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It really s**ts me when the government makes a knee jerk reaction to things like this, in a pathetic and transparent bid to grab votes. If the Australian goverment were serious about gun control, why did they wait until something like this happened? *snif sniff* Do I smell hypocracy?
Anyway, thats my rant. And for all those who lost loved ones in this shooting incident, I am truly sorry for your loss. But guns simply aren't the problem.<span id='postcolor'>
I'm from Holland where guns are banned altogether (apart from hunting shotguns for few selected animal'control' hunters).
I don't know this story about someone rampaging in Oz with an AK but my question is: why the hell should civilians be allowed to have automatic weapons?
I mean hunting rifles and stuff sure. But it's not like hunters (imho nobody else needs to have firearms, apart law enforcement..) wanna perforate animals with 99999 RPM of lead?