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About odin1

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  1. I took the silenced mp5 and satchels and 1 law (not sure bout that). Took the route thru the water past the fence (on the right) circled all the way around the base and infiltrated from the north moving from bush to bush. Once I was very close to the house I started eliminating guards with the mp5. They never found out where I was. Then I dashed for the house raising the alarm and getting the complete Red Army after me. I accidently placed a satchel near the wall of the house on my way in. Once inside I got the documents and camped there for a looooooong time while taking out guards (and saving a lot). The T80 drove right up to the house, looked like it was trying to drive through the house =). Then I remembered the satchel I placed and blew it. T80 crew was dead and tank itself very heavily crippled. I dashed for the tank and found out I could still drive it. Although only backwards and forwards =)). So I drove off in the tank towards the sea. No one came after me and once I was as far away as I could I got out and started hiking back passing the fence on the left through the water (took out the guard in the watchtower). And I lived happily ever after ;-)
  2. odin1

    Dragunov Scope

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><snip> It really s**ts me when the government makes a knee jerk reaction to things like this, in a pathetic and transparent bid to grab votes. If the Australian goverment were serious about gun control, why did they wait until something like this happened? *snif sniff* Do I smell hypocracy? <snip> Anyway, thats my rant. And for all those who lost loved ones in this shooting incident, I am truly sorry for your loss. But guns simply aren't the problem.<span id='postcolor'> I'm from Holland where guns are banned altogether (apart from hunting shotguns for few selected animal'control' hunters). I don't know this story about someone rampaging in Oz with an AK but my question is: why the hell should civilians be allowed to have automatic weapons? I mean hunting rifles and stuff sure. But it's not like hunters (imho nobody else needs to have firearms, apart law enforcement..) wanna perforate animals with 99999 RPM of lead?