos "MIDDLE"' command, which may or may not have been solved in the mean time. So the link above does not yet contain my latest changes, and may still contain some issues. Feedback appreciated anyway. I don't know what went wrong but I messed up big time.. :-/
  12. I will verify/update the download link. Player visual effects are working on a dedicated server with only scripts implemented in the mission. Make sure you set "tpwcas_mode = 2" else it will not work.
  13. @Lordprimate you are right - A3 version should be discussed in the A3 section and this thread should stick to A2 related discussion. I've created the A3 discussion post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166800-TPWCAS-for-A3-AI-Suppression-System-suggestions-comments-ideas-discussion About A2 development: I've moved to A3 and though I still have A2 installed I haven't looked at it since I updated TPWCAS after latest A2 patch. I do not intend to create an updated TPWCAS for A2 version with new features. Only in case a new A2 patch might break current functionality I will see if I can easily fix it.
  14. @Lordprimate - many thanks for your updates and help here. I'll take a look at your proposed changes (keep them coming) and I will merge them with my own changes.
  15. Updated to verison 3.2 - see start post New (a.o. things): AI combat awareness status. - Red: combat - Cyan: Stealth - Green: default - Yellow: aware - Blue: careless
  16. Lordprimate, if possible please share it here. I did make some other (minor) changes, and if your proposed mod works I'll merge all and we will release in a formal matter. Thanks!
  17. Here you go: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/Spectator/spectator_a3_v1.zip I've modified the original brilliant Kegety's spectator script to work with A3 Feedback appreciated Changes: - Removed a few camera features - Added a new 'free camera' to replace the hard to handle butterfly camera - Added NVG and thermal (white and black) night vision modes (toggle using n key) - Map Marker Updates are enabled by default (toggle using h key) - Unit Tags are enabled by default (toggle using t key) Usage: - unzip file in spectator sub dir of mission folder - add the following to 'description.ext' file: #include "spectator\spectating.hpp" - for manual start call spectator script with: [player,player,"noWait"] execVM MCC_path + "spectator\specta.sqf"; There are only 3 camera view modes, which can be cycled by mouse menu or c (camera) key - lock-on: will allow you to focus on a unit and circle around by pressing right mouse button and zoom using mouse wheel - chase: will chase the selected unit - free: travel camera around using w,s,a,d,q,z keys, mouse scroll wheel, right mouse to circle, and press Alt key to speed up, and use ctrl key for turbo mode select unit on map to focus on unit, or to move free cam to that location m key - toggle map - mini map - no map h key - while on map stop updating markers in case of low perf n key - toggle night vision and thermal modes t key - toggle unit side identification 1,2,3 - direct cam switch c - cycle camera mode f1 - help esc - close spectaor mode tab - hide hud
  18. Sorry for slow response - I removed v5 link because I thought it had issues wit recent Beta release. I'm quite limited in time so cant really test it - if v5 gives you trouble or doesn't work please try v4.. v4: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_a3/tpwcas_a3_v04_script.zip v5: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/tpwcas_a3/tpwcas_a3_v05_script.zip I'll hope to be able to spend some time to double check and sort it out.
  19. It's a real pity but current TPWEBS will not work properly in MP game. Period. In case of MP game each unit (both player and AI) are created on a single system in the MP game. In other words is local to ne system only. The Player is (quite obvious) always created locally on the players PC. The AI can either be local on a dedicated server or on one of the players PC. In case of no dedicated server but locally hosted server the AI is usually local on the system of the player who is host. Currently TPWEBS will only work properly in MP game for AI which is local on the system of the player who is host, and only if shots are fired by this player. The concept of TPWEBS is based on a detection system which can only detect bullets hit on local system - BIS limitation. I've been looking at a way to share the hit info to other systems: there is a way but this *could* lead to significant network traffic overhead.
  20. Thanks? I'm not aware i did anything here :-) Anyway, tpwebs simply cannot work on a dedicated server without some addittional mp based coding. Problem is this code would ruin the clean and clever lightweigth coding which is used for this single player version. On local hosted server it seems to work, but not if other clients connect. At least that is my preliminary coclusion.
  21. That makes 2 of you - great new release! An A3 beta script version of tpwcas is available. Due to a recent issue with setunitPos "MIDDLE" command I've postponed the TPWCAS A3 mod. I've also looked at tpwEBS to see if I could make it port it to MP/Dedicated Server. It's not easy but there some hacks are needed which *might* have too much impact on server or network bandwith due to network sync usage. As soon as 48 hrs fit in a day I will test it.
  22. Very interesting stuff! I've been trying to monitor AI behavior too, but this is very nice graphical display! Quite useful to examine and I'm really curious to see the impact of e.g. tpwcas I've also been looking at AI target knowledge/ acquiring capabilities about a month ago, to get a clear view if AI are able to see trough fog, trees, bushes and grass, yes or no? I've used a script, which if a player is detected by AI, will deploy red smoke at the place the AI believes the player is located. In case there is no line of sight, the AI uses a perceived player position, in combination with a position accuracy value (radius in meters from this perceived position). So the red smoke will indicate the (perceived) position, and the bigger the accuracy radius, the bigger the smoke circle. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96469595/reveal/arma3%202013-07-03%2020-33-14-13.jpg A) - Are AI able to see trough trees, bushes and grass? The answer is a clear NO! A) Details I also checked if moonlight and fog has an effect on AI spotting targets capabilities? The answer is a clear YES! B) Light conditions