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Everything posted by ollem

  1. The "DSC" in "TPWCAS_DSC" stands for Dedicated Server Coop. So should only be used for players versus AI on dedicated server. i.E. only player shot bullets suppress enemy AI. In case you want both players+friendly AI to be able to suppress enemy AI, you would need regular TPWCAS on the dedicated server, and regular TPWCAS as client on each players PC as well. i.E both player and AI shot bullets suppress AI (both ways). Regular TPWLOS would only be needed on server. ---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ---------- How much is high player count? Anyhow, TPWCAS and TPWCAS-DSC are FPS aware: if server FPS drops below threshold value (configurable) the suppress effect automnatically reduces to make sure FPS stays okay. So worst case you would (temporarily) have the same situation as without TWPCAS running... PelleJones reported they had no problems on dedicated server with some 40 players with TPWCAS/TPWCAS-DSC script version running. NOTE: By default TPWCAS-DCS has embedded TPWLOS: PelleJones has reported this has significant impact on server FPS: at least 15 FPS drop. I'll release a new TPWCAS-DCS version on short notice which will have the option to disable embedded TPWLOS (i'll try before the weekend) For the near future I will make TPWLOS also FPS aware and try to see what causes the FPS hit It requires some debugging but right now I think this might be caused by used 'lineIntersects' and/or 'terrainIntersectASL' command. ---------- Post added at 18:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ---------- Why not: updated TPWCAS-DSC (so for Dedicated Server usage only) which has the embedded TPWLOS disabled by default. Rest exactly the same as v0.2 TPWCAS_DSC_v0.3.zip Readme:
  2. Bugger - just noticed there isn't a disable option in the TPWCAS_DSC (Dedicated Server) PBO version yet... Thought I already added it in this version. Will be there for sure in next release. For now, as a workaround in case you experience low FPS, you my want to set the following parameters in userconfig file (tpwcas_dsc.hpp): //MAXIMUM LOS DISTANCE (M). LOS STUFF ONLY WORKS FOR UNITS CLOSER THAN THIS. tpwlos_maxdist = 50; //MINIMUM LOS DISTANCE (M). ENEMIES ARE CONSIDERED "VISIBLE" NO MATTER WHAT, IF LESS THAN THIS DISTANCE. tpwlos_mindist = 25;
  3. Yes, this is still latest version. I'm still working on an updated version - hope to release soon. PelleJones reported some FPS drop, most likely caused by the embedded TPWLOS. So if you are expecting more the 20 players and a lot of close AI, I recommend to disable for now. In updated version the TPWLOS part will be FPS aware: if FPS drops below threshold TPWLOS effect will stop or decrease ---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ---------- This is really odd. What version of TPWCAS and/or TPWLOS are you using? Please notice there are currently a few different setups possible. TPWCAS_DSC is a special version which should only be installed on a Dedicated Server and non of the clients (= player pc's) are allowed to have TPWCAS and/or TPWLOS running
  4. How does a 'red target marker' look like? You're sure it's not a red debug ball? (did you perhaps test with debug set to 1 to see the diff?) Debug examples in beta version (currently only red) E.g.
  5. it means debug is still enabled for you See start of the thread, and open the spoiler section at: Readme: Please read this for full details of TPWCAS, including features, installation, configuration, caveats, credits and changelog. ---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ---------- If you use TPWCAS (or special version for Dedicated Servers 'TPWCAS_DSC') on server, and do not run TPWCAS on client (you can with normal TPWCAS but should not with TPWCAS_DSC) then the player effects are not active by default (they won't work while this requires client (so player pc) side code as well)
  6. Do you run any mods on the server? I.e. CBA is a prerequisite Does the serverlog show any reference to TPWCAS being started?
  7. What ArmA version did you use? which mods? note: only player-shot-bullets cause AI suppression on dedicated server
  8. Distance to cover for other AI is too far ---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:01 ---------- Object with a minimal size
  9. potential TPWCAS embedded 'find cover' - Work In Progress. Only cover within less then 8 m is considered, while else AI will keep running around like madman, performance might be impacted too much, and/or it's unrealistic to run any further if the bullets are flying around.. This findcover has been setup in a way to have as little impact on AI behavior and performance as possible. So basically AI is given order to move to a position which is considered to provide cover and that's it. Do not expect AI to enter buildings - only hide behind one.. Once arrived at cover location regular AI behavior takes over again. UKBO9iV9FLM Do you think this is added value? Or is the (potential) performance impact not worth the added behavior?
  10. The FPS hit might be caused by the embedded TWP Line-of-Site script.. The TPW-CAS part is FPS Aware (i.e will slow down automatically causing less suppression effect but also less FPS hit) For the TPW-LOS this hasn't been implemented yet, and with 40+ players in close range of AI, the commands used in the script may be just a little too much for the server..
  11. I had a look at both the Zeus findcover and SLX findcover scripts: they are actually pretty much the same (the one evolved into the other). Of course the Zeus one works with the other Zeus mods and the SLX one with the SLX mods. Although thes cover scripts may work quite well (not tested it myself) they also seem quite big scripts and potentially put some strain on the system.. I did found a much more simple find-cover script, and have an adjusted version merged in tpwcas - of course with config option to enable/disable Work In Progress.. It should have fairly limited impact on performance while it's only taking care of some basic find cover. So don't get over exited already, but if there's some cover close, the AI will now move there and not just drop in the open. Only cover within short radius is taken into account, and if unit is already near some cover, it will not trigger a change. There are some minor glitches which require some attention. Once I've found the time to finish it expect a beta version in this thread.
  12. ollem

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    To delete a zone you would first need to delete the associated AI: UPSMON uses the zones to set waypoints for the AI, so you can't just remove it. As a workaround AI can be deleted using the delete option on tab4. Then you could shrink the zone to 10x10 and move it to the edge of the map...
  13. @TOTAL22: I'm not to keen on adding a lot more exception checking: this may impact the overal response and performance. Only thing we might consider to add is some 'ignore' parameter, e.g. to ingnore suppress or to ignore stance change. This could be done by adding to init of the specific unit e.g. this addVariable ["tpwcasIgnore", 1]; (Note: do try this yet, it won't work :p )
  14. ollem

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    On which map(s) the WP issues occurs? (some specific map coordinates to try to reproduce would be helpful in order to try to solve..) Not being able to change the zone type is 'works as designed'.... unfortunately. It's rather complex (if possible at all) to change from e.g. respawn to patrol. Any specific need for this? (I do expect in most cases a suitable simple workaround can be used. ?)
  15. I guess this works as designed: why should they get out of the vehicles for no particular reason? To my experience UPSmon AI loaded trucks will unload when under fire.. so unless there's enemy around they will stay in the truck. (And even then, I've noticed they sometimes will get out and patrol on foot)
  16. Great feature! Will add a lot more flexibility to group management and tactics :cool: I actually did some prototyping for similar functionality recently - saves me some work :p
  17. I performed some quick tests with "playMoveNow". Unfortunately due to the way the mod scripting has been setup this doesn't really provide benefit over the current setup.
  18. First you need to ask yourself based on what kind of decision would you like the AI to call in reinforcements. Also where do you want them to head to. Reinforcements can either be called to go to a specific place (E.g. fixed predefined position or markername - which could in it;s turn be linked to specific group to make it dynamic), or called as general reinforcement, so they will go wherever UPSmon has decided are enemies. Some more info: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/upsmon/wiki/Reinforcement
  19. I've seen the behavior you described myself too: the basic BIS AI behavior sometimes seem to overrule tpwcas commands. Will see what options we may have to improve. (Maybe playMoveNow can do something here) About reveal: the following accuracy settings are applicable for infantry: [ 0 , 1.5 ] - side unknown, some position offset, identified as SoldierWB [ 1.5, 1.6 ] - side identified, subjective cost set [ 1.6, 2 ] - type identified better (USMC_Soldier_Base) [ 2 , 3.6 ] - type identified precisely (USMC_Soldier) [ 3.6, 4 ] - position identified precisely So 4 means they instantly know the exact faction, enemy soldier type and location. Current default tpwcas value is set to 1.25, which may indeed be too low for People-Versus-Ai 2 changes I'm planning to add to TPWCAS_DSC (so special dedicated server version): - config option to enable/disable TPWLOS - make TPWLOS FPS agile (Just like TPWCAS already does. I.e. slowdown TPWLOS refresh frequency or maybe stop temporarily when server fps gets below FPS threshold)
  20. The height diff is indeed a bit hard to notice. However, if the AI goes prone or kneel it doesn't really matter: the debug balls indicate the stance change was caused by suppression scripts. Suppressing AI within 100m range will show 2 debug balls on top of each other - one for suppression and one for line of sight - but it's a challenge to watch that without getting killed :)
  21. Thanks for the update! About the issue: see my post above - last line of my red marked NOTEs: :p - not show color changes for debug balls - height of the ball will indicate level and kind of suppression/tpwlos will activate seperate ball so 2 balls may be visible at same time (Reason for this is color changes would require client side code)
  22. See above: it's part of v0.2 => extract to @TPWCAS_DSC and copy userconfig to userconfig dir if you want to adjust settings. There's no key file (yet), but while it's server side only this doesn't really matter
  23. TPWCAS Dedicated Server COOP only version, with embedded TWPLOS - version Beta 0.2 (special modified version based on TPWCAS 3.04 and TPWLOS 1.03) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/96469595/TPWCAS_DSC_v0.2.zip NOTE: please make sure no other tpwcas or tpwlos is active while otherwise things will most likely go foobar bigtime... (both server and client side) This version will - only run on a dedicated server (no client side script/pbo needed) - only trigger AI suppression by player shot bullets - only trigger LOS for AI being able to see players. - not show color changes for debug balls - height of the ball will indicate level and kind of suppression/tpwlos will activate seperate ball so 2 balls may be visible at same time - server.rpt logging is disabled by default, however debug balls are enabled by default in tpwcas_dsc.sqf and tpwcas_dsc.hpp files - tpwlos has been adjusted, and does include stance dependency too: prone or kneeled players will have reduced chance of being detected Current beta version is available as script version or unsigned PBO. If it appears to be working well I will either formally release separately or embed it in the formal twpcas release as a config select option. For script version: Embed tpwcas_dsc directory in your mission file and start using: null = [] execvm "tpwcas_dsc\tpwcas_dsc.sqf"; For PBO version: Add mod to server startup config copy/move userconfig\tpwcas_dsc\tpwcas_dsc.hpp to <arma dir>\userconfig\tpwcas_dsc\ and adjust parameters when applicable Feedback is highly appreciated And remember: in the unlikely occasion FPS might drop due to these scripts, just stop shooting and move away from AI at least 100 m ;)
  24. bDetect is already embedded in the tpwcas PBO. TPWLOS is needed server side only TPWCAS is needed both server side and client side if you want AI to be able to suppress players, players be able to suppress players, or AI/Players be able to suppress AI part of a players group. Also visual debug will not work well if only used server side. I'm currently working on an optimized version specifically for COOP Dedicated Servers only: it will be server side only and will only allow players to suppress AI.
  25. Unfortunately nobody noticed up to now, but a small bug has slipped into the code resulting in no time of day diff :-/ Function defined is: tpwlos_fnc_sunagle Function called: [] spawn tpwlos_fnc_sunangle; The missing 'n' will be fixed in next release