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Everything posted by nikita320106

  1. try this if yours array1 - you array is global/ then _array1 is local
  2. nikita320106

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    nice) wait for more wepons demo)
  3. can you share with us yours config with flareslauncher???
  4. in character2 config for USMC_Soldier_MG we're have Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"; Icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_machinegunner_CA.paa"; can someone explain me where in game we are see "picture" and where we are see "icon"???
  5. nikita320106

    Picture or Icon??

    Soul_Assassin thanx for help)
  6. nikita320106

    Picture or Icon??

    Big Dawg KS thanx alot)
  7. by defaul in A2 bots using walls,trees, etc.. as a corners so what is wrong with it?? I'm tried earlier use some a1 script for a2 covering and don't have any errors in rpt/// but by lack of testing can't confirm good work for "sethidebihind", etc// try use _covers = NEARESTOBJECTS [getpos _unit, ["house", "landvehicle", "trees"], _distance] check wiki for sintax) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearEntities http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObject http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObjects http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearObjects
  8. I dont know/ but what about by extended init eventhandler for your object?? just try
  9. nikita320106

    Picture or Icon??

    DaSquade,*Planck* thanx alot) but i'm confused by reply as before// as i think in A2 we' have a portrait for right?? or wrong?? picture disbled in a2?? or picture for medic(by xample) only "red cross" in the portrait corner?? right??? or......
  10. nikita320106

    call compile

    great!! Glorify the scripting gurus! All! Glorify Taurus-scripting guru!
  11. can someone tech me how exactly call compile sintax and do his job??? in this example _x_aware = (count (position _leader nearObjects ["BulletBase", 1000])) - (count (position _leader nearObjects ["B_545x39_SD", 1000])) - (count (position _leader nearObjects ["B_556x45_SD", 1000])) - (count (position _leader nearObjects ["B_9x18_SD", 1000])) - (count (position _leader nearObjects ["B_9x19_SD", 1000])); can i' call some _x_aware like this _x_aware = call compile {(count (position...................)}; or _x_aware = call compile {_x_aware = (count (position...................)};
  12. nikita320106

    call compile

    great!! thanx!! thank you very mach)) can i add anothe one q in here???? while (_x_aware > 10) do {sleep 2; _x_aware = [] call MyBulletThing;}; where i can _x_aware call???? or _x_aware = [] call MyBulletThing; while (_x_aware > 10) do {sleep 2; }; or while {(_x_aware = [] call MyBulletThing) > 10} do {sleep 2; };
  13. really great) thanx alot
  14. JDog, Grimes [3rd ID], can you add in test mission man with "laser disignator" and force him targeting yours "armour target"??? (have a trouble with it(
  15. ALWAYS Russian Artillery ALWAYS)) will be wait)) so much any eta for 104??? =============== o) what about ranging-in shot???(sorry ma engliz) example==splash-splash out//player adjust correction//shot-shot out//player check correction//fire for effect// o)and about default dependent from calibre (no way for MRLS take place in 50 m for each shot// as i know for MRLS without head - danger-close about 2000 m(i'm not about realism but about common sense) may be 500 m should be enough))))
  16. nikita320106

    FLIR v1.0

    long waiting work) thank you very mach!
  17. nikita320106

    Animation Viewer

    very useful work) thanx alot
  18. nikita320106

    AimPoint Desert Weapons 1.3

    @AimPoint any plans about Arma2??
  19. nikita320106

    RCIR - NATO Camo

    check later) thanx
  20. nikita320106

    D3 WeaponFX

    thanx for hard job)