I'm not one of the developers of this game, but I have observed the following: the view in this game is not necessarily determined by the head position, character model, or animations. These are separate processes and would not require any changes.
If you use the NUM Enter key to change to a third person view, then run, the world doesn't jump up and down as it does in the first person viewpoint. If you press the NUM + key it moves the camera closer to the soldier. To me, this means that camera position can be freely placed around the character, or even anchored to a part of the character model. The camera position is probably defined as the distance from a point or axis, and as such, can probably be adjusted by altering the distances. The Third Person camera would be just right if I could move the camera to just in front of the soldier's head.
I have not need for an actual Third Person camera.
If it is not already in the game, it appears to me that adding an additional view mode such as "First Person without Head Bob" would require little effort.